Recent content by adeski

  1. A

    Will MS improve it's tablet mode this year ?

    windows hello sign in doesn't work very well when in portrait mode. Also lots of icons are left blank when you switch modes. it's just buggy. No one has fixed it. Amazon haven't got a proper app on a par with iOS or Android, so you can't use their crappy Windows version to read magazines.
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    4 in 1 : Surface Phone?

    The Surface Note concept looks amazing. In my opinion, for it to be a mass market prospect, it would only survive if we get to a point where we don't need apps. MS has burnt so many users, their products are known for poor or non existent apps. Failing that, they go for ultra expensive niche...
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    What if the camera is not great? #surfacephone

    The worst thing about Lumia cameras was THE LAG from clicking the button to capturing the photos. Probably an MS software issue as on Android I can click the shutter in quick succession and no lag. For any new MS portable device there must be NO lag, excellent picture quality, ability to cope...
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    The Windows Phone App Gap Thread

    I made the move to lagdroid last week after 10 years of Winpho (pocket PC right up to Windows 10) . I use my phone a lot for work and the issues I was having with Outlook ; taking minutes to return search results or load in messages with 3kb image files was so atrocious, I went for a moto g4...
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    BBC Radio player not working

    Yes. Theres been a drop off in performance in past 2 weeks. Just get the dots going across the screen. I page back and re-try. Sometimes get to programme page, sometimes not.
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    BBC Radio player not working

    Past few days been getting ' Sorry we couldnt open app' messages. Taken over minute to open if it does with plain text! Where do we complain?
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    1520 Win 10 cannot connect to Wifi when switching from public to private network

    I have been having an issue with Wifi since upgrading to WinPho 10. I am on the latest build. If the phone automatically connects to a public network such as in a shop or London Underground , (regardless of me actually utilizing it), then when I get home, the phone will not connect to Wifi . If...
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    Why are apps so poor quality?

    I guess they are poorer quality as others have mentioned i.e. just not big enough user base to justify the development cost. I suspect WinPho is so off most dev's radars that they don't even know about universal apps and how they can tap into regular Windows users and a bigger market. Consumer...
  9. A

    BBC giving Apple more love...

    Apple TV, yet no proper Iplayer app with download option, ' your device not currently supported' messages all the time. I have commented. Please chip
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    BBC Radio player not working

    Cheers Gomez . Now working. Let's hope they're working on a Win 10 universal app on a par with ios/android.
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    BBC Radio player not working

    Anyone experiencing difficulties in streaming programmes'? Just tried The Now Show. ) one of most popular). Pressed play button..nothing happening. Tried others. Same problem. I know the app is a joke but this takes the biscuit. Who do we contact to make it work?
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    The Windows Phone App Gap Thread

    re: Is there really an app gap on WP? The same reason I feel that WP is a let down is due to the lack of proper BBC apps with the same basic functionality as IOS and Android. The current suite of apps are just web wrappers and even those don't work properly. No one at the BBC is going to fix...
  13. A

    BBC no longer supports streaming Windows Media

    The excellent Listen Again is now defunct too. Now impossible to listen to BBC radio catch up. Their Radio Player app only works for streams less than 15 minutes. Utter joke. Tune Inn is impossible to find daily bbc schedules, Radio Player catch up streams defunct. Anywhere else to look?
  14. A

    New BBC news app..but not for Winpho of course

    Thanks. Every few posts there is a Windows comment. Some are quite amusing. I just hope this gets sorted for Windows 10. Shan't hold my breath though!
  15. A

    New BBC news app..but not for Winpho of course

    I urge all Windows phone users who are hacked off to add to the comments here: BBC Blogs - INTERNET BLOG - Upcoming changes to BBC News Online