The Windows Phone App Gap Thread

I made the move to lagdroid last week after 10 years of Winpho (pocket PC right up to Windows 10) . I use my phone a lot for work and the issues I was having with Outlook ; taking minutes to return search results or load in messages with 3kb image files was so atrocious, I went for a moto g4 for about ?130. (basic model so they say)
Some observations:
Pros for Winpho
Lumia 1520's camera is much better. The software on it however is not. The LAG from taking one photo to the next in comparison to G4 is quite significant.
Live tiles. I'm missing them. That's the killer feature of WinPho.
Winpho has cleaner interface.
Pro's for Lagdroid:
It's not that lag on this phone.
Apps are a revelation. I am like a kid in a candy store. A proper and quite excellent BBC Radio player and Iplayer app! I can now download progs to watch on the go. I can use Amazon prime, download vids and watch on the go. Amazing! HSBC app - no way! yes way.
Google maps - just seem to find the places I type in first go. With MS maps or here, often found myself having to Google the post code or street name of where I wanted to go and insert that!
Google drive - live traffic info. Can't recall this working on MS maps and again, finding destinations not always that straight forward.

I'm still hanging onto my 1520 in the (faint) hope that BBC and Amazon push out proper ported apps from IOS or Android.
MS need to do a lot more work to get things right and yes, they have to get more apps ported over.
I made the move to lagdroid last week after 10 years of Winpho (pocket PC right up to Windows 10) . I use my phone a lot for work and the issues I was having with Outlook ; taking minutes to return search results or load in messages with 3kb image files was so atrocious, I went for a moto g4 for about ?130. (basic model so they say)
Some observations:
Pros for Winpho
Lumia 1520's camera is much better. The software on it however is not. The LAG from taking one photo to the next in comparison to G4 is quite significant.
Live tiles. I'm missing them. That's the killer feature of WinPho.
Winpho has cleaner interface.
Pro's for Lagdroid:
It's not that lag on this phone.
Apps are a revelation. I am like a kid in a candy store. A proper and quite excellent BBC Radio player and Iplayer app! I can now download progs to watch on the go. I can use Amazon prime, download vids and watch on the go. Amazing! HSBC app - no way! yes way.
Google maps - just seem to find the places I type in first go. With MS maps or here, often found myself having to Google the post code or street name of where I wanted to go and insert that!
Google drive - live traffic info. Can't recall this working on MS maps and again, finding destinations not always that straight forward.

I'm still hanging onto my 1520 in the (faint) hope that BBC and Amazon push out proper ported apps from IOS or Android.
MS need to do a lot more work to get things right and yes, they have to get more apps ported over.

A little lags in exchanged for a vast variety of apps, is a big worth it. Furthermore, if you were to get a flagship that cost about the same as 950XL rather than a basic model, there will be no performance issues at all. To be fair, windows 10 and its apps are not performing good on my 640 XL too. Seems like all modern OSes will require more power in order to have the best experiences.
My current dilemma with missing apps is with my new Home Alarm system & home Automation.
The current "Windows" app is lacking in polish and even missing many core features relative to the IOS and Android versions.
I cant even finish the installation & setup of some of the Video Surveillance and Video Doorbell equipment because the hardware manufacturers require the final setup to be completed using their mobile apps (Only on IOS or Android).
So I am faced with getting and keeping some IOS/Andriod devices to keep laying around the house (defeats the purpose), or switching platforms entirely.
Just wish the Windows user voice could be made louder somehow, always get the same response form the developers (we are considering a Windows app, or We are considering new features for the app if we get interest from our users).
MS should make it mandatory that any universal app published for PC should also have an equivalent mobile version too (where it makes sense), and any mobile version that can run on PC also get a PC version where it makes sense.
Re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

The reality is the APP GAP. I had to move to Android for work as simple as the corporate email uses the Good app. Also, once you have Android, you realize how may apps you could be using but are not available for WPM. I loved the original 8.1 ease of use, WP10 is ok but the App Gap is a must fix before I return.
Speaking about Windows Phone app gap. A friend of mine is trying to install Tapatalk (Classic) on his Lumia 925 with WP8.1, and when he tried to install Tapatalk now, he gets a message in the Store: "Not available, acquired:about 2 months ago.".

Can he install Tapatalk on his phone, or Tapatalk was discontinued for Windows Phone 8.1, and WP8.1 users won't be able to install it (from the Store)? Is there any alternative to this app, something similar for following forums?
After W10M Microsoft think that more apps will comes in store.
But reality is many apps are leaving there exist support like paypal, amazon, and more they are developed by other developer.

But Here, Health vault are developed by MS still drop support!
Even Microsoft doesn't give a damn about Windows Phone 8.1 anymore. They even don't want to support Skype on this platform, while it will stay available on the ancient Android 4.0.3... That's a ****ty message

Sent from mTalk on Windows 10 phone
I feel like the main reason for most people to not get WP or switchto another OS is the absence of applications and I understand it. I myself am frustrated by the absence of (what else than) Snapchat. While all my friends are snapchatting all I can do is look at my screen hoping that one day I will be able to join them. But that's not what I wanted to talk about.

Few days back there was a leak of information about project Astoria and people talking about getting their desired Android applications to work on W10M. I was excited about the news, so I decided to join the crowd and try some Android apps on my own. I did some research before and found out that Snapchat does't work (I might be wrong), so I went to all my friends with android phones and asked about apps I should try on my W10M.

After about an hour of disscussion no one could suggest a reasonable app for me to install. The reason is simple, I already had them. I already had native apps ( like Uber, Instagram, Shazam), unofficial clients (6tag, 6tin, Telescope) or good alternatives.

For sure there is plenty of apps missing (I can't see any Couchsurfing app, etc.) and there are people needing those apps, but I think we have fairly good base.

I think the reason for people thinking we don't have apps is that they heard it somewhere and/or they just don't know. For most of the users I'm sure there is more than plenty of apps.

So, is there really that huge app gap everyone is talking about?

The Gap truly is great and I think that saying we should all accept it is lame. Microsoft is at fault here and should get back on self promotion
There is no app gap how many apps are actually going to be used by the consumer
Exactly. I think I have read people use, on a regular basis, about 5 apps.
My wife was trying to open her Weightwatchers app on her Iphone 6 tonight. It wouldn't open so I had her reboot her phone.. Wouldn't open. She said people have been complaining lately that it's not working well.
Everything is not all rosy in appland as many would have you believe.

Sent from my Alcatel Idol 4S
Exactly. I think I have read people use, on a regular basis, about 5 apps.
My wife was trying to open her Weightwatchers app on her Iphone 6 tonight. It wouldn't open so I had her reboot her phone.. Wouldn't open. She said people have been complaining lately that it's not working well.
Everything is not all rosy in appland as many would have you believe.

Sent from my Alcatel Idol 4S

Because apps are created but later abandoned. They app paradigm is dying out, so an "app gap" won't be an excuse in the coming years.

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