Creator update decrease in battery life


New member
Feb 11, 2015
Has anyone else experienced a decrease in battery life after installing the creator update, and if so, are there any fixes?

(The decrease in battery life is accompanied by the fan running really fast and a high amount of memory and CPU being used).
Has anyone else experienced a decrease in battery life after installing the creator update, and if so, are there any fixes?

(The decrease in battery life is accompanied by the fan running really fast and a high amount of memory and CPU being used).

I could only comment to Windows 10 mobile devices...

What device are you using?
Has anyone else experienced a decrease in battery life after installing the creator update, and if so, are there any fixes?

Assuming your question is for Windows PC.

Just suggestions :

1. Right click at the battery icon at system tray > select Power Options.
Make sure it is NOT on High Performance Plan.

2. Settings > System > Battery > Battery Saver > select the % when to turn on battery saver.
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Yeah try Battery Saver or make a custom power plan that works best for you.

I believe if you make a custom power plan you can set the amount of CPU usage your device uses to something a bit lower or change a few others in there that might help out.

Also check to see if you have anything running in the background or at startup using task manager.
Are you using Edge? If so try to use another browser (not Chrome, since it uses about the same amount of resources as Edge, rather Firefox or Opera or anything else) to see if that changes anything. I've heard about issues with battery life because of Edge and I can confirm that even my desktop Core i5 7600 gets loud when I'm loading particularly this page full of ads.
Try using Task Manager to 'manage' your background and start-up tasks. There might be an errant win32 program hogging your resources. It happens (which is why Windows 10 S exists). You could also try creating a custom power plan like mentioned above. You might even try optimizing your hard drive and making sure your computer is running as smoothly as possible. Clear out old junk files, defrag, etc. etc. etc.
Has anyone else experienced a decrease in battery life after installing the creator update, and if so, are there any fixes?

(The decrease in battery life is accompanied by the fan running really fast and a high amount of memory and CPU being used).

Did you find what processes/services were using the High CPU/Memory?
Yes my phone is useless now the battery won't last through the day and I am going back to my Lumina 930 it is probably Cortana being forced on us and even disabled it runs continuously.
Yeah I did, I found that system and edge were to blame. I've managed to decrease the CPU usage of system (via Registry Editor) and I'm now in the process of moving stuff from Edge to Firefox.

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