Where is my desktop? Not the icons, the page!

Shannon Hawthorne

New member
Nov 2, 2017
After Windows 10 upgrade I cannot find my desktop. (Yes, I made sure tablet mode is turned off) I can access the list of items on my desktop, but there's no place to even right click to restore --- I literally have no desktop screen. After signing in to my computer (Surface Pro 3) I see a search box with apps under it for FB, Target, etc. and I have no idea how to get rid of that and get back my desktop screen. My apps still appear when I click the start button, but where is my desktop screen?
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After Windows 10 upgrade I cannot find my desktop. (Yes, I made sure tablet mode is turned off) I can access the list of items on my desktop, but there's no place to even right click to restore --- I literally have no desktop screen. After signing in to my computer (Surface Pro 3) I see a search box with apps under it for FB, Target, etc. and I have no idea how to get rid of that and get back my desktop screen. My apps still appear when I click the start button, but where is my desktop screen?

It seems you had been disabled your desktop icons.

- Right click on Blank desktop screen > view > Show Desktop icons.

Any problem? Reply here 🙂
Except desktop, can you see the taskbar? If so, then open Update settings > check for updates.
Or update your drivers too.
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After Windows 10 upgrade I cannot find my desktop. (Yes, I made sure tablet mode is turned off) I can access the list of items on my desktop, but there's no place to even right click to restore --- I literally have no desktop screen. After signing in to my computer (Surface Pro 3) I see a search box with apps under it for FB, Target, etc. and I have no idea how to get rid of that and get back my desktop screen. My apps still appear when I click the start button, but where is my desktop screen?

in the search box, type snipping tool and choose the full screen mode. This will take a screenshot of your entire screen. Then go to file --> save as and then choose your documents or pictures folder and give it an easily identifiable name.

Come back to your thread and attach the picture, it would show up as an attachment due to your low post count. This will enable us to see what's happening.

Also a quick question, have you tried right clicking the task bar or the search box and left clicking show desktop?
I found it a couple of days ago, But I don't know how! Just messing with my settings somehow brought it back -- no one was as surprised as I! Thank you for responding.

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