The Verizon Debacle


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Nov 5, 2011
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I have a bad feeling about the Verizon and overall carrier situation in the US. In order for WP to really grow, it has to have good phones available on all major carriers. I know it's not the fault of MS but I think WP may be doomed from the start. No flagship on the biggest carrier will hurt big time. Possibly the best flagship in the 950XL not being on the second biggest carrier, ATT will hurt as well. We may just be in a no-win situation unfortunately no matter how good WP10 is. This sucks because I don't want to go back to Android and never want to go iphone


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Aug 26, 2014
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I have a bad feeling about the Verizon and overall carrier situation in the US. In order for WP to really grow, it has to have good phones available on all major carriers. I know it's not the fault of MS but I think WP may be doomed from the start. No flagship on the biggest carrier will hurt big time. Possibly the best flagship in the 950XL not being on the second biggest carrier, ATT will hurt as well. We may just be in a no-win situation unfortunately no matter how good WP10 is. This sucks because I don't want to go back to Android and never want to go iphone
Don't tell Apple that. They pretty much just had AT&T and no Verizon for 3 years for the iPhone. It really killed the iPhone, didn't it.

Don't place so much importance on a single carrier to make or break a phone brand. If something is innovative, it will get noticed.

Big Papa Smurf

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Apr 26, 2014
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Was reading somewhere earlier how the compared the 950(not XL) to the iPhone6. The specs seemed to impress them as well as the continuum and iris scanner... Then they said "but by then we have have the 6S". So..... They will get Siri? And we will have Cortana without trading in our phones for the new one?
Nov 20, 2012
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Was reading somewhere earlier how the compared the 950(not XL) to the iPhone6. The specs seemed to impress them as well as the continuum and iris scanner... Then they said "but by then we have have the 6S". So..... They will get Siri? And we will have Cortana without trading in our phones for the new one?

I'm confused what you're saying.

sent from my iPhone...asking myself why I own one
Jun 28, 2013
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Don't tell Apple that. They pretty much just had AT&T and no Verizon for 3 years for the iPhone. It really killed the iPhone, didn't it.

Don't place so much importance on a single carrier to make or break a phone brand. If something is innovative, it will get noticed.

Yes but that was in a time where it was practically the first smart phone. Now there are thousands. It wont work the same. Now for a device to become nationally or globally popular just like the galaxy s series or LG g series, they have to be launched on all main carriers at once. Those devices didn't all catch in at first m, not u til they all launched the next model all at once on all those carriers. That's how it has to be done today.


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Aug 26, 2014
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Yes but that was in a time where it was practically the first smart phone. Now there are thousands. It wont work the same.

The smart phone market started years before the iPhone. The iPhone created a new market with a new kind of smart phone using a bit of different technology.

Windows 10, the smart phone redefined with Continuum. It's going to be the next thing AFTER the smart phone. Most of the time, it can be a regular smart phone. Get home and need to do some work in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc., do it like a full PC after docking. Suddenly, there will be many people that will never have to buy a laptop or PC again.

Microsoft isn't trying to compete in the smart phone market. They are going to the next level AFTER the smart phone and be the first into the new market.

Maaz Mansori

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Apr 25, 2013
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The smart phone market started years before the iPhone. The iPhone created a new market with a new kind of smart phone using a bit of different technology.

Windows 10, the smart phone redefined with Continuum. It's going to be the next thing AFTER the smart phone. Most of the time, it can be a regular smart phone. Get home and need to do some work in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc., do it like a full PC after docking. Suddenly, there will be many people that will never have to buy a laptop or PC again.

Microsoft isn't trying to compete in the smart phone market. They are going to the next level AFTER the smart phone and be the first into the new market.

One thing that will be interesting is to see how well received this is. A concern I have is the lack of portability of a desktop monitor. Many people who use laptops or large tablets want to do so anywhere they go and not be limited to a small phone screen when they don't have access to a desktop monitor. It may be prudent to make a portable screen that they can sell for a very low price.


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Nov 12, 2012
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Great idea. 3rd party OEMs will be sure to cash in on a new niche.

