New Beta Driver - Opera 9.5 Support


New member
Jul 31, 2008
A new beta build (No. 93) will be posted tomorrow. See this post.

Opera 9.5 support, SPB Mobile Shell support, plus other goodies.
A new beta build (No. 93) will be posted tomorrow. See this post.

Opera 9.5 support, SPB Mobile Shell support, plus other goodies.
Is this the one? Is it finally time to drop the hammer on a new TP?

And here it's only a few more months befoer my contract expires!
Will the firmware work with my Verizon vx6900 (touch) or is it only for he beta phones?
Should work on your Verizon vx6900 (or any supported touchscreen phone running WM 6 or WM 6.1).

Hit from your PC or right from your phone and download any of the drivers for touchscreen WM 6 or WM 6.1 phones (like the driver for the Fuze will do).

Make sure to also download the Firmware update file and follow the directions to update your REDFLY too.
Check for build 93

The update is now available:



Ed, from your post's time stamp, you may have hit the site during the 5-minute period when that beta page was still updating to all the current files. Check and make sure you got build 93 of both the phone driver software and firmware file. During those 5 minutes, you may have got build 93 of one, but build 72 of another.
Sweet Update, too bad Samsung 2 plug in on Omnia doesn't work, Camera Crash is still there as well but Opera and Skyfire load fine.
Sweet Update, too bad Samsung 2 plug in on Omnia doesn't work, Camera Crash is still there as well but Opera and Skyfire load fine.

My Redfly is at work right now (I bring my laptop home on weekends), so I can't test this: How does Skyfire work? Can you see any video at all?

So, I installed the new drivers, and the first thing I get upon reset is:

Arm11 Fatal Error
oncrpc_xprtrtr.c line 674

I had no errors until I reinstalled the redfly drivers (I had them with the driver before...)

Guess we are not there yet.

Please help??
A new beta build (No. 93) will be posted tomorrow. See this post.

Opera 9.5 support, SPB Mobile Shell support, plus other goodies.

I haven't tried Opera 9.5, but SPB Mobile Shell is still not working for me. It just shows up as a big black screen. I have the Tilt and SPB Mobile Shell 2.1.1.
Opera Mobile works very well for me. Very nice, still not the ONE, but working very well. I am not running Shell so I have no experience there. I have a hard time seeing something with that much animation working smoothly, but more power to ya as it is supposedly supported now.
Upgrade went well on my Tilt and C8. Opera 9.5 beta works well, much faster than Skyfire. I know others have reported issues, but non for me so far - KUDOs to the Celio team.
I haven't tried Opera 9.5, but SPB Mobile Shell is still not working for me. It just shows up as a big black screen. I have the Tilt and SPB Mobile Shell 2.1.1.

Mobile Shell works great for me, though I did have to change the Mobile Shell Theme color. With Black as the theme color, my Today screen was white and most of my plugins didn't show. Changing to Red as a theme fixed all of this. I don't think this is a problem specific to Mobile Shell though since I see this problem with simple Today theme colors as well.
Just to be clear - do I understand correctly that there's no advantage in this driver update for non-touchscreen devices?
Newest driver 93

Thanks Collin, this driver fixed virtually every problem I had. My Mogul worked great with my Redfly but when I switched to the Alltel HTC Touch Pro I had problems with bluetooth dropping connection and with the wifi radio turning itself off every five minutes or so. I was getting by OK tethering with USB but since at home I do not get reliable cell data service the flaky wifi problem was a real issue.

With this new driver (93) I have had zero wifi radio turn off occurances and the blue tooth has only dropped once. It is every bit as stable as my Mogul and of course with much more memory and a faster cpu the overall TouchPro Redfly combo is much much better than the Mogul Redfly combo was, although that was very usable as well. Thanks for staying with this until you got it fixed, you may still have some things you are working on but in my opinion you could take this thing out of beta right now, it is that solid. Steve
Much Better

Looks like I'm one of the lucky ones. I have a Sprint Touch Pro. I've turned off TouchFlo, still have the black theme. SPB Mobile Shell works fine for me, but then it also worked with the previous drivers. I also have SPB Wallet, SPB Insight & SPB Phone Suite, no problems so far. While I'm at it, SPB Time & it's alarms work. All of these worked for me with the previous drivers.

