Why is Battery Saver showing apps running in background when I have it set to not run them?


Active member
Jan 12, 2013
Some apps in the Battery Saver are "not allowed" to run in the background, but despite that they still have some background power usage. Just recently, the usages were magnified unreasonably, as shown in the screen shot. Internet Explorer is not allowed to run in the background but Battery Saver shows that it has used a lot of power in the background (there were other apps that had background usages as well even if they were not allowed to run in the background, but I no longer took a screenshot of them).

What's going on? Does battery saver really prevent apps from running in the background? It seems that some apps that are allowed to run in the background are no longer updating automatically as they should, while those that are not allowed are the ones that are running.
Re: Battery Saver "not allowed" Bug

That would be usage from the last 48 hours so if you only just switched an app across to not allowed then that usage wouldn't update until 48 hours for that background task are up.
Re: Battery Saver "not allowed" Bug

That would be usage from the last 48 hours so if you only just switched an app across to not allowed then that usage wouldn't update until 48 hours for that background task are up.

Internet explorer (as in the photo) was never allowed to run in the background... I've always set it not to run in the background, so there's no way it was allowed to run in the background within the last 48 hours. I also don't change the battery saver settings often (only when I install a new app... to turn it off and prevent it from running in the background). I turn off all my apps by default except those that I need to run in the background, which is why the background usage of those that are not allowed to run in the background, no matter how small, bugs me.
Re: Battery Saver "not allowed" Bug

I've noticed that reported usage for IE seems out of whack when I turn the phone off and on,or do a soft reset.Lumia 928. . .
Re: Battery Saver "not allowed" Bug

I've noticed that reported usage for IE seems out of whack when I turn the phone off and on,or do a soft reset.Lumia 928. . .

Thanks, I'll make an observation on this next time I would need to perform a soft reset... especially with the buggy L1020 camera on Developer Preview.
Re: Battery Saver "not allowed" Bug

Running under lock screen counts as background usage
Re: Battery Saver "not allowed" Bug

Running under lock screen counts as background usage

But if the app is marked as not allowed to run in the background, isn't it also supposed to be not allowed to run under lock screen?
Re: Battery Saver "not allowed" Bug

But if the app is marked as not allowed to run in the background, isn't it also supposed to be not allowed to run under lock screen?

No, all you stop is the background task from running. If it's running under the lock screen then that is still background usage.
Re: Battery Saver "not allowed" Bug

No, all you stop is the background task from running. If it's running under the lock screen then that is still background usage.

Thanks for the clarification; now it makes sense, but MS probably should make a distinction between the power consumption of having the app active under lock screen and the power consumption of the background agent of the app.

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