Live tiles dead


New member
Jun 22, 2012
For the last couple of days, all my 1020 live tiles appear to have died. I checked Background Tasks in the settings app and all the apps I want to have live tiles for (WPCentral, WeatherFlow, Battery Pro+, My Stocks Portfolio) are enabled. However, their data does not update unless I open the app. I've restarted my phones several times but this still hasn't fixed the situation. Any tips?
For the last couple of days, all my 1020 live tiles appear to have died. I checked Background Tasks in the settings app and all the apps I want to have live tiles for (WPCentral, WeatherFlow, Battery Pro+, My Stocks Portfolio) are enabled. However, their data does not update unless I open the app. I've restarted my phones several times but this still hasn't fixed the situation. Any tips?

I haven't had this problem on my 822, however, on my old Trophy it happened a few times. I found that sometimes unpinning and repinning would help; if that didn't work than uninstall and reinstall the app usually solved it. This isn't one of those issues that I've kept up with, so that's my limited knowledge of a solution.
For the last couple of days, all my 1020 live tiles appear to have died. I checked Background Tasks in the settings app and all the apps I want to have live tiles for (WPCentral, WeatherFlow, Battery Pro+, My Stocks Portfolio) are enabled. However, their data does not update unless I open the app. I've restarted my phones several times but this still hasn't fixed the situation. Any tips?

Do you have App Social installed? That broke my live tiles (928). Uninstall and reboot and see if that fixes it.
I don't think removing App Social fixed it (no updates after 30 minutes) so I unpinned and repinned all the apps that I cared about the live tiles for. It looks like Weather Flow is updating now but still not sure about the others.
I don't think removing App Social fixed it (no updates after 30 minutes) so I unpinned and repinned all the apps that I cared about the live tiles for. It looks like Weather Flow is updating now but still not sure about the others.

I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure the fastest 3rd party apps can update a live tile is once an hour.
I don't think removing App Social fixed it (no updates after 30 minutes) so I unpinned and repinned all the apps that I cared about the live tiles for. It looks like Weather Flow is updating now but still not sure about the others.

I hope that solved it. Let us know.

This has been an issue for some, so if you search the forums/internet, you may find some better advice.
Hello, I've been living with the Live Tile issues for quite some time. I never really looked into it until recently though. Thankfully, I was able to get them working again. I believe mine stopped working because I would install everything under the sun on my L920. I think that most apps with Live Tile capability default to enabling the Live Tile even if you don't pin the app to your start screen. With that said, I believe the OS has a limit of 15 apps with Live Tile enabled and when you exceed that count, the Live Tiles will break and or become intermittent. You can have Live Tiles enabled in an App and it will count towards the limit of 15 even though you may have that app blocked in Background Tasks. So the way I got mine working again was I went though and first uninstalled all the apps I never use. Then I went through each remaining app that was installed and disabled the Live Tile functionality within the App if I didn't need the Live Tile (I had already previously blocked most of the apps from Background Tasks). After restarting, my Live Tiles started working again. I currently use the following Live Tiles.

Battery Pro+
Simple Calendar - I love this app!
Bing Finance
Bing Weather
Windows Phone Central - I've been opening the app like 20x per day looking for new news. Maybe now with my Live Tiles working, I won't have to open it so often!

Since fixing my Live Tiles, I've noticed that my battery life is actually better, even though I had ever single app blocked in Background Tasks before this. Before you say that my Live Tiles didn't work because I had them blocked, I need to say that I've tried enabling the Background Tasks for apps and they still didn't work so I just ended up keeping them all blocked. So now with a handful of apps non blocked and using Live Tiles I'm actually noticing better battery life.

