What phone are you using nowadays?

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Jez Corden

Staff member
Jan 29, 2013
With Windows Phone / 10 Mobile being (almost) completely abandoned, I wondered what phones people in the community are using nowadays?

I ditched Windows 10 Mobile when I got fed up of my Lumia 950 XL / HP Elite x3 crashing all the time, with Twitter spontaneously closing itself every few minutes. The weak software job on that OS, coupled with the awful camera on the Elite x3 made me want to try pastures new. CrackBerry Kevin over at CrackBerry offered me a BlackBerry KEYone and later a KEY2 to try, but I eventually jumped to a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 for the OS-level themes, better camera, and inking.

What phones are you using? Why do you prefer Android over iOS or vice versa? Are you still on a Windows-based device? Let's hear it. :)
My Lumia 950xl, of course, it's a wonderful device. On the latest firmware it has not more bugs than an iPhone. I think that it's the first bad firmware made people believe these phones are bad. But after the CU (when I bought mine) that was not the case at all anymore
With Windows Phone / 10 Mobile being (almost) completely abandoned, I wondered what phones people in the community are using nowadays?

I ditched Windows 10 Mobile when I got fed up of my Lumia 950 XL / HP Elite x3 crashing all the time, with Twitter spontaneously closing itself every few minutes. The weak software job on that OS, coupled with the awful camera on the Elite x3 made me want to try pastures new. CrackBerry Kevin over at CrackBerry offered me a BlackBerry KEYone and later a KEY2 to try, but I eventually jumped to a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 for the OS-level themes, better camera, and inking.

What phones are you using? Why do you prefer Android over iOS or vice versa? Are you still on a Windows-based device? Let's hear it. :)

I'm still using Windows 10 mobile on Lumia 950. It still does the job for now (actually works great) but i will probably change to Android phone when this eventually quits working. I keep hoping someone will launch a Andromeda type device. Common Microsoft, Samsung or maybe Lenovo.
With Windows Phone / 10 Mobile being (almost) completely abandoned, I wondered what phones people in the community are using nowadays?

I ditched Windows 10 Mobile when I got fed up of my Lumia 950 XL / HP Elite x3 crashing all the time, with Twitter spontaneously closing itself every few minutes. The weak software job on that OS, coupled with the awful camera on the Elite x3 made me want to try pastures new. CrackBerry Kevin over at CrackBerry offered me a BlackBerry KEYone and later a KEY2 to try, but I eventually jumped to a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 for the OS-level themes, better camera, and inking.

What phones are you using? Why do you prefer Android over iOS or vice versa? Are you still on a Windows-based device? Let's hear it. :)

I'm still rocking my Lumia 950XL. Although it has been buggy a little lately, it hasn't really let me down where it counts (mostly work, and school). Usually a good ol' factory reset fixes these problems. I do feel the impending end for my device as 2019 comes to and end, however I am still optimistic something will come to replace my Windows device that is MS branded. Until then I will continue to use my 950XL 'till I can't anymore. I have a few decent android phones laying around (been fixing phones for a while now) so if worst comes to worst I will at least have a decent phone to replace my Windows baby, although begrudgingly. I'm trying to stay as positive as I can here, which sometimes is hard, but I think it'll be alright in the end. A Windows powered phone made by true WP fans? 🤔 Anyone?
Ended up leaving my MS Lumia 735 to a LG V20 with customized Windows 10 mobile launcher. (Not MS Launcher). Office apps and a somewhat Windows start page has softened the blow, but holding out for the comeback to glory Andromeda!
With Windows Phone / 10 Mobile being (almost) completely abandoned, I wondered what phones people in the community are using nowadays?

I ditched Windows 10 Mobile when I got fed up of my Lumia 950 XL / HP Elite x3 crashing all the time, with Twitter spontaneously closing itself every few minutes. The weak software job on that OS, coupled with the awful camera on the Elite x3 made me want to try pastures new. CrackBerry Kevin over at CrackBerry offered me a BlackBerry KEYone and later a KEY2 to try, but I eventually jumped to a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 for the OS-level themes, better camera, and inking.

What phones are you using? Why do you prefer Android over iOS or vice versa? Are you still on a Windows-based device? Let's hear it. :)
I had the Note 9 and I enjoyed it for a time but I ended up selling it and going to a Pixel 3 XL and I don't regret it at all. All of my headphones solutions are wireless already and the camera is beyond stellar. I love the simple and clean OS offered by Google. I don't have to modify it at all really. With my Note it took me over a week to settle. I have a work Note 8 and I enjoy it but don't find joy in using it outside of work uses.
With Windows Phone / 10 Mobile being (almost) completely abandoned, I wondered what phones people in the community are using nowadays?

I ditched Windows 10 Mobile when I got fed up of my Lumia 950 XL / HP Elite x3 crashing all the time, with Twitter spontaneously closing itself every few minutes. The weak software job on that OS, coupled with the awful camera on the Elite x3 made me want to try pastures new. CrackBerry Kevin over at CrackBerry offered me a BlackBerry KEYone and later a KEY2 to try, but I eventually jumped to a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 for the OS-level themes, better camera, and inking.

