Any good music player with offline lyrics support???

Gautam Kabiraj

New member
Sep 5, 2013
Hi everyone!

I've been looking for a decent music player that supports lyrics for the music collection I've on my phone (of over 7.5GB). I think I've been hunting for almost a week now without any success. Of course, I'm aware of musiXmatch and Music+, one doesn't support offline lyrics playback and the other... just can't even find the correct lyrics of the songs -_-

Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks! :)
Tried Listen? I had it for some time.. Pretty good at finding lyrics..

Thanks mate!

Damn! I had seen the app before! Guess I was a little too dumb by looking at the app screenshots and thought it only supports Chinese, and never bothered to try it. My bad!

The app does what it claims. Thanks again for suggesting it!

Yeah! Listen is great, but just don't buy it, use the free version, its better.

Right, I saw the reviews for the paid version, it was average at its best. I don't think I'll be missing out something big...
There all ONLINE database lyrics ;(. I have all my lyrics inside the actual Mp3 file trough iTunes. And non of the above mentioned programs does find any lyrics from my Mp3's. Maybe this has something to do with where iTunes puts the lyric, but i doubt that.

This in contrary to my Nokia 808 which did this trick trough its built in music player..... So Microsoft/Nokia knows how to do this, but somehow dileberatly does not include this feature in its own Windowsphone musicplayer.

Make a simple player which shows the build in lyrics (in overlay) and cover art. And can play my iTunes playlists.
Skip all the other crap ....and do it WITHOUT online acces, according to the KISS principle: Keep It Simple Stupid ;)

And Microsoft repair the Windows phone app for the Mac!

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