Touch Pro 2 - "IsSlideOut" registry value issue - SOLVED


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Aug 20, 2009
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DISCLAIMER: This works for me and I am posting this as an FYI only. I am not responsible for any mal effects on any hardware or software as a result of editing system files or registry entires.

Originally this problem surfaced when I was using Opera Mobile on my Sprint Touch Pro 2. Every time I tried to edit a field on a webpage from Opera Mobile, I was being kicked out of the text box thereby preventing me from typing anything. I tried multiple webpages to no avail. I tried sliding out my phone's keyboard first and then starting up Opera and the problem completely disappeared!

This led me back to the AppAdapt.xml file for the Redfly initialization. There is a registry key being changed for the keyboard sliding out that is causing the issue. Here is the original block of code:

		<RegistryChange comment="SetSlideOut(1)">

When I checked my registry, this line was creating a registry value in \HKLM\System\ControlSet\ for "IsSlideOut" versus changing the key value in \HKLM\System\ControlSet\Keypad\ for "IsSlideOut". I figured that the XML file was having difficulty with the "SubKey" definition and therefore was not actually going to that subkey.

Here is my new section from the AppAdapt.xml that works perfectly after a soft reset:

		<RegistryChange comment="SetSlideOut(1)">

On a side note, I changed a few settings in Opera so that you can fully interact with webpages without having to zoom in. This makes it much better when using Opera on the Redfly.
Here are my current settings in the opera.ini file:
[Adaptive Zoom]
Browser Buffer Height=1400
Browser Buffer Width=800
Maximum Zoom=100
Minimum overview Zoom=100
Minimum Zoom=170
Virtual Screen Width=800
Zoom Slider Maximum=200

These settings can also be changed by typing in "opera:config" into Opera Mobile's address bar.
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