Please help... Windows 10 stuck at 99 percent reset.


New member
Jul 13, 2013
I'm resetting my personal PC which had windows 10 but I was giving it to my step son but now its stuck at 99% for the past hour... Is this normal?
Yes that is normal. What are your PC specs? And I have a tablet and I just let it run overnight when it was doing the updating process, just leave it on a charger.
Well - I wrote this piece, for the Microsoft Support Forum :-) So I might as well post it as a comment here, since it contains the very latest news and issues reports FRESH from MS Tech Support :-)

EVEN this letter is written, for an entirely different purpose, I still hope it might come in useful for someone, BEFORE the deadline tomorrow :-)

Qoute self:

"If you are having your Windows 10 install today last day STALL FOR 19 AND 36 HOURS - EXACVT same place each time - @ 99% of the install performed CORRECTLY.

AND then: iNSTALLER IS HALTING THE setup process - as ALSO reboot and roll-back, NOR PRESENRING any OPTUIONS OR CHOICES (I experienced it x 3 - plus the problems are listed in the Install Tool's log-files, including the entire set-up script and what goes wrOng... )

I'm one of the 100's of THOUSANDS (100.000's and + counting, customers) (according to SEVERAL phone tech supporters, I spoke with today) (3 to be exact) - IT JUST HAPPENS TO BE SO:

Microsoft HAS HAD an internal memo as per two days ago MAILED TO all PHONE TECH SUPPORTERS, REGARDING WINDOWS 10 UPDATE before deadline.. So I was informed by supporters today - will WE WITH THE INSTALLER PROBLEM THEN BE CHEATED for the WIndows 10 advertised free upgrade??

For which I personally did buy 4 Windows 8 licenses and 2 Windows 7 Ultimate and Pro licenses - WHAT THEN FOR US AS CUSTOMERS??? :-( Can we at least EITHER RUN the Windows 10 setup tool and enter OUR PRODUCT KEYS and press OK - so the computers ID and our previous Windows versions keys, be REGISTERED and PAIRED and AUTHORIZED, in Microsoft's licensing server system, AS ELIGEABLE for the _FREE_ Windows 10 UPDATE ?? WILL THIS PROCEDURE, I heard rumorued on the net fora today, RESULT in OUR KEYS and PC's BE CORRECT validated??

Hence we be able to install and register Windows 10 for FREE - AS DESERVED AND PAID FOR - WHEN the day comes, that Microsoft FIXES an update Windows 10, so we ARE ABLE to install it on our computers??

ALSO Tech Support informed me that the problem is "less than apparant" (???), i.e. NOT REALLY presenting itself, when using a DVD OR USB key media to install fresh or perform update of Windows 7, 8, and 8.1...

So can we hope for a FIX for the download tool, which support to me INSISTED ON STILL WAS _THE BEST WAY_to install and have Windows 10 work and becoming CORRECTLY LICENSED AND REGISTERED... What do I do??

BECAUSE IF THIS IS not rectified BEFORE deadline tomorrow - i will expect 2 wINDOWS 10 pRO LICENSE KEYS DFOR MY MACHINES - SINCE I PAID UP IN ADVANCE WITH 6 LICENSES PURCHASED - the very day Microsoft announced the FREE UPDATE to Windows 10 WOULD be ELIGEBLE for - well - people LIKE me! ;-) ... Plus buying Office and storage and phone time from MS, using Windows OS.

AND WELL - the INSIDER PREVIEW WORKED JUST FINE WHEN TESTED - before switching back to Windows 7 and 8, due to software compatability issues...

I must say I INSIST on getting either license product keys - or having the DEADLINE extended, untill such time as Microsoft has fixed the WELL KNOWN BY THEM broken installer.


Sincerely Yours - Kim Futtrup Silverhorse Petersen, Denmark
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