Enter Network Credentials??????


Active member
Nov 30, 2015
I tried to connect to my Desktop, from my SP3 (both on build: 15063.413), using the Network Directory in File Explorer. I get a pop-up window that is asking me to 'Enter Network Credential', my problem is I have entered every username & password combo I can think of to access the Desktop... BUT, I keep getting a 'The username or password is incorrect' message. I know I typed the correct username & password for the Desktop (MS account and password), and I don't ever remember having this pop-up come up in the past. Am I doing something wrong (entering the wrong credentials...the correct credential are NOT my MS account?), or did maybe something get kick-off during the last cumulative update? A little help please:)

Thank you.
I just noticed that there is no longer a HomeGroup set up on my computers (don't know when that happened?), remind me please, do you need to have a HomeGroup set up to use Network, in File Explorer?
I have no idea but you might try adding a domain name before your user name e.g. domain\username.

You can try your device name or IP address as the domain, assuming you don't have one that is.
Thank you for your suggestions @jsooney:), I think I have found the root to my issue...it appears that it has to do with my ISP's credentials, and therefore not giving me free access to navigate my LAN.

Thanks again.

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