Calling all mods - an idea for a forum


New member
Jun 25, 2013
I was thinking why isn't there a photography area in this forum?

I mean Nokia is number 1 for camera smartphones (I understand there is a sticky thread for this under each of the devices)

But why not a stand alone area where people can discuss how they take their pictures, tips and tricks and with the new Lumia 1020 have comps and such :)
And not one that is hidden away for no one to see, everyone likes taking pictures :winktongue:

Anyone agree?
We certainly can run it by those who decide such things and see what they think. There are already several threads with regards to show the pictures taken with your phone, how to take better pictures, etc. Putting them all in one place might not be bad. It wouldn't hurt if the readers showed interest. An indication that if a forum was made, it would be active and not a ghost town after a couple of weeks.

Also I'll move this to the appropriate forum so that the administrator and community manager can see it.
Putting them all in one place might not be bad. It wouldn't hurt if the readers showed interest.

Exactly I would love to see what people have managed on their smartphones and be able to advance what I can do.. Come on guys :) We can do this!

I was actually talking w Dave about this last week. We recently launched a new Photography section over at Android Central, and it's doing quite well. We want to do the same here but want to give it some careful thought before we put into play.

Any thoughts or suggestions, post them here!
I'm not a full user of my 928 but would love to be more knowledgeable regarding the camera and some of the apps available to take better and more varied pictures.

One of the things I find almost impossible to locate are manuals and video how to's. Take ProShot as an example. Is there a guide to how to set it up and is there a youtube video showing the different ways to take advantage of the app?

I can see this as one of the major advantages of having a devoted forum for WP8 Photography.
I'm not a full user of my 928 but would love to be more knowledgeable regarding the camera and some of the apps available to take better and more varied pictures.

One of the things I find almost impossible to locate are manuals and video how to's. Take ProShot as an example. Is there a guide to how to set it up and is there a youtube video showing the different ways to take advantage of the app?

I can see this as one of the major advantages of having a devoted forum for WP8 Photography.

I don't know if you've seen this thread or not. But things like this should definitely be a part of a photography forum.
I don't know if you've seen this thread or not. But things like this should definitely be a part of a photography forum.

I agree, look at how popular the pictures/videos sticky threads are on all the device forums.

I would love to get involved :)

We should come up with ideas for sub sections for example; tutorials, Nokiaography, Lenses,

and maybe a section with explanations like this


[INFO]Taken on:Nokia Lumia 925
Lens:Default Camera
Custom Settings:White Balance = Daylight, Everything else = Auto[/INFO]

So then people can learn and get a similar effects :smile:

oooOOoo I'm excited :winktongue:
One of the big things to consider, and something we've been arguing over here.... is does it make more sense to have a dedicated category... or continue with sub-forums per device?

For clarity, I do like having a separate category for this. Groups things nicely into one spot, regardless of device.

Still excited about this... will be able to run some cool contests n' stuff for those that post the best photos :) All kinds of options here!!!

Keep the suggestions coming.
Noo keeping the sub categories make it seem less important

Having a dedicated section would bring in the people who aren't all that fussed about the OS or devices and more interested in the photography and even the people who aren't all that interested in photography will still go there to look at some people pictures and join in with conversations

And as for the competitions this is something everyone could be a part of, maybe maybe! Even a cross platform competition on rare occasions everyone loves a bit of healthy competition
As long as the photography forum here is Windows Phone. I really am not interested in pictures from other OS's.
True, but being Windows Phone Central, have to show some photograph love to the HTC, Samsung and Huawei too.

Fair enough haven't really tried them, not a big fan on Android but I have seen some pictures and have been pretty impressed, hence why I suggested the cross platform competition :)
I haven't tried them either, but they are Windows Phones, so their photos should be included. Competition can come in time, gotta get the ball rolling first.
Oh yeah yeah, I understand was hoping *cough* someone would make this a sticky *cough* :winktongue:

That would help the ball get rolling :)
I would love this. Not only does it help others Learn the full power of their cameras and allow us to show off our photography but in a way it could make the community more cohesive instead of segregating the photo threads to their respective device forum.
Oh yeah yeah, I understand was hoping *cough* someone would make this a sticky *cough* :winktongue:

That would help the ball get rolling :)

It's at the top and doing fine. And it seems to have caught the attention of the right people and is under works. You should do something about that cough.

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