Assassin's Creed Unity Won't Start


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Apr 10, 2014
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I was seriously looking forward to the next game in the AC franchise so when I bought the Gold Edition ($97 I tell you!) I was seriously disappointed to be greeted with an "ACU.exe has stopped working" window every time I launch it through Uplay.

Has anyone else picked up the game and experienced this? All the prerequisite software installed properly (DirectX, Framework, etc.) although the game hasn't finished installing. It passed the playable mark a while ago though.


Nov 4, 2014
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Wow... This is why I always buy the actual dvd and never download..... Have you updated all your drivers? You can head to chat and talk to a rep. Make sure you take a screen shot of what your seeing too so you can show them. Good luck and keep us updated. One more thing.... Could it have been a corrupted download? Did the connection cut out or turn off during download? If so it may be worth re-downloading again


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Apr 10, 2014
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Wow... This is why I always buy the actual dvd and never download..... Have you updated all your drivers? You can head to chat and talk to a rep. Make sure you take a screen shot of what your seeing too so you can show them. Good luck and keep us updated. One more thing.... Could it have been a corrupted download? Did the connection cut out or turn off during download? If so it may be worth re-downloading again

Well I've never had any issues downloading a game until now. I haven't updated all of my drivers, but I just downloaded the NVIDIA driver that was released for the game and it didn't seem to help. As far as a corrupt download, I'm not sure but I might try to verify the download once it completes fully if Uplay will let me. The connection didn't cut off though, I let it download overnight and when I woke up, that error screen popped up because I had it set to auto-play when ready (accidentally.)



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Nov 12, 2013
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I read a bunch of comments from other people who bought ACU and have the same problem but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a fix for this until now.

Best thing would be to let Ubisoft's support know that you have this problem, wait for their response and be patient (waiting for a patch that fixes the problem).
There's said to be a fix disabling uPlay overlay in the uPlay settings but people claim that this didn't help either.

Well, you already bought the game but for the future I would recommend not buying games in general during the first 1-2 weeks and wait for reviews to check if there are any problems with the games (especially when they are from Ubisoft/EA, they ****ed up their games pretty good over the last year).

This is from the Ubisoft forum, posted by 'Community Manager' Mr_Shade:
Hi Guys,

Can I ask you all to verify your games?

This error can be caused by file errors, so we need to do some basic troubleshooting.

Please click the drop arrow next to the game and select 'Verify game' - this will check all the files and download any that had errors.

Also make sure any one day patches have also been installed.

Please try this - if it does not solve the issue, please then contact support with both your DXDiag and MSinfo on the link below.

Edit: (turns out it could be useful to read the rest of the forum too^^)
One forum member there stated that he got it fixed when he updated his GPU drivers (GTX780), so this might work with on desktop PC too


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Apr 10, 2014
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Thanks but I actually solved the problem by waiting until the download was complete and then verifying the files (some got corrupted in the process.) Other than that, only issue is that the game sometimes doesn't play nice with my GPU overclock and will crash randomly with it. But yeah, I use a GTX 660 so my performance is lower than 7/9 series users.

And I didn't want to wait, I've been looking forward to ACU and Dragon Age Inquisition for a while. xD


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Nov 12, 2013
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Ubisoft is kinda digging their own grave right now. After completely butchering Watch Dogs and right out lying about the graphics on PC, they just keep on digging (ACU performance issues, blaming AMD for it, removing all their games from Steam (and putting them back on after ~13hours), statements that are just not true,....). With their actions in the last couple of months they kinda destroyed their reputation and are quite hated by a fair amount of PC gamers.

The **** that's going on right now in the gaming industry is ****ed up and unfortunately the only way we can get publishers to change things is by not buying their games (even if we were looking forward to certain titles but the experience we get is underwhelming and sometimes even frustrating). Just my two cents ;-)

Doesn't kill anyone to wait a week or two to see how the games are holding up to their hype, does it? (by reading some reviews) :)


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Jan 31, 2012
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Lol saw that on the WAN show and couldn't stop laughing. The shirts they did for it don't look half bad either :p

Unity is not looking too good. Ubisoft have a lot of work to do to fix that mess.


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Apr 10, 2014
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Ubisoft is kinda digging their own grave right now. After completely butchering Watch Dogs and right out lying about the graphics on PC, they just keep on digging (ACU performance issues, blaming AMD for it, removing all their games from Steam (and putting them back on after ~13hours), statements that are just not true,....). With their actions in the last couple of months they kinda destroyed their reputation and are quite hated by a fair amount of PC gamers.

The **** that's going on right now in the gaming industry is ****ed up and unfortunately the only way we can get publishers to change things is by not buying their games (even if we were looking forward to certain titles but the experience we get is underwhelming and sometimes even frustrating). Just my two cents ;-)

Doesn't kill anyone to wait a week or two to see how the games are holding up to their hype, does it? (by reading some reviews) :)

Honestly the game itself isn't that bad to me (the graphics and story are above Black Flag to me, and it's definitely more Assassin-y than BF was) but I just think the PC requirements are way higher than they should be. Ubisoft is just too lazy to optimize unfortunately. I can get 50-60 fps with Inquisition on high settings but in Unity it's more like 20-25 on low settings. I don't think Unity is really that much more graphically superior.

