Windows 10 lost my office Home and student 2007, what are my options?

Treblis 62

New member
Jan 22, 2016
Windows 10 lost my office Home and student 2007

After I installed win 10,my office Home and student 2007 didn't work although it was listed in the programme list there was no file size shown. I did a reinstall from download and all seemed ok , it told me it was installed but the same thing happened as before- listed but again no size shown. Any ideas ?
Re: Windows 10 lost my office Home and student 2007

After I installed win 10,my office Home and student 2007 didn't work although it was listed in the programme list there was no file size shown. I did a reinstall from download and all seemed ok , it told me it was installed but the same thing happened as before- listed but again no size shown. Any ideas ?

Before checking file size, can you open any of the programs? excel or word? After installing that is
Re: Windows 10 lost my office Home and student 2007

Hi Chintan - thanks for replying. No nothing opens -all I get is a window saying file cannot be found etc. The file is listed in downloads as 311 mb but everytime I try a reinstall (after removing previous) it appears to install but the same thing happens . If I go to control panel > programmes it is listed but shows no size. The same thing happened when trying to reinstall from disc or from Microsoft downloads.
Re: Windows 10 lost my office Home and student 2007

Hi Chintan - thanks for replying. No nothing opens -all I get is a window saying file cannot be found etc. The file is listed in downloads as 311 mb but everytime I try a reinstall (after removing previous) it appears to install but the same thing happens . If I go to control panel > programmes it is listed but shows no size. The same thing happened when trying to reinstall from disc or from Microsoft downloads.

In control panel > programme you can remove the program if you "tap" it but is there not also an option "repair" if so try this option. Maybe this helps or run the trouble shouter.
Re: Windows 10 lost my office Home and student 2007

H i Harry- tried all those options several times before I posted but still no joy. Gonna give it one more try by downloading again from Microsoft - then maybe get in some help. Thanks for the reply.

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