How do I set up Outlook 2016 to Sync with my calendar as on my phone?


New member
Jun 2, 2016
I must be thoroughly stupid, but I feel like I have tried everything. This month, apparently as the server for the calendar/email in Outlook 2016 is dead and gone, and I can't figure out how to "re-add" the account.

My microsoft account is (obviously not exactly that) and I can't for the life of me figure out how to set it up again in Outlook 2016 after having removed as Microsoft tells me to. It asks to do it "automatically", but then it says something about the certificate being too old. And when I try to do it manually, I come to a stop too.

My GF has the same problem, or rather, I have the same problem with my GF's outlook 2016. Our Lumias syncs as they should, and we can see the various calendar items on, add items on the web calendar, and it will sync fine with the phone, add on the phone and it will sync fine with the web interface.

How on earth do I get our Outlook 2016 installations to sync with the storage of calendar? We are only interested in syncing our calendars (one for each of us, on different computers), and sync our contacts as well. used to work, but MS killed it this month.

I would be very happy if someone could give me an actual play-by-play, rather than the "and then re-add the account". It's the re-adding I have problems with.

Thank you in advance,

Thank you, TechFreak1! (and therefore such addresses as simply makes the address, and I get a "welcome" email saying I need to delete and re-add the email account (it doesn't sync due to eas having been shut down at Microsoft's end).
Then, when I delete once again, and I do not choose an EAS account, it cannot be done manually, and if I enter my actual domain, which is the same as the microsoft account (i.e., it tries to set it all up through "" and not the Microsoft account/microsoft servers.
Edit: I just tried setting up the Windows 10 Calendar (the app, not part of Office 2016). It works. I gather that that can still make use of the (I wrote in the server field, and it changed it to So, I still can't get the outlook 2016 calendar to work as it should, but at least the stripped out Calendar app can be set up. It sucks, but it's a tad better than having to use the browser to see the calendar on the computer.
I'm at a loss as how to get it to work in Outlook 2016.
No, I have already tried that.

The question is this:
Syncing the calendar/people works with the calendar app on my phone. It works on my calendar app on my computer.

However, the desktop Outlook calendar (Outlook 2016) doesn't work, as Microsoft has stopped making it possible to sync via EAS (Exchange Active Sync) on desktop programmes. They stopped this month.

I can setup the microsoft account in outlook (as I used to use it). But because I use, it tries to fetch the sync settings from, and since there is no way in outlook 2016 to type anything in manually if you're not using EAS or IMAP, I can't even type in some (hitherto unknown to me) server setting manually.

I hope that makes it clearer?
I am having a similar issue. I added my account to Outlook 2016 and my calendar is fine. What happens is within contacts the job titles or the name of the company for a contact randomly disappears. I cannot get any help from microsft. I would have to think this is related.

I use a Blackberry Priv and outlook is added thru the Hub. I do not use the Outlook for Android app.

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