Cortana sounds different today.

Yep, you're right. Just asked her some questions.

She's got way more emotion in her voice....sounding more and more like actual Cortana
Woah. Yeah. There's a lot more natural sounding conversation going on. They must have had her in the recording studio recently.

Ha, even asking her "What does the Fox say?" is a lot more emotive now.
Yes, her voice has definitely changed. She also seems to have some new answers. Ask her opinion about stuff and now, instead of doing a web search for non-Microsoft-related stuff, she'll say something witty :D
Yeah you're right! I asked her about Steve Jobs when I first updated my phone and got search results. Now she just says she hasn't had time to form an opinion yet. I'd much rather place holder replies than web searches for that. It makes her seem more intelligent when showing her to other people
I just asked her a question and got an answer that i never had gotten before. I asked her: Are you a Democrat or Republican? Lol
Yes she does sound different, and sing better too. tell her " may the force be with you"!!! I think that takes the cake, lol

she has 2 new ones now. but wait till she says "the force is with you, etc etc." lol
The should be achievements for asking cortana questions. Liking unlocking everything witty she can say. Which of course will be ever growing.
When you ask Cortana to Calculate and then say add, subtract, square root, etc it gets the answer, nce when she be able to speak it :)
Although, when doing actual phone tasks, e.g. reminding you, creating events, etc., she sounds the same 😞 why are there two different voices for her?

That said, I love the "answering questions" voice of Cortana. Sounds wonderful. Is it actually Jen Taylor?
because tasks can be done with out internet, which they have not updated yet, it takes time. Also, is it Jen Talyor, look it up.
I asked if she was drunk, and she responded with a part of Green Eggs and Ham! HIlarious!

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