Error Code: 0x80073CF0 when updating Store


New member
Feb 7, 2016
So I've went on Release Preview ring yesterday and a Store update showed up, but I was unable to update it since I'm getting the error Code: 0x80073CF0. I have tried running wsreset.exe but it hasn't fixed the issue. I would appreciate any help on how to solve this issue.
Same here with 4 devices having the error. 3 of them in release ring and one in release preview ring. Mobile devices get error 0x80073CF9 instead. I started a thread in a german forum and it seems there a lot of people that are affected by it. Probably a bug on Microsoft's side. I recommend we sit and wait until they solve it.
I keep hoping that one day Microsoft will catch on to the idea that providing error messages in actual human language such as English rather than cryptic codes might be a little easier on the customer, but they are still struggling with that concept. A bit like the difficulty they have with the idea of having a decent spread of shops across the countries they do business in or actually advertising products or the idea that 'retrenching' doesn't actually help to sell products remain challenging concepts for them. Oh well, there's always a chance they'll hire someone who can explain these things to them one day. Problem is, they'll need a doctorate in cryptography to translate the explanation into something the rest of the MS staff can understand...
The store update worked out for me BUT a) the live tile barely functions and b) a couple apps are refusing to update with that same error code (Mail and Calendar and Films & TV apps, namely). Hurry the h*ll up and fix this, Microsoft!
I'm seeing this error code on the release ring for windows 10.

multiple reboots, a network restart, cludged my way through the store cache clearing tutorial care of tenforums, and still getting this error. gee, given friday and saturday featured xbox one's store being all but MIA, what are the odds this is related to that SOMEHOW....

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