Recent content by Cosmin Petrenciuc

  1. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    What phone are you using nowadays?

    I had a Lumia 950XL. My wife had a Lumia 950. Now I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S9+ and my wife is using a Huawei P20 Pro. We transferred our older phones to our parents. For example, my mother uses now my Lumia 950XL and my father uses my old Nokia Lumia 1020. We did the switch mainly because the...
  2. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    Why does Edge suck so bad

    I've been using Edge as my primary browser since its introduction in Windows 10. With a few exceptions it worked ok. There were a few occasions when it didn't properly displayed a web-page due to some strange popup boxes with weird placements and then I had to use Chrome. I think my usage of...
  3. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    How often do you upgrade or switch phones?

    Once every two or three years. And I stay away from Apple products.
  4. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    Who is still using a Windows Phone? Honest Question.

    I still use my Lumia 950XL. My wife still uses her Lumia 950. My mother still uses an old Lumia 1020 of mine. And I have transferred to my father my very old HTC Radar with Windows Phone 7.8. I'm still holding to my Lumia 950 XL because of the Live Tiles and because of the deep integration...
  5. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    Am i only person that thinks Nadella should go?

    Changing now the CEO probably won't resurrect Windows 10 Mobile. Maybe developing Andromeda will bring more interest for consumer space in Microsoft.
  6. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    Which size of the Surface Book 2 do you prefer?

    I prefer 15". I don't mind using a big tablet.
  7. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

    Hi, I will continue to use my Lumia 950 XL, and probably my wife will continue to use hers Lumia 950. I will continue to use my OneDrive account, and Edge browser across my laptop and my smartphone. And I will continue to use Cortana on my smartphone. However, in May 2018 I will have to find...
  8. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    What's your single favorite game you've played? And Why?

    Tough question... I can't choose between Heroes of Might and Magic, StarCraft or Diablo. I'm not even mentioning the games I posted on a 286 PC like Dune by Virgin, or Wolfenstein or Red Alert. There have been so many... But I think on top of my list are those three I mentioned. And yes, I do...
  9. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    What if the camera is not great? #surfacephone

    Even if the Surface Phone would be an enterprise focused device it will still have an above than average camera. Let's not forget that once upon the time Nokia and Microsoft were leaders in smartphone camera. If it will be a consumer focused device, being marketed as the ultimate mobile...
  10. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    How do you prefer to get Xbox game reviews?

    My thoughts exactly. In depth reviews with pictures will do nicely for me too.
  11. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    Does iPhone X grab you?

    Hell no! I will not replace my Lumia 950 XL with an iPhone X whose price starts at $1000. And by the way, Face ID exists on Android for over one year not to mention wireless charging which is already old technology. I agree with the ideas presented in this short movie about the new iPhone...
  12. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    Die hard windows fans

    I use a Lumia 950 XL without the Dock. I'm on production build and I have on my smartphone most of the apps that I need. I think I'll wait until May, 2018 to see if Microsoft or one of its OEM partners will release a mobile device that is always connected, can make phone calls using the GSM...
  13. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    Microsoft owes us that have stuck with them since Windows Phone 7 and even beyond!!!

    No, I don't think Microsoft ownes anyone anything. Nobody from Microsoft forced us to make the choices we made. I started with Windows Mobile 6 on HTC Touch Diamond. I continued with WP 7 on HTC Radar. I bought Nokia Lumia 800 for my wife. Then I upgraded myself to Nokia Lumia 1020 and my wife...
  14. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    Live Tiles not uptading issues

    For some time my Lumia 950XL is experiencing the following odd behavior. Every time I install a system update I have to follow it with phone reset because otherwise the live tiles of some applications aren't updated unless I'm connected to Wi-Fi. The affected applications are: Facebook (by...
  15. Cosmin Petrenciuc

    What is your 'other' browser?

    My default browser is Edge and I use Chrome as backup.