Also, along with your free WiFi at Star(grabyer)Bucks[SUP]TM[/SUP] you'll get a chance to dock, maximize and recharge your Continuum. And at your hotel, the airport lounge, etc...


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Aug 5, 2013
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True, OEMs like Belkin and Targus who specialize in those types of accessories. All a business traveler would need would be his or her phone with continuum, a wireless display adaptor, and a Bluetooth keyboard & mouse.

When he is at the hotel just plug in the display adaptor to the TV's HDMI and connect the BT keyboard & mouse and he's up and running.

Here in the US most if not all hotels, at least the ones that are business traveler friendly, have HD TVs and free WiFi. Once he's done with whatever work for the day, he can Skype with his family or sit back and watch Netflix.

Again, that fits right into Nadella's strategy for businesses.

For us schmoes who are not business travelers, it would be a little different though. Especially, since we are likely to be using a dedicated camera for picture taking. All you need is the above mentioned stuff, then add a camera (either point and shoot or DSLR) with an EyeFi Mobi card. The images can be set to upload to the phone and shared; even do some basic image editing. You can even set it upload to OneDrive once you're inside your hotel's or another places WiFi hotspot. Then after a day at the beach and after the kids are asleep you and your wife/husband turn on Netflix and enjoy a beer while watching Game of Thrones.

This fits right into Nadella's strategy for consumer; both low end and flagship markets. Though the low end market would be more about being able to communicate and access the internet on a much more economical basis.


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Aug 5, 2013
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One other thing, non-Lumia users can still benefit from this, because Continuum will be built in to the OS itself and not a separate Lumia only thing. So, again Verizon Windows Mobile users are still not left out. As long as there are OEMs willing to produce Windows powered handsets. Again part of Nadella's strategy.


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Dec 26, 2013
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One thing that will be interesting is to see how well received this is. A concern I have is the lack of portability of a desktop monitor. Many people who use laptops or large tablets want to do so anywhere they go and not be limited to a small phone screen when they don't have access to a desktop monitor. It may be prudent to make a portable screen that they can sell for a very low price.

Well, we have the keyboard. It's a start in that direction?
Universal Foldable Keyboard


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Aug 5, 2013
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Well, we have the keyboard. It's a start in that direction?
Universal Foldable Keyboard

We also have a good BT mouse, the ArcMouse works really well. Also, WiFi enabled TVs are becoming more prevalent.

LG Miracast & NFC TVs Connect to Any Compatible Device | LG USA

So, yes we are pretty much there.

Here are the three things you need in addition to a Windows device with Continuum and we already have them. Foldable Keyboard Portable BT Mouse Portable Miracast Adaptor

Of course if you are an SP3 or other Windows tablet/PC hybrid owner you can do this without Continuum.

Maaz Mansori

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Apr 25, 2013
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Well, we have the keyboard. It's a start in that direction?
Universal Foldable Keyboard

True, and I just bought one; tested it on my phone running Windows 10 Mobile Preview. But they retail for $100 and you still have to buy the docking station, mouse, and monitor. What they ought to make is a Surface screen without any computing power, sell it for $199 or so; plug in the phone via USB-C; then you can use whatever portable keyboard and mouse you want with it.


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Aug 5, 2013
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True, and I just bought one; tested it on my phone running Windows 10 Mobile Preview. But they retail for $100 and you still have to buy the docking station, mouse, and monitor. What they ought to make is a Surface screen without any computing power, sell it for $199 or so; plug in the phone via USB-C; then you can use whatever portable keyboard and mouse you want with it.

But that just it. If everything is connected via BT or WiFi, you wouldn't even need a docking station. A device with Continum will recognize a keyboard, mouse, and monitor regardless if it is wired or wireless. Like I said previously, we are already there hardware wise. The whole point is to not even need a docking station. The only thing you'd have to plug in would be the handset to a charger at some point. And guess what even then, if you have Qi charging you don't even have to do that.

Nokia Portable Wireless Charging Plate Overview - Microsoft - Global

Eventually, you'd have to find a power outlet or USB port at some point though.


