Tip for new Win Phone users: Integrated FB, Twitter, etc in one spot in people hub


New member
Nov 15, 2012
Note, this is for new users, if you have been using WP this is probably basic information you already know or figured out.

I am a new Window's Phone user and had some confusion when I tried to connect various accounts from the same user to a single person on my phone. I downloaded FaceBook (I don't use Twitter but I assume it's the same) and logged in, but I didn't see any of their FB updates in my people hub, which I thought was one of the features of WP8. Well, it is, and I just misunderstood the process. Here were my steps:

  • In my case, I went into the people hub and created a family group which I added my family members relatives to.
  • I downloaded FB and logged in. I then went to my people hub but saw no FB data on my family members. I checked everywhere but could not figure out how to associate them to their FB account.
  • Well, my mistake was where I added the account. The stand-alone FB app does not get tied to the people in your WP8 hub. Add your FB account under WP8 > Settings > Email and Accounts and it will now associate all of your FB contacts. Now when you access your group you see all of their recent activity under 'What's new' along with their photos and contact info. No one else posts, just the groups updates all in one easy place. Makes it so easy to keep up on your family (or whatever group you create)
  • Maybe someone who uses Twitter can confirm it works for that also?

Again, this is probably painfully obvious for some, but I plodded along for a few hours before I understood how to do it.
Note, this is for new users, if you have been using WP this is probably basic information you already know or figured out.

I am a new Window's Phone user and had some confusion when I tried to connect various accounts from the same user to a single person on my phone. I downloaded FaceBook (I don't use Twitter but I assume it's the same) and logged in, but I didn't see any of their FB updates in my people hub, which I thought was one of the features of WP8. Well, it is, and I just misunderstood the process. Here were my steps:

  • In my case, I went into the people hub and created a family group which I added my family members relatives to.
  • I downloaded FB and logged in. I then went to my people hub but saw no FB data on my family members. I checked everywhere but could not figure out how to associate them to their FB account.
  • Well, my mistake was where I added the account. The stand-alone FB app does not get tied to the people in your WP8 hub. Add your FB account under WP8 > Settings > Email and Accounts and it will now associate all of your FB contacts. Now when you access your group you see all of their recent activity under 'What's new' along with their photos and contact info. No one else posts, just the groups updates all in one easy place. Makes it so easy to keep up on your family (or whatever group you create)
  • Maybe someone who uses Twitter can confirm it works for that also?

Again, this is probably painfully obvious for some, but I plodded along for a few hours before I understood how to do it.

I can confirm that Twitter works the same way. You have to add your FB or Twitter account in the Email & Account settings, then you can see all the activity in the People hub. You can also add a Linknd account if you have one. Also, when FB and Twitter are set up, you can filter which feed you'd like to see primarily in the people hub. At default, you see all activities for all the accounts you registered. However, if you look in the What's New section, right under What's New, there's a link called ALL ACCOUNTS. Press on that and then you can filter which ones you want to see only.
also i'd like to point out if you want facebook chat working properly, go into settings - backup - text messages - make sure "use facebook chat" is on. also in your windows live account (from live.com) make sure you associate your facebook account with your windows live account. to do this, after you sign in look at the middle of the page to find "messenger social". to the right of that you'll see "connected to". click on facebook and add facebook. then going back to the page with messenger social, to the right of "connected to" you'll see "add". click the drop down arrow next to "add" then click "manage services". under "facebook" click edit. on the next page make sure "chat with facebook friends" has a check mark in it then click save. now when you get a msg from facebook.com it will push the msg to your phone.
I didn't want to start a new thread but thought my question might fit in under this thread. I have my Twitter and Facebook accounts setup and everything works great. But I noticed that I'm seeing Facebook updates that I have hidden on the web version. For example, people playing games. I do not want those feeds to be sent to my Windows Phone. I don't care when someone does something in Farmville. lol
I know that was always an issue on my wife's WP7 devices. Since the People Hub acts as a 3rd party app, it doesn't respect the same settings that the website has. It will also not show updates from people who have certain privacy settings that restrict access from 3rd party apps. It was the same on the beutiful HP webOS Touchpad Facebook app. MS seems to have gotten around this issue with the actual FB app, but not the people hub.
I know that was always an issue on my wife's WP7 devices. Since the People Hub acts as a 3rd party app, it doesn't respect the same settings that the website has. It will also not show updates from people who have certain privacy settings that restrict access from 3rd party apps. It was the same on the beutiful HP webOS Touchpad Facebook app. MS seems to have gotten around this issue with the actual FB app, but not the people hub.

Thanks! That makes sense.
So...I don't use FaceBook or any of the other social sites, but my wife does. She will be getting her 920 in a few days. Is is better to use the FaceBook app or the People Hub? She is coming from iOS. I assume she could just use both.
So...I don't use FaceBook or any of the other social sites, but my wife does. She will be getting her 920 in a few days. Is is better to use the FaceBook app or the People Hub? She is coming from iOS. I assume she could just use both.

I use the app for dealing with groups and pages, and people hub for everything else.
So...I don't use FaceBook or any of the other social sites, but my wife does. She will be getting her 920 in a few days. Is is better to use the FaceBook app or the People Hub? She is coming from iOS. I assume she could just use both.

I use both. In the people hub when you select a specific person or group it integrates only their contact and updates. In the FB app it shows everyone's updates and posts.
So...I don't use FaceBook or any of the other social sites, but my wife does. She will be getting her 920 in a few days. Is is better to use the FaceBook app or the People Hub? She is coming from iOS. I assume she could just use both.
I would show her how to use both and let her decide.

I use the People Hub for light FB use and the app for heavy use.
So...I don't use FaceBook or any of the other social sites, but my wife does. She will be getting her 920 in a few days. Is is better to use the FaceBook app or the People Hub? She is coming from iOS. I assume she could just use both.

I say use the People primarily for feed activity and posting, but if she's all about other features of FB, then the app can act as a backup. There's really no point to open an app like FB, if the People hub is available.
I set a group of best friends, and I noticed the live tile switches between alot of small pictures that change and the same facebook status. Will the tile eventually start displaying random fb updates, tweets etc or is it just broken??
Same question of above. People Hub only shows small images, but not the news feed. Can I change this to show me the news feed of my contacts?
I say use the People primarily for feed activity and posting, but if she's all about other features of FB, then the app can act as a backup. There's really no point to open an app like FB, if the People hub is available.

If you make a Group, their pinned tile will rotate between the group's pictures and display (usually) the most recent status update from whichever person in the group made it. After a while, it will disappear.
Same question of above. People Hub only shows small images, but not the news feed. Can I change this to show me the news feed of my contacts?

To see a group's news feed, you'd need to make a specific Group and pin that to the start screen.
I didn't want to start a new thread but thought my question might fit in under this thread. I have my Twitter and Facebook accounts setup and everything works great. But I noticed that I'm seeing Facebook updates that I have hidden on the web version. For example, people playing games. I do not want those feeds to be sent to my Windows Phone. I don't care when someone does something in Farmville. lol

Exact same issue I have. Actually this is one of the only things I want to change about my 8x.
Since the People Hub acts as a 3rd party app, it doesn't respect the same settings that the website has.

Bummer; I spent about two hours dialing in filters on the Facebook site specifically to make my WP8 People hub more tolerable.
Doesn't the facebook messaging ap suck? If that's so, I would always open the facebook app in order to send messages/check received ones.

I say use the People primarily for feed activity and posting, but if she's all about other features of FB, then the app can act as a backup. There's really no point to open an app like FB, if the People hub is available.

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