Manually installing Creators Update through Update Assistant tool?


New member
Aug 8, 2014
Last week, it was announced that non-Insiders would be able to manually get the Creators Update using the Update Assistant tool starting today, April 5. Has anyone been able to do this yet? The tool just tells me, "Thank you for updating to the latest version of Windows 10." I'm running build 14393.969 on my PC.

Windows Central story here.

Microsoft blog post here.
For the those of you who are eager to get the Creators Update right away, you will be able to initiate the update manually, starting on April 5th, via Update Assistant. This option is intended for advanced users on devices running a licensed version of Windows 10.

The link to the Update Assistant just goes to a page stating that the Creators Update is coming soon. I currently have Update Assistant version 9252 downloaded. This is the latest version of the tool available from the Windows 10 software download page.
It told me that I did not have the newest version (and listed the correct creators version # as the new version) and is still in the process of installing. HOWEVER... The tool also told me this last week and then just re-installed the anniversary update minus all the updates. This happened twice. Soooo.... I'll be honest and say that I'm not super optimistic that when this install finishes I'll have the creators update and not Anniversary again.

Also, I am using the UA version 9252 as well.

UPDATE: Well despite the UA tool telling me it was going to update me to the creators update it again just installed the anniversary update (14393.0). That was a nice waste of 2+ hours. I guess I'll try again after lunch and see if it works then.

UPDATE 2 : MS just posted UA version 28084. Looks like I'm gonna try again.
If it doesn't work this time, I think I just might wait till the 11th.

UPDATE 3: Windows installing, not sure what version I'll get. I got UA 28084 from the UA page on microsoft but the Wind 10 software download page is still serving up UA 9252, which one is older? I dunno, I guess I'll find out in about 2 hours.

Its annoying because both tools tell me "This PC is running version 14393. The latest version is 15063".
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I got UA 28084 from the UA page on microsoft

Can you provide a link to Update Assistant version 28084? The link in that last blog entry quoted in my original post has not been updated, and I'm not seeing any other link to the Update Assistant besides the Windows 10 software download page.
I downloaded and ran that version of the tool, but I'm still only seeing a message stating, "Thank you for updating to the latest version of Windows 10."
Hmmmm... What region are you in? That's about the only thing I can think of as to why I would get the message that a new version is available but you are not.
Well I have now progressed to the post reboot "working on updates x%" stage of my install. I'll let you guys know if this 28084 tool worked any better than the 9252 one. Probably have about an hour left though before its done.
I just returned from lunch and saw on the main Windows Central page that there is a new article stating we can now upgrade early. This was posted about 16 minutes ago. The Update Assistant link in my original post now downloads version 28085 and tells me the latest version of Windows is build 15063.
I'm at 70% on my post reboot "working on updates X%". Hopefully the 28084 UA works. I am a little more confident this time as it is taking quite a bit longer than the last couple times I've tried this. I'm at over 2 hours since the reboot and over 3 hours since the process began. Previous tries (that gave me anniversary update again) took only around 2 hours for the whole process.

Edit: confidence just went down as I realize that the time stamps on these messages are not in sync with my time zone. It's only been 2 hours not 3. :(

Edit 2: Booo... Anniversary Update again. Now get to start again with 28085.
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I initiated the update via Remote Desktop from work. It only took about 15 minutes for the assistant tool to tell me that the update was ready, pending a reboot. I initiated the reboot about 30 minutes ago, but my computer is not available for a remote connection yet. If there is any configuration required on restart to complete the upgrade, I'll have to wait until I return home this evening.
I'm at 70% on my post reboot "working on updates X%". Hopefully the 28084 UA works. I am a little more confident this time as it is taking quite a bit longer than the last couple times I've tried this. I'm at over 2 hours since the reboot and over 3 hours since the process began. Previous tries (that gave me anniversary update again) took only around 2 hours for the whole process.

Edit: confidence just went down as I realize that the time stamps on these messages are not in sync with my time zone. It's only been 2 hours not 3. :(

Edit 2: Booo... Anniversary Update again. Now get to start again with 28085.

Just download ISO with media creation tool and clean install

C:\WINDOWS\system32>dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:E:\sources\install.esd /index:1

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.15063.0

Details for image : E:\sources\install.esd

Index : 1
Name : Windows 10 Pro
Description : Windows 10 Pro
Size : 15.305.539.033 bytes
WIM Bootable : No
Architecture : x64
Hal : <undefined>
Version : 10.0.15063
ServicePack Build : 0
ServicePack Level : 0
Edition : Professional
Installation : Client
ProductType : WinNT
ProductSuite : Terminal Server
System Root : WINDOWS
Directories : 19668
Files : 101896
Created : 19.3.2017. - 4:40:43
Modified : 5.4.2017. - 21:21:43
Languages :
en-US (Default)

The operation completed successfully.
I initiated the update via Remote Desktop from work. It only took about 15 minutes for the assistant tool to tell me that the update was ready, pending a reboot. I initiated the reboot about 30 minutes ago, but my computer is not available for a remote connection yet. If there is any configuration required on restart to complete the upgrade, I'll have to wait until I return home this evening.

You have to set up several privacy settings before you can reconnect.
Forget about the Update Assistant.

Media Creation Tool has been updated.
The new version will give you Creators Update.
Don't use the old MCT link you have saved in your computer. Go to google search and locate MCT.

Run the Tool and download the iso file.
Then you can decide if you want to use the iso for Clean Install or In-place Upgrade Install.
Either way, you will get the Creators Update 15063.
I just managed to install it with download assistant, without any problems in under 1h. (SP4)
Just finished downloading my edition of Windows 10 ISO file from Media Creation Tool.

It is verified that the iso file is version 15063.

15063 version.jpg

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