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Sep 5, 2011
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Spent some time talking with a good friend that works with Verizon corporate sales at a fairly high level. For one, they are not going to stop carrying Windows on phones.

They will not carry Lumias FOR THE TIME BEING after the 735, but this was a mutual decision between the two. Microsoft would prefer not make a CDMA handset, especially with how VZW puts them through testing periods.

So if your heart is set on a Lumia, so be it. But this deal also opens the door for others to be the sole Windows mobile options of the largest network in the US. This also fits into how Verizon prefers to try to push Windows on phones. As alternatives to Android and the same handsets.

The One M9 is coming in October with Windows 10. The LG G4 is also supposed to be coming with Windows 10. There's some talk that the Moto X may also get Windows. Verizon is also trying to get Samsung to make a Verizon only version of the Galaxy S6 with Windows in an attempt to spur interest.

One key to remember is that Verizon is now in quite deep with Microsoft. They just bought AOL. AOL gets a lot of video content (with ads) pushed through Bing and MSN. And AOL now is doing the ad sales for MS - and VZ bought AOL for ads and content. Microsoft helps with both.

Here's the kicker too. More Windows devices means it's more likely that Bing and MSN will get more traffic through the web or apps. They also plan to push these things on Android in the future too, but the AOL deal makes Microsoft more important because they feed directly into Verizon's new ad revenue source.

The two parties have a joint strategy to grow Windows on Verizon long term. The only successful Lumia for VZW was the 822. They had hoped the 928 would succeed. It didn't. They hoped the exclusive Icon would do well. It didn't. The One M8 outsold both, as did the Samsung ATIV. The M8 did the best. Verizon believes a positive launch of Windows 10 on traditional devices will make Windows 10 on mobile a viable option, but they don't believe they can sell the masses on a name or brand they don't really know. Offer them an option for the HTC One M9 or the Moto X or the LG G4 or the S6 (probably a tough sell to get Samsung to do it unless Verizon holds leverage) and you'll see better penetration for Windows.

Verizon is hardly all in, but they also aren't throwing in the towel. They just don't think Lumia is a viable brand. If Microsoft produces a Surface branded phone in the future, Verizon would be interested because that is a known and well liked brand.

So expect at least two flagship level devices to come in the October timeframe to Verizon and possibly four. I think the Moto X is more likely than the S6. And it's the upcoming Moto X they are considering putting out with Windows in addition to Android.

But it's like they've said here. Lumia is not in the plans on Verizon. If either phone takes off on AT&T, Verizon does have the ability to get the phone on their network within a few months. There's been some buzz that an Intel based phone is coming early next year. If it is Surface branded, it may end up on Verizon. They are expected to carry Surface 3 LTE and would probably carry a Surface phone.

Sorry, I call BS. Lumia devices have been the best selling devices for WP across all the providers. If Lumia didn't sell well on Vzw it is because of their lack of marketing the devices. I'm a Vzw customer with 5 lines. I think Vzw has excellent coverage for where we live and travel. But, all but one line is month to month and it will be dropped in the very near future. Have I seen a decrease in my bill every month? Nope. The last two WP's I bought (928 and an Icon) off contract and I'm still paying full contract pricing. I'm a proponent of going with the carrier first, then picking the phone. T-Mobile has some excellent family plans we are looking at and the coverage seems to be greatly improved.

Mr. MacPhisto

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Aug 7, 2012
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Sorry, I call BS. Lumia devices have been the best selling devices for WP across all the providers. If Lumia didn't sell well on Vzw it is because of their lack of marketing the devices. I'm a Vzw customer with 5 lines. I think Vzw has excellent coverage for where we live and travel. But, all but one line is month to month and it will be dropped in the very near future. Have I seen a decrease in my bill every month? Nope. The last two WP's I bought (928 and an Icon) off contract and I'm still paying full contract pricing. I'm a proponent of going with the carrier first, then picking the phone. T-Mobile has some excellent family plans we are looking at and the coverage seems to be greatly improved.

