Cortana has new lines...

My wife texted my yesterday"what the hell is rampancy". Apparently Cortana told her she was in early onset rampancy, lol. When she asked her what rampancy was she replied that it had something to do with a blue screen and a reboot won't fix it.
My wife texted my yesterday"what the hell is rampancy". Apparently Cortana told her she was in early onset rampancy, lol. When she asked her what rampancy was she replied that it had something to do with a blue screen and a reboot won't fix it.

Say "F" you. You'll get the rampancy speech
It still tells me pretty much the same 10 jokes. Also, when I say "another one" it doesn't understand like it was advertised to
It still tells me pretty much the same 10 jokes. Also, when I say "another one" it doesn't understand like it was advertised to
Its in beta hence you can xpect errors. The final version will come with a lot of improvements and bug fixes. 😊
The girlfriend and I just had a Cortana vs Siri contest. Siri had just as many jokes and would also repeat my girlfriends name when asked "say my name" or "Siri,what is my name?" with quite witty responses I must say. Trying to get Cortana to say my name only gave me Bing searches and left me feeling beaten... :cry:
I didn't insult her, but I had to repeat a few times a command she would not understand... and she clearly got impatient, the style of the questions became more piqued. So I asked her if she was nervous and I got this reply "I will pretend I have not heard this question" ! Definitely piqued :-)
The girlfriend and I just had a Cortana vs Siri contest. Siri had just as many jokes and would also repeat my girlfriends name when asked "say my name" or "Siri,what is my name?" with quite witty responses I must say. Trying to get Cortana to say my name only gave me Bing searches and left me feeling beaten... :cry:
hahah yeah she doens't say the name, ever. except the first time you set it up.. ask them to do tasks and Coratna will start to shine, specially app integration and people based reminders and stuff.. and the name issue is supposed to be gone after the 8.1 official release. .and again you are one Developer preview with a BETA cortana. you can feel good about yourself cause she is gonna get a lot better really soon, also since cortana is an app the updates don't have to roll with the os but can be app updates XD
Pretty sure that exactly that - any time she spends working on these pre-recorded lines IS time that she can't spend recording phonemes (which take a TON of time). The synthesized voice has little 'Cortana' influence. It's a slightly tweaked version of what we already had in 8.0. I do want it to sound more natural and more like the pre-recorded stuff (especially for when it's supposed to seamlessly be switching between the two like for voice dictation of texting). That requires a lot of recording that these gimmicky answers take away from.

Fair point, but people like to have fun at their jobs, makes them more productive. Breaking out some time to think up and crack a few jokes and record some witty responses can provide a little relief from the monotony of recording the phonemes. Helps Cortana feel fresh too.

In the grand scheme of things, there's a lot of other work going on in the back end, so they've got time to have some fun with Jen's voice.

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