Windows Central Question
Win10 restart stalls after 10586 upgrade
Message says it needs to restart in order to complete upgrade. I check restart now and the little dots appear and the message on the screen says Restarting. several hours later the moving dots and restart message are still there, but no restart. have tried a hard restart and then gone to updates. Quickly get a 100% flash up and then the scheduled restart message. Have also set this to allow a restart after 1 hour. Restart starts OK but the results are the same as above. Can anyone help please.
Win 10 pro 64.
Intel i5 CPU
Samsung SSD Pro 256Gb HDD
Message says it needs to restart in order to complete upgrade. I check restart now and the little dots appear and the message on the screen says Restarting. several hours later the moving dots and restart message are still there, but no restart. have tried a hard restart and then gone to updates. Quickly get a 100% flash up and then the scheduled restart message. Have also set this to allow a restart after 1 hour. Restart starts OK but the results are the same as above. Can anyone help please.
Win 10 pro 64.
Intel i5 CPU
Samsung SSD Pro 256Gb HDD