Xbox Live developer interviews

great questions asked my favorite thing though with all interviews is asking about future projects on the device they all give the same answer. (which is expected)
The interview is good I would love to get access to the sales numbers and there expected targets. plus the converison of trials to purchases and compare it to ios and android to see how well it is doing compared.

*I understand sales numbers will not be close due to the amount of devices sold.

but if say its a close number then it would make sense for developers to do the switch as more and more people are just gonna get wp7
Always been a fan of Toy Soldiers! I loved the first one and enjoyed the second though I was looking to play it co-op with a friend and we just got major lag so ended up playing it Solo...

I never got into the Minigames all that much but I would be willing to have them on my Phone! I look forward to trying out Boot Camp once it hits :)
I liked all the ones so far but the pinball fx was quite hazy on alot of the questions you asked him like he kinda suggested it was going windows phone 8 :S but without answering it, and you had to push for him to even say that.

You asked the right questions he just didn't give the right answer is how I felt, oh well here is hopign they have shared purchases
My best interview yet!

Iron Galaxy, makers of Ms. Splosion Man and Wreckateer

I liked all the ones so far but the pinball fx was quite hazy on alot of the questions you asked him like he kinda suggested it was going windows phone 8 :S but without answering it, and you had to push for him to even say that.

You asked the right questions he just didn't give the right answer is how I felt, oh well here is hoping they have shared purchases

Wish we could've gotten straighter answers there, but hopefully it was still interesting overall.

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