What phones are you using? Why do you prefer Android over iOS or vice versa? Are you still on a Windows-based device? Let's hear it. :)

I finally gave up on WP a year or so ago, having had some sort of Windows phone for years, starting out on Windows mobile. So it was a massive wrench, I have never liked apple so there was only one option and I ended up with the Galaxy Note, initially an 8 but quickly upgraded to the 9 for the better battery life. I like the pen, the screen and the camera is fine.

I still miss WP but have learned to live with Android, using the Microsoft Launcher which is OK and all the various MS apps. Its nice to be able to have the variety of apps that are on offer but such a shame we couldn't have had this on WP.
With Windows Phone / 10 Mobile being (almost) completely abandoned, I wondered what phones people in the community are using nowadays?

I ditched Windows 10 Mobile when I got fed up of my Lumia 950 XL / HP Elite x3 crashing all the time, with Twitter spontaneously closing itself every few minutes. The weak software job on that OS, coupled with the awful camera on the Elite x3 made me want to try pastures new. CrackBerry Kevin over at CrackBerry offered me a BlackBerry KEYone and later a KEY2 to try, but I eventually jumped to a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 for the OS-level themes, better camera, and inking.

What phones are you using? Why do you prefer Android over iOS or vice versa? Are you still on a Windows-based device? Let's hear it. :)

I had to move to IOS 6 months ago for hearing aid support or I would still be using my 950
With Windows Phone / 10 Mobile being (almost) completely abandoned, I wondered what phones people in the community are using nowadays?

I ditched Windows 10 Mobile when I got fed up of my Lumia 950 XL / HP Elite x3 crashing all the time, with Twitter spontaneously closing itself every few minutes. The weak software job on that OS, coupled with the awful camera on the Elite x3 made me want to try pastures new. CrackBerry Kevin over at CrackBerry offered me a BlackBerry KEYone and later a KEY2 to try, but I eventually jumped to a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 for the OS-level themes, better camera, and inking.

What phones are you using? Why do you prefer Android over iOS or vice versa? Are you still on a Windows-based device? Let's hear it. :)

HP Elite x3. Calls, text, email, twitter still work fine, any other stuff works on the mobile browser since you can switch between mobile and desktop mode.

I try to avoid services that require a mobile app that can only be had in Google or Appe cause i don't sit on my phone all day. My college gave me an iPad and i pretty much got the same apps on my phone. I'm one of the exceptions, i know. If Andromeda doesn't get released before this dies, i like the Huawei Mate X, but my Elite is paid off so I'm not motivated to just get another phone just because.
Sadly a lumia 950. It's a great phone, only app I miss is banking, nice experience, never had any crashing issues (got in late in the game), camera is amazeballs. Live tiles I've gotten super used to on windows and windows mobile: not just "here you have a thing", but "here are the actual things".

But, text notifications on windows 10 PC no longer show up, and whatsapp and messenger depreciation lay around the corner.

If I didn't have a list of things an arm long, that I actually need to get over the next year for my tiny house, I'd go ahead and replace it with a LineageOS phone running BB and microsoft apps. As it is, I'll probably just have to weather the storm until I actually can afford something as (to me) mostly trivial as a phone, who's primary use is txt, music, maps and camera (I often wonder why they can't just make better feature phones; IME, for most people, a whole apps store is total overkill, and I fondly remember 2 week long battery life, and near invicibility).

My one complaint about the 950 other than the lack of banking apps, is the battery life. Battery life is, a bit sad. Have to carry a battery pack on long days.
I'm still rocking my Lumia 950XL. Although it has been buggy a little lately, it hasn't really let me down where it counts (mostly work, and school). Usually a good ol' factory reset fixes these problems. I do feel the impending end for my device as 2019 comes to and end, however I am still optimistic something will come to replace my Windows device that is MS branded. Until then I will continue to use my 950XL 'till I can't anymore. I have a few decent android phones laying around (been fixing phones for a while now) so if worst comes to worst I will at least have a decent phone to replace my Windows baby, although begrudgingly. I'm trying to stay as positive as I can here, which sometimes is hard, but I think it'll be alright in the end. A Windows powered phone made by true WP fans? ������ Anyone?

Windows 'lite' seems like the perfect opportunity for _something_ with a smaller screen (at the very least a smaller surface go, or notepad like experience), but the editors seem to be picking 2020 for that variant of windows core. And I except andromeda will be at least after that too, assuming it comes, because the project needs more polish. I was hoping it would time well too, but it looks like there will be gap to me. I suppose you never know.

Still as MSFT fan, i'd rather they get andromeda right if they do it, or windows lite for that matter. I want them to pull an apple, and get the best implementation to the market first, rather than simply the first to the market.

