Can anyone *confirm* what Windows 10 mobile phones support call recording?

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Windows Central Question

I read that all the phones that came with W10M out of the box should support it, but I want to be sure before committing to buy one.

I bought a Lumia 950 for a relative, and can corroborate it comes with the feature and it's usable. I imagine the 950XL also has that

What about these?

* Lumia 650
* Lumia 550

If you *own* or have owned one of those phones, please let me know if call recording works for you


I don't want to be rude, but please: if you do *not* own either phone or have ever owned either phone, please do not post generalities like "I read it should work", or "I saw a video where it worked"

I want to hear from actual/former owners

Thank you

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