Can't sign in Microsoft account after hard reset ( error 0x80048264 )


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Nov 7, 2016
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I made a hard reset 3 days ago due to memory issues, on my Lumia 820.

Ever since, I am unable to sign in to my Microsoft account, hence unable to download any app from the store.

I can't add an account too. When I tried to sign in, I always get an error 0x80048264, regardless of correct or wrong password. When I create a new account, everything seems fine until I try to download from the store, which I get error 80048264. Also, after soft reset, the new account will be missing from phone, and under the add Microsoft account section, will display that I had no accounts added to the phone.

I have tried numerous solutions, automatic time date setting on off, phone update, another hard reset, all to no avail.

I am unable to set up email during the initial setup after a hard reset, as I do not have mobile data as I am using prepaid. I have access to wifi tho.

Any help will be appreciated, as I really need to be able to connected to the store


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Mar 1, 2015
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I had that issue at one point too but it was on WP 8.1. Even though my date, time, time zone were accurate, setting those manually is what fixed it for me.

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Mar 1, 2015
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Time and date is set correctly. Still not working
Have you spoke to Microsoft support/opened a ticket on it?

When this happened to me a while back that's what I did, and they have all the procedures and some for issues like that.

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Mar 1, 2015
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Thanks for replying, how do I contact Microsoft support?
Are you resetting the phone (hard reset) then trying to add the account during setup? Windows 8.1 correct?

Edit/Update: If trying to set it up after hard reset and it's failing, while only on wifi..Try a different wifi connection. I read on Microsoft community some where this worked for some one.

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Nov 7, 2016
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I only can add account after setup, as I am using prepaid sim. Yes it is Windows 8.1

I can't connect to wifi in the initial setup, as I am using a password protected connection. However, I can try using another wifi and i'll update here.


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Nov 7, 2016
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Are you resetting the phone (hard reset) then trying to add the account during setup? Windows 8.1 correct?

Edit/Update: If trying to set it up after hard reset and it's failing, while only on wifi..Try a different wifi connection. I read on Microsoft community some where this worked for some one.

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EDIT / UPDATE: The error is gone. I have not hard reset my phone, connected thru same wifi. However, after adding an account, it will bring me back to the settings page. And account won't show that I have added it. I also can't find the option to add account until I soft reset my phone. I tried downloading an app thru the store. It says My Family setup needed, even though I had already added a parent on


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Mar 1, 2015
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EDIT / UPDATE: The error is gone. I have not hard reset my phone, connected thru same wifi. However, after adding an account, it will bring me back to the settings page. And account won't show that I have added it. I also can't find the option to add account until I soft reset my phone. I tried downloading an app thru the store. It says My Family setup needed, even though I had already added a parent on
UPDATED: Sounds like either a bug in your particular 8.1 build for the 820 or there is a family account setup to manage your families devices and app access. If it's a bug it is likely that it won't get patched unless its a security issue/bug. If the device is managed via a family account then it might not be fully set up or needs a few more steps completed on the phone. I've never used that feature myself.

If you have a recent back up and have the capability to hard reset while on a different wifi, you could do that. Or find out if it is managed under a family account setup. Setting up your account from the beginning should work.

sent by mTalk
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Nov 7, 2016
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UPDATED: Sounds like either a bug in your particular 8.1 build for the 820 or there is a family account setup to manage your families devices and app access. If it's a bug it is likely that it won't get patched unless its a security issue/bug. If the device is managed via a family account then it might not be fully set up or needs a few more steps completed on the phone. I've never used that feature myself.

If you have a recent back up and have the capability to hard reset while on a different wifi, you could do that. Or find out if it is managed under a family account setup. Setting up your account from the beginning should work.

sent by mTalk

Changed the age settings under my live account, and the problem is fixed. I am able to download once again! :excited: Not sure what caused the error previously though. Thanks for help too.

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