No ARM Fatal Error with the new drivers. That was a problem before.

BlueTooth & WiFi work together now, but rather slowly.

USB & WiFi work well. The WiFi indicator would disappear with the previous drivers, but be there when I disconnected from RedFly.

Remote Desktop Mobile works fine. I used it with WiFi this morning, first with BlueTooth for about 1/2 hour. I then switched to USB. USB was much faster, but neither crashed or gave trouble.

I still get the white menu bar at the bottom sometimes. I can fix it by performing a soft reset with the RedFly attached.

The big change for me is the stability & the improved transition from phone screen to RedFly, and back. With the old drivers it was hit or miss. I never knew if the font size be restored when the RedFly was disconnected. I never knew if the RedFly would work 2 times in a row without a soft reset. Many times the RedFly logo would flash on my phone when the RedFly was disconnected, but the screen wouldn't be restored. I'd have to do a reset. I always had to do a reset after BlueTooth. So far all this seems to be fixed.
The latest ROMEOS2 1.81.1 confirms working with Redfly's latest driver without a problem on BT. Please select the 20764 version. The other one still have the BT connection problem...

By the way, I am quite please with the connection/reconnection speed of the latest driver with my touch pro. Finally, I can get rid of the original driver I have been using for the past few months.

And really glad to see the Opera 9.5 is working on Redfly!
Well done Celio.
I suppose this could be a fluke, but I am also noticing a massive improvement in the "greyed-out" softkey menu bar issue. Since updating I haven't experienced that issue once, whereas with the old drivers I would rarely see the softkey menu bar in its intended form.

Edit: This appears to be a fluke. At the moment it appears that raising the GLYPHCACHE limit above 40000 seems to help the disappearing softkey background issue on the Treo 800w, though doing so causes another other odd behavior at times - email icons in the mobile outlook appear all black unless outlook mobile is restarted.
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Spb Shell

I'm using the Mobile Shell 2.1.5 (newest) version. My ROM is the official 6.1 release for Verizon XV6900 (HTC Touch/Vogue).

Spb Mobile Shell - The today screen works, but the now screen and the menus only show a black screen.

Spb Wallet - the initial logon screen is distorted and if I choose "lists" as the interface (the finger scrolling list) I get the black screen like Mobile Shell. I do have the menu soft key and can change back to Icon view.

Spb Time - Works fine

Spb Wireless Monitor - works fine

TomTom Nav. 6 - Hangs at splash screen

VZ Navigator (Verizon's GPS program) - won't load if connected to redfly, if connected after it starts, the main screen is distorted and the maps aren't displayed. The "text type" menus and entries do work.

Those are the issues I've found so far. I am connecting with bluetooth and using the FUZE driver.

Thank you for your support!!

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We've found that SPB Mobile shell is actually not working on a few phones, but working on others. If SPB is not working for you, we'd appreciate you posting here with your phone model and carrier (also note if you're using an unlocked phone or a cooked ROM) so we can get the data to our internal testing team.

The error messages are very rare, usually tied to a Sprint Touch Pro. If you are getting any of the error messages below, usually you can hit "ok" and proceed as normal. If the messages bug you, contact me and I can email you the previous beta builds to downgrade your software for now. We're talking with HTC to see what can be done.

Anyone seeing the error codes (especially if you notice any sound issues) please use the personal message feature in the forum to send me your contact info and I'll have our engineering dept contact you directly to trouble shoot.

These are the codes we've seen so far...

m11 Fatal Error
oncrpcxdr_std.c line 542


Arm11 Fatal Error
oncrpc_xprtrtr.c line 674


Arm11 Fatal Error
oncrpc_cb.c line 146

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