Lol saw that on the WAN show and couldn't stop laughing. The shirts they did for it don't look half bad either :p

Unity is not looking too good. Ubisoft have a lot of work to do to fix that mess.

Agreed. The 30 frame cap is a terrible idea imo... and the fact that they said it was for cinematic purposes is just laughable.


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Nov 12, 2013
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Honestly the game itself isn't that bad to me (the graphics and story are above Black Flag to me, and it's definitely more Assassin-y than BF was) but I just think the PC requirements are way higher than they should be. Ubisoft is just too lazy to optimize unfortunately. I can get 50-60 fps with Inquisition on high settings but in Unity it's more like 20-25 on low settings. I don't think Unity is really that much more graphically superior.

Agreed. The 30 frame cap is a terrible idea imo... and the fact that they said it was for cinematic purposes is just laughable.

I can very well imagine that - since Ubisoft, EA, Activision, etc. make their biggest profit off of console gamers - unnecessarily high system requirements for PC (and a crappy experience regarding graphics even with high-end components) are a way to get people to buy the consoles or at least the console version (if they already have a console). And make people think "hm....why should I pay at least 350$ for a GPU only to meet the requirements and still get a crappy experience when I just can buy it for console without much hassle?". Ubisoft has already once been caught making the PC version look inferior or rather not living up to the potential compared to the console version (Watch Dogs).
That's also what happens when publishers don't CARE about the PC version and it turns out to be a crappy port.

This "cinematic look" excuse is just bull****. PCs are capable of giving the user/customer a much better experience than consoles and some publishers/developers sabotage the PC version so the difference is less obvious to the unaware masses. This is customer manipulation and should be forbidden.

That's the reason why I get so angry regarding this topic. I'm not hating on consoles, I'm hating on manipulative, lying companies that hold back on technological possibilities in favor of promoting inferioir console hardware.


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Apr 10, 2014
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I can very well imagine that - since Ubisoft, EA, Activision, etc. make their biggest profit off of console gamers - unnecessarily high system requirements for PC (and a crappy experience regarding graphics even with high-end components) are a way to get people to buy the consoles or at least the console version (if they already have a console). And make people think "hm....why should I pay at least 350$ for a GPU only to meet the requirements and still get a crappy experience when I just can buy it for console without much hassle?". Ubisoft has already once been caught making the PC version look inferior or rather not living up to the potential compared to the console version (Watch Dogs).
That's also what happens when publishers don't CARE about the PC version and it turns out to be a crappy port.

This "cinematic look" excuse is just bull****. PCs are capable of giving the user/customer a much better experience than consoles and some publishers/developers sabotage the PC version so the difference is less obvious to the unaware masses. This is customer manipulation and should be forbidden.

That's the reason why I get so angry regarding this topic. I'm not hating on consoles, I'm hating on manipulative, lying companies that hold back on technological possibilities in favor of promoting inferioir console hardware.

Yeah, and I think a lot of it stems from PC being the least profitable platform so most of these companies are unwilling to dedicate resources to lowering requirements and improving performance. Not to mention PC is the easiest platform for people to pirate games on so they lose even more money from that.

But Ubisoft takes greedy to a new level with the Helix Credit micro transactions in Unity. Even Watch Dogs performed better than Unity, although I agree with you that the performance was still subpar and I got around 40 fps on high settings. Changing to low didn't really help much though, since antialiasing is the biggest performance hit for me and I'd already turned it off.


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Nov 12, 2013
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Yeah, and I think a lot of it stems from PC being the least profitable platform so most of these companies are unwilling to dedicate resources to lowering requirements and improving performance. Not to mention PC is the easiest platform for people to pirate games on so they lose even more money from that.

But Ubisoft takes greedy to a new level with the Helix Credit micro transactions in Unity. Even Watch Dogs performed better than Unity, although I agree with you that the performance was still subpar and I got around 40 fps on high settings. Changing to low didn't really help much though, since antialiasing is the biggest performance hit for me and I'd already turned it off.

PCs are just too fragmented when it comes to hardware specs. Consoles are all the same, there are no XBOne models with more or less RAM, higher clocked CPUs or different GPUs and that's what makes it easy to program for them. On PC the devs need to make sure that the game will run on many many different PCs, all from the minimum requirements to the high-end parts and everything in between. And not only different hardware components, but software-wise too. OS, drivers, resolutions,....and then you get different graphics settings on top of that.

Pirating has two sides: On one hand publishers don't want their games to be pirated aka stolen (which means no profit), but on the other hand they see how many people (not sure how accurate those numbers are) pirated their games and if lots of people pirated it it tells them that the games are a success (not financially) and that people might be interested in a sequel. That's why pirating is not an effective way to get publishers to stop diggin' and start releasing functioning games that are worth the money. Not buying and not pirating (which means not playing their games at all) on the other hand is a legitimate way of protesting against their crappy products.
Also, since when do PC games cost as much as the console version? Noticed this a few weeks ago that newly released games (such as Far Cry 4 and ACU) cost 60€. WTF???!!!


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May 18, 2015
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i solved my case of ACU.exe has stopped working by modifying the ACU.ini located in \Documents\Assassin's Creed Unity
change the line WindowMode=2
to WindowMode=1

the game won't even launch and this is what fixed it. after a month of frustration.

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