What is your favorite video editing software?

My apologies there.
I read as what is each ones favorite to recommend.
(It's difficult to answer via mobile apps at times)

When I did a small amount of video edit's I thought Premier to be very complete and not all that complicated after using Adobe CS4 for so many years.
Once you get used to Adobe's way of doing things it's not hard to figure out the user interface across most of Adobe's products.
I've used Lightworks the most (https://www.lwks.com/). It is a professional non-linear editor (NLE) that was actually used to cut some major, very well known films over the past couple decades from Pulp Fiction to The Wolf on Wall Street (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightworks#Lightworks_used_in_movies_and_tv_series).

Amazingly, even though it is used professionally, within the last few years they have released it for free for export to Vimeo and YouTube. Paid options are available if you need more export formats then that.

It uses the two-scene style of editing and is very quick to get around and fine-tune the cuts. One of the features I like the most is the ability to cut directly on the main timeline, letting you join and unjoin cuts and adjusting them either in real time or frame-by-frame. There are even great tools for multi-camera syncing. I used it to cut video for a couple weddings that I did videography for (non-professionally, as a favour to friends).

I feel for the price, feature set, and professional polish, Lightworks can't be beat if the Vimeo and YouTube exports are sufficient for your needs.
Thanks for the great suggestions, everyone. Does anyone else have any they'd like to add to the list?
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate is the one I use. I'd say it's semi-professional but still quite simple to use for anyone really.
Former Broadcast editor here, from 2" quad machines to 3/4" UMatic. Adobe Premier CS6 has been very serviceable for me. No reason to look elsewhere.

Combined with After Effects a very powerful post production suite.
Thanks for the great suggestions, everyone. Does anyone else have any they'd like to add to the list?
Hi ! I don't have any more suggestions, but I have noticed that you are the author of a lot of the "How to" tutorials here at WC, and I would like to thank you personalty.
Good stuff! You are appreciated my friend! Now please create a decent search engine so I can find the one I need.
I just bought Movie Edit Touch for £3.09 on the store today. It's not got the best UI things are a bit rough around the edges but it helped me create a really simple video very quickly.

It has a couple of decent transitions and let me add text easily enough. Would be good to have more options on the text and more intuitive controls but for three quid it did what I needed with pretty much no learning curve.
Is it easy to combine videos and add transitions in Premier Elements? I want something easy to use for creating small demo videos of my apps. I used a cheap app from the store to throw together some webcam footage with a few transitions and liked how easy it was to use, just want more options and more polished UI but without getting too complex.
If I'm not mistaken, Premiere Elements has video merge and plenty of transitions. Are you familiar with other Adobe software like Photoshop? Yes or no, PE is pretty easy to get the hang of.
I've used Sony Vegas, Grass Valley Edius, Newtek Speed edit, DaVinci Resolve, and Adobe Premiere. (probably several others too) My go to video editing software is Adobe Premiere.

Worth noting that DaVinci Resolve has a Free tier. And is VERY good.

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