And when was the last time a Verizon Lumia made a blip? That was the 822. That is their best selling WP device of all time. The HTC One M8 is their #2, followed by the 928, and the Samsung ATIV SE comes in ahead of the Icon. The Icon did not sell very well. The success of the 822 on Verizon is why you see them trying the Lancet and 735.

Have also heard this weekend that the upcoming premium Lumia devices will be allowed on Verizon's network. Microsoft asked concerning this. Verizon granted permission and said they would allow full functionality with compatible handsets IF Microsoft made them. They are interested in selling them directly to corporate customers and there is some good interest with their corporate accounts in the new phones. But they won't sell them to consumers directly at this point.

So this ultimately means if Microsoft chooses to make an unlocked Lumia available that supports the proper CDMA and LTE bands, it will work with a VZW SIM. This is a guess on my part, but I have an idea that when Daniel and others report they will sell the phone unlocked that this is the reason. If AT&T and T-Mobile are exclusive partners, there's no need to sell an unlocked phone in the US, but it sounds like that is what they will do.

Microsoft did directly check with Verizon to see if they'd allow it on the network (don't have a lot of options on the LTE side, but the CDMA side is different). Verizon is interested in selling it via large orders to corporate clients - and there is interest. So the answer is yes. If Microsoft builds a universal handset or specialized handsets with the proper radios, Verizon users are likely to be able to get Lumias to work on VZW. It's just that any problems with the phone have to go through MS and not VZW. Whether Microsoft will decide to do any financing deals through the Microsoft Store is another question IF they do this.


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Nov 14, 2008
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Sorry, I call BS. Lumia devices have been the best selling devices for WP across all the providers. If Lumia didn't sell well on Vzw it is because of their lack of marketing the devices. I'm a Vzw customer with 5 lines. I think Vzw has excellent coverage for where we live and travel. But, all but one line is month to month and it will be dropped in the very near future. Have I seen a decrease in my bill every month? Nope. The last two WP's I bought (928 and an Icon) off contract and I'm still paying full contract pricing. I'm a proponent of going with the carrier first, then picking the phone. T-Mobile has some excellent family plans we are looking at and the coverage seems to be greatly improved.

Kind of hard to disagree when Lumia's are the best selling WP devices on every other carrier and overall, why would only Verizon buck that trend, only explanation is what we've stated all along, Verizon reps steering people away from Nokia and towards HTC, especially as its a clone of the android version making it an easier sell. Not to mention the premature retiring of the Icon....


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Sep 5, 2011
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Kind of hard to disagree when Lumia's are the best selling WP devices on every other carrier and overall, why would only Verizon buck that trend, only explanation is what we've stated all along, Verizon reps steering people away from Nokia and towards HTC, especially as its a clone of the android version making it an easier sell. Not to mention the premature retiring of the Icon....

Exactly. Lumia is the reason WP exists today. For Vzw to say they have no interest in the Lumia line because it didn't sell well for them is because THEY didn't and STILL don't promote WP.

I have been extremely happy with Vzw's coverage. I'm not happy with their lack of WP promotion/support and their high prices. If T-Mobile offers as good of coverage, their family plans will save us a ton of money. One of the reasons we have stayed with Vzw for so long has been our unlimited data. T-Mobile is offering enough data now that we can switch and it not be a factor.

Mr. MacPhisto

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Aug 7, 2012
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Exactly. Lumia is the reason WP exists today. For Vzw to say they have no interest in the Lumia line because it didn't sell well for them is because THEY didn't and STILL don't promote WP.

I have been extremely happy with Vzw's coverage. I'm not happy with their lack of WP promotion/support and their high prices. If T-Mobile offers as good of coverage, their family plans will save us a ton of money. One of the reasons we have stayed with Vzw for so long has been our unlimited data. T-Mobile is offering enough data now that we can switch and it not be a factor.

You didn't pay attention to what I wrote. Consumers aren't that familiar with the Lumia line. Verizon prefers to sell phones that are familiar, that they can directly compare to Android counterparts.

