How to force desktop into tablet mode?

Dan TheMan86

New member
Nov 30, 2012
I am looking to use my PC for an HTPC hooked up to my TV and I cannot get it to go into tablet mode. I find tablet mode is a LOT easier to use with a wireless mouse and keyboard and is perfect for a home theater setup since everything is full screen and scales properly. How do enable tablet mode? The button is greyed out. I have attached a screenshot. Thanks!
hmmm I guess it knows you don't have a touch device so maybe that's why it won't enabled tablet mode.

No matter, how about using Start in Full screen mode?

Settings, Personalization, Start - Use Start Full Screen
The funny thing is, I currently use an old Acer i3 laptop with Windows 10 as my "HTPC" and tablet mode works on that. It is not a touch device either. Using the start in fullscreen doesn't solve the apps opening in fullscreen issue though.
you want them to open in full screen right? Once you maximize it once and close it, the next time it will open as full screen anyhow.
I figured it out!!! Turns out, this whole time I couldn't get any PC to go into tablet mode because all the one's I was trying it on had multiple monitors! If you are using a desktop with ONE monitor, Tablet mode WILL work!!! Hope this helps someone as dumb as me in the future! hahaha
I was going to ask you that because I have 2 monitors to my SP3, but you said HTPC to TV so figured it was the only one! Also, I get a warning that tablet mode is not possible in multi-monitor environment, surprised you didn't get this message. I should've asked anyways.
Yeah I currently have an old laptop hooked up to my TV and was looking for a desktop to replace it with. All the desktops I was trying tablet mode with were hooked up to multiple monitors. Never got a warning message, what a fail.

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