Basic Windows 10 Mail App very buggy


Active member
Oct 8, 2013
Hi All

I've been using the basic outlook mail app on my SP3 and SP4 for nearly a year now and just noticed a potentially massive bug.

Over the past 12 months there have been a few occasions when I've not received mail that the sender is adamant he's sent. The most recent example has been with Microsoft themselves...I filled out a trade in application for my Band 2 and have been waiting for MS to send a confirmation email....been waiting about a month. So today I call up Microsoft and chew the poor guy out for not sending me any email. He swears blind they've sent like half a dozen mails detailing the exchange process...

So both my SP3 and 4 have office 2016, but I've never bothered to set up outlook 2016...until today. I figured I'd see if much has changed with the programme.

I set it up, the mail starts flowing in...and wouldn't you know it...every single mail from the MSBand guy drops in too...going all the way back to November.

I checked the mail I have in the basic outlook app against my outlook 2016 inbox....damn I've missed some really important mail

I'm not talking about junk and family crap mail....I use my SP3 / 4 for business purposes. These are work enquiries and order requests going back months that just never made it to my inbox.

I guess the question I have is: have I set my mail app up wrong? Am I missing a simple setting? Has anyone else noticed missing email in the stock windows 10 mail app?
Hi All

I've been using the basic outlook mail app on my SP3 and SP4 for nearly a year now and just noticed a potentially massive bug.

Over the past 12 months there have been a few occasions when I've not received mail that the sender is adamant he's sent. The most recent example has been with Microsoft themselves...I filled out a trade in application for my Band 2 and have been waiting for MS to send a confirmation email....been waiting about a month. So today I call up Microsoft and chew the poor guy out for not sending me any email. He swears blind they've sent like half a dozen mails detailing the exchange process...

So both my SP3 and 4 have office 2016, but I've never bothered to set up outlook 2016...until today. I figured I'd see if much has changed with the programme.

I set it up, the mail starts flowing in...and wouldn't you know it...every single mail from the MSBand guy drops in too...going all the way back to November.

I checked the mail I have in the basic outlook app against my outlook 2016 inbox....damn I've missed some really important mail

I'm not talking about junk and family crap mail....I use my SP3 / 4 for business purposes. These are work enquiries and order requests going back months that just never made it to my inbox.

I guess the question I have is: have I set my mail app up wrong? Am I missing a simple setting? Has anyone else noticed missing email in the stock windows 10 mail app?

For best performance, I always access the mail in the browser
No I work in IT and I support our HR department and the job application tracking system. The system is set to allow users to create and account (if new) or login using their account. Well if they were a first time user it would send an email to the new user with a one time password to login then askt he user to change the PW. Well we were getting calls that people weren't getting emails back and after researching I found out that people that used Yahoo for their email cleint was putting our emails into the spam folder of the Yahoo.

Another thing is their are 2 kinds of emails account POP2 and IMAP. POP3 email is typically your internet providers email server where when you login the email is actually downloaded to your email client and depending on your setting could remain on the server. But when you view the email you are viewing it on your PC. IMAP is the email is on your Email provider's server and you read it on that server and the emails aren't downloaded to your PC. I use the Windows 10 Mail app moslty for IMAP account likes (Yahoo,, Gmail) and use Live mail or Outlook for POP3 accounts like my internet provider POP3 account on Roadrunner. I use POP3 as I can view my POP3 emails on multiple devices and when I delete it it deletes only on that device. If you delete email using IMAP your deleting it directly on the server. The diasadvantage of the POP3 is I have to login through a browser and delete old emails because i have limits on the mail server. I have to go onto my mail through a browser to delete.

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