Good luck to those with the issue. It wasn't fast and easy to get mine working, but now I'm happy I went through the trouble.
Thanks, Mr. Brown. Hopefully 8.1 will have some type of Live Tile overhaul to make tiles more stable.
Hello, I've been living with the Live Tile issues for quite some time. I never really looked into it until recently though. Thankfully, I was able to get them working again. I believe mine stopped working because I would install everything under the sun on my L920. I think that most apps with Live Tile capability default to enabling the Live Tile even if you don't pin the app to your start screen. With that said, I believe the OS has a limit of 15 apps with Live Tile enabled and when you exceed that count, the Live Tiles will break and or become intermittent. You can have Live Tiles enabled in an App and it will count towards the limit of 15 even though you may have that app blocked in Background Tasks. So the way I got mine working again was I went though and first uninstalled all the apps I never use. Then I went through each remaining app that was installed and disabled the Live Tile functionality within the App if I didn't need the Live Tile (I had already previously blocked most of the apps from Background Tasks). After restarting, my Live Tiles started working again. I currently use the following Live Tiles.

Battery Pro+
Simple Calendar - I love this app!
Bing Finance
Bing Weather
Windows Phone Central - I've been opening the app like 20x per day looking for new news. Maybe now with my Live Tiles working, I won't have to open it so often!

Since fixing my Live Tiles, I've noticed that my battery life is actually better, even though I had ever single app blocked in Background Tasks before this. Before you say that my Live Tiles didn't work because I had them blocked, I need to say that I've tried enabling the Background Tasks for apps and they still didn't work so I just ended up keeping them all blocked. So now with a handful of apps non blocked and using Live Tiles I'm actually noticing better battery life.

Good luck to those with the issue. It wasn't fast and easy to get mine working, but now I'm happy I went through the trouble.

I alwatys, after installing a new app, go into settings and enable/disable live-tiles and background tasks (depending, of course, on whether or not I find it useful.) I also go into background tasks and disable from there, for the apps I don't need running. Saves some time by not having to go through everything later on.
Hmm, well I had no idea about that. I thought it just relied on the first 5 apps in the Background Tasks list. I have to say the implementation is kind of stupid and untransparent.

Well that is about push notifications while this seems to be about background threads. Push should be delivered immediately and I think is reliant on MS servers (or whatever server the push is being sent from). Background tasks should not be controlled by any external servers but just by what happens to be running on your phone.
The post by Mr. Brown is more or less accurate and explains a lot of people's issues. Most don't know there is even a limit, and the system is far from hands free in taking care of itself.

Basically if your tiles are very intermittent and/or totally do not work unless you launch the apps go into all of your apps individually that may have background tasks, live tiles, and notifications and disable them inside the app (EVEN IF THEY ARE BLOCKED). Some apps you'll notice don't have a setting to disable background tasks and such, and if that's so, then the block should work, but I'm not 100% sure it does or does not count towards the max limit of useable background tasks. Uninstall apps you really don't use and that will eliminate any possibility of those taking up a slot.

Hopefully MS is bolstering this system in the upcoming GDRs and/or 8.1, as it needs to be less hands on, more reliable, and able to handle more tasks so the user experience is flawless.
Well, few days of working Live Tiles and all of a sudden they died again. Time to do some more digging.
Well, few days of working Live Tiles and all of a sudden they died again. Time to do some more digging.

I am having the same issues I have tried all the recommendations but to no avail. They were working fine yesterday and then they stopped. Whatever they do in Windows 8 they need to do in Windows Phone. Would be nice if they could just talk to each other.
I am having the same issues I have tried all the recommendations but to no avail. They were working fine yesterday and then they stopped. Whatever they do in Windows 8 they need to do in Windows Phone. Would be nice if they could just talk to each other.

Have you gone through all your apps whether blocked or not and made sure to check for notification, tiles, and background settings being turned off in the individual apps? Also keep in mind some apps don't give you the ability to turn off the background tasks in the app and may or may not show up in the list of items to block so they then count towards that 15ish limit. You can try to turn a few of your less "priority" apps background tasks as well and see if they come back. Or simply uninstall stuff you really don't use.
Never had this problem with my 710 or 810. Have had my 1020 since launch and last week the live tiles stopped updating completely. I just installed a bunch of apps and honestly can't remember which ones were installed the day my live tiles died. Coming from 810 with only 8GB, I've been on an app installing spree haha.

Tried blocking all the apps, soft reset, and then turning them back on one by one. I've been monitoring the live tiles and after doing that some of them update a few times a day, some still completely dead. I know about the 30 minute limit and it's definitely taking a lot longer than that. Don't really want to but I guess I'm going to do a hard reset. :(

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