transferring contacts between lumias

Eytan Ornstein1

New member
Jul 7, 2017
I got a new Lumia 830 after my older 735 got a little buggy.
At first i manually added contacts into the 830. After 50 entries I stopped, as this would take forever. ( I have 300 contacts)

I tried transferring my hundreds of contacts from the old to the new phone with this advice-
But after following the instructions, only the 50 contacts I had manually transferred appeared in the 830, which is really weird! In other words there was no transfer done.
Any suggestions?

Eytan ornstein
Transfer contacts from Lumia 735 to 830

I wanted to transfer contacts from my old Lumia 735 to my new 830.
At first I did it manually and did 50 contacts. I have about 300 more, and realized it would take forever.
So I searched and found the following advice, which does the transfer via Bluetooth..

I followed the instructions, but the result was- 50 contacts have been transferred! So I must have done something wrong, or the above procedure is not very good.
Any ideas?
Eytan Ornstein
Re: Transfer contacts from Lumia 735 to 830

I am trying to go from a 825 to a 950XL.

The Transfer My Data app by MS transfer all 170ish contacts without a problem on mine. It didn't transfer anything else :(

When I called tech support at the local MS Store, the tech said that TMD app does NOT work fully on all phone. That sucks!

If you can make it to a Best Buy, they have a Bluetooth machine where they can transfer all your contacts. They did that for my contacts, pics, videos. I didn't need that. I mostly needed my texts transferred; they can do it all but that.
On your 735, enable backing up contacts to your Microsoft Account. Run a backup.

If you are on the same Microsoft Account on the 830 they should all migrate automagically.

I never had an issue getting all my contacts effortlessly no matter what WP/W10M device I used and I went through many. Simply signing into my Microsoft Account got me all my contacts, calendar entries and even my SMS...
I have one MSFT hotmail account on my main Lumia phone. Just adding this account to the other two Lumias will automatic sync the contacts.

... !
Re: Transfer contacts from Lumia 735 to 830

If you use the same Microsoft account on the 735 and the 830 you can transfer your contacts and text messages easily.

Presuming you are saving the contacts to the microsoft account and have the sms backing up automatically, if you have the latter on - make sure you have "Sync messages between devices" set to "on" and set on "any time".

Also do bear in mind sometimes if you send group sms (a single sms sent to multiple users) it does sometimes clog up the restore - it takes awhile to restore and unfortunately to remove the blockage (if the sms are not restored over a period of a few days) you would need to access the message history via but that method barely works as you need to alter a few characters in the address bar and takes a few tries as you are automatically redirected - as Microsoft removed the ability to access the sms history of the backed up sms attached to the Microsoft Account.

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