And the DID promote the Icon. It bombed. It was bulkier than the ATIV SE and One M8 for Windows and didn't have microSD expansion, which is a big deal for Verizon customers. They've also noticed that the S6 sales are tracking lower than expected. A key reason is that expandability.

Verizon doesn't feel it is their responsibility to make people have confidence in the Lumia line. It is the OEM that should give people a reason to do so. They've had one good Lumia seller in the 822. The 735 is actually off to a nice start in their eyes. The Icon was a disaster, especially after the One M8 came out. The 928 hit too late and that had much to do with the AT&T exclusivity deal on the 920.

It's not about Verizon driving people to other devices. Yes, they have staff that know little to anything about WP and will not recommend it. But they also have a customer base that is focused on reliability. AT&T customers tend to be more adventuresome and willing to try something new. T-Mobile customers are value driven. Sprint customers are... I don't know. I'm not sure why anyone would want to have a contract with Sprint.

This was not just a case of Verizon saying, "We don't want a Lumia". It was a case of Microsoft also saying that they did not want Verizon to sell a Lumia. If they do go the unlocked road and provide a phone that works on Verizon, they get to provide the updates directly and they don't have to wait forever for Verizon to clear the phone. Unless you are a big name product (iPhone, Galaxy, LG G series, Moto, HTC One), Verizon will take their time. The good news is they cleared the One M8 quickly. A Windows version of an established Android handset can be cleared almost immediately as long as Verizon is happy with their own software on the platform.

So from Microsoft's perspective would it be better to keep giving them Lumias and waiting? The 735 was supposed to arrive on Verizon back in October/November. Would it be better to just sell the handset unlocked directly to enthusiasts, ensuring it could work on VZW while letting Verizon pursue it's preferred model for selling Windows by getting Android handsets loaded with Windows.

If Verizon launches with the G4, M9, and Moto X all running Windows while MS sells an unlocked 950 and 950XL to enthusiasts, how does everyone not win? Verizon gets to put the same handsets running each OS next to each other, which they say sells Windows better. People know the hardware. Microsoft gets to sell the newest Lumias direct AND gets control of those updates while the user also doesn't rely on Verizon for those updates either.

Verizon has long been willing to push Windows, but they never liked dealing with Nokia and felt that their presence as the marquee handset maker actually hindered the ecosystem.

So while Verizon has offered several Lumias since the 822, none have come anywhere near the 822's success.


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Apr 27, 2011
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Have also heard this weekend that the upcoming premium Lumia devices will be allowed on Verizon's network. Microsoft asked concerning this. Verizon granted permission and said they would allow full functionality with compatible handsets IF Microsoft made them. They are interested in selling them directly to corporate customers and there is some good interest with their corporate accounts in the new phones. But they won't sell them to consumers directly at this point.

So this ultimately means if Microsoft chooses to make an unlocked Lumia available that supports the proper CDMA and LTE bands, it will work with a VZW SIM. This is a guess on my part, but I have an idea that when Daniel and others report they will sell the phone unlocked that this is the reason. If AT&T and T-Mobile are exclusive partners, there's no need to sell an unlocked phone in the US, but it sounds like that is what they will do.

Microsoft did directly check with Verizon to see if they'd allow it on the network (don't have a lot of options on the LTE side, but the CDMA side is different). Verizon is interested in selling it via large orders to corporate clients - and there is interest. So the answer is yes. If Microsoft builds a universal handset or specialized handsets with the proper radios, Verizon users are likely to be able to get Lumias to work on VZW. It's just that any problems with the phone have to go through MS and not VZW. Whether Microsoft will decide to do any financing deals through the Microsoft Store is another question IF they do this.

Wait - What??? Verizon will allow unlocked phones on their network???? Seriously??? Isn't Verizon the only network in the world that doesn't give unlocked phones a chance to connect to their network (Sprint isn't really a network, is it?)? I must be dreaming. This can't be real. But man, if this happens, WOOHOO! I could get the phone I want, and keep the good reception!

Microsoft will produce and sell in their stores, a Lumia flagship that will run on Verizon. I claim that by faith in Jesus' name!

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