Stop failing updates from retrying?


Mar 4, 2014
So.... I have an update for a RICOH printer driver that windows 10 keeps trying and trying to install despite it failing every time. Is there a way to get it to stop trying to do this one update. I've seen where I can get it to stop by having windows 10 stop doing all automatic driver updates but I just want to stop this one update. Is this possible?
The only way to do this is first to stop all driver updates as described. That should stop the current attempt. Then install the updated driver from the manufacturer's web site. Now you should be able to turn on driver updates through Windows again and it should not try to apply that update any more as it is already in place. Do post your results.
The only way to do this is first to stop all driver updates as described. That should stop the current attempt. Then install the updated driver from the manufacturer's web site. Now you should be able to turn on driver updates through Windows again and it should not try to apply that update any more as it is already in place. Do post your results.

Just to be clear, using the Show or hide updates troubleshooter doesn't stop all driver updates. It stops the ones you choose, i.e., a specific printer driver.
Really? DDU seems to disable all driver updates, or that's how it seems to me. If I don't re-enable it's not just the vid drivers that get blocked with that. You can disable all third party updates from Windows Update through the standard settings as well, so that should do it.
Except the option to block 3rd party downloads has been removed. Sigh, if they remove any more features we'll be back to using the Command Line for everything. Best to use DDU to disable, or work out how it does it.
Looks like the 3rd party block option's been removed. So, use DDU to disable or find out how it does it. Some registry tweak I guess.
Really? DDU seems to disable all driver updates, or that's how it seems to me. If I don't re-enable it's not just the vid drivers that get blocked with that. You can disable all third party updates from Windows Update through the standard settings as well, so that should do it.
I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing. Here's the link to the troubleshooter I used. Is this what you're referring to as DDU?
Nope. This: is pretty much the standard vid card driver cleaner tool in use these days. I kinda thought everyone used it? As part of the process it disables all driver updates over the internet, and will restore them afterwards on request. Not a tool designed for the OP's issue but could be used. Proof of concept though, so see what reg entry it changes and work it out from there.
Nope. This: Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) V17.0.5.5 Released. | Wagnardsoft is pretty much the standard vid card driver cleaner tool in use these days. I kinda thought everyone used it? As part of the process it disables all driver updates over the internet, and will restore them afterwards on request. Not a tool designed for the OP's issue but could be used. Proof of concept though, so see what reg entry it changes and work it out from there.
Why bother when there's a tool that does exactly what the OP wants?
Since the post I responded to, quoted above, indicates the MS tool does not work for the purpose of blocking 3rd party drivers, at least for some people, that's why I bothered.

Except that's not what the post says. It simply says there's no way to stop a specific driver update. It doesn't say he tried the troubleshooter tool and it didn't work. If he did, he should try it again b/c I just did it a couple weeks ago and it works.

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