Maybe even android app support with a partnership with amazon, for their app store. Or a deal with adobe for a mobile version of illustrator or photoshop. Certainly a suite of core apps that bolster the entry in terms of the niche core market, like note taking, annotation, dictation, basic sketching. Got to enter strong if possible.
As with many things in life, the litmus test for Windows Phone as an OS is that my wife still laments not having it. And blames me for switching her to Android when the brickbats should go to Microsoft for seizing failure from success.

I now use an LG V30+ with the Microsoft launcher and the Microsoft Apps. With the exception of Office Lens, which crashes more often than it works, I am happy with the functionality that a properly supported phone brings. I also like the PC link. Albeit that Microsoft was slow to bring that out and it could do a lot more. For goodness sake, Symbian did!

As a piece of hardware the V30 is excellent. Very well made, great screen and not over priced like a lot of the competition. Thanks Apple for legitimizing rip offs. The camera is excellent and the wide angle option a boon. The headphone jack, thanks for another useless fashion Apple, removing a vital function to sell silly little white things sticking out and down the ear, is superb. The phone came with B&O buds.

My only semi regret is that I see absolutely no need to change the LG phone for anything else. Any improvement would be marginal and not worth the cost.
I'm still on my 950xl (I'm writing this post on it!) - it does everything I need it to do, and those things it won't do, I'll do on my laptop. Sometimes it's a pain, but it gets the job done.

I was afraid I would be switching soon (and probably to a Note 8) when Facebook/Messenger died, but Likebook has stepped in nicely.

Sure, it's buggy, but the seamless integration of all of my devices makes it a necessity that I'm not ready to live without. Besides, I can spend the $300-1000 on more important things than a phone at the moment.
I'm still on my 950xl (I'm writing this post on it!) - it does everything I need it to do, and those things it won't do, I'll do on my laptop. Sometimes it's a pain, but it gets the job done.

I was afraid I would be switching soon (and probably to a Note 8) when Facebook/Messenger died, but Likebook has stepped in nicely.

Sure, it's buggy, but the seamless integration of all of my devices makes it a necessity that I'm not ready to live without. Besides, I can spend the $300-1000 on more important things than a phone at the moment.

Messenger still works for me. It died?
I use a Sony experia ZX2 compact as my first daily phone and still my Lumia 950 and my band 2. Kuddos for Microsoft, I got some money back for stopping support for the band2 ,bravo!
With Windows Phone / 10 Mobile being (almost) completely abandoned, I wondered what phones people in the community are using nowadays?

I ditched Windows 10 Mobile when I got fed up of my Lumia 950 XL / HP Elite x3 crashing all the time, with Twitter spontaneously closing itself every few minutes. The weak software job on that OS, coupled with the awful camera on the Elite x3 made me want to try pastures new. CrackBerry Kevin over at CrackBerry offered me a BlackBerry KEYone and later a KEY2 to try, but I eventually jumped to a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 for the OS-level themes, better camera, and inking.

What phones are you using? Why do you prefer Android over iOS or vice versa? Are you still on a Windows-based device? Let's hear it. :)

I had a Lumia 950XL. My wife had a Lumia 950. Now I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S9+ and my wife is using a Huawei P20 Pro. We transferred our older phones to our parents. For example, my mother uses now my Lumia 950XL and my father uses my old Nokia Lumia 1020.

We did the switch mainly because the supported applications list was shrinking. The battery from my wife's Lumia 950 started to exhibit wear symptoms and I simply didn't have any other non-Android or non-IOS options for replacement. Maybe I could have continued to use Lumia 950XL for another six months, but my Vodafone Romania contract was due for renewal by the time Samsung launched the S9 line, so I got myself a new S9+ with a carrier subsidy (about 100 EUR or so off the price list).

I think I left the Microsoft ecosystem mainly because Microsoft showed no love for their mobile OS.

Why I chose Android? Because I don't want to pay extra money just for Apple's logo. I find Apple's products as being overpriced.
My 950xl is still going, I was having problems with crashing and replaced the battery which seems to have solved it. Given Windows Mobile is going away in December I will probably get a Huawei then (I buy my phones for the camera).

If in the future Microsoft should decide to release Andromeda I would give it a look. Android and IOS phones that I've used don't seem to be as elegant as the Windows interface, but it wouldn't be the first time that a superior product has lost out in the market.
Lumia 950 xl

With Windows Phone / 10 Mobile being (almost) completely abandoned, I wondered what phones people in the community are using nowadays?

I ditched Windows 10 Mobile when I got fed up of my Lumia 950 XL / HP Elite x3 crashing all the time, with Twitter spontaneously closing itself every few minutes. The weak software job on that OS, coupled with the awful camera on the Elite x3 made me want to try pastures new. CrackBerry Kevin over at CrackBerry offered me a BlackBerry KEYone and later a KEY2 to try, but I eventually jumped to a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 for the OS-level themes, better camera, and inking.

What phones are you using? Why do you prefer Android over iOS or vice versa? Are you still on a Windows-based device? Let's hear it. :)

Hi, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, I am a Windows Phone user since my first Nokia Lumia 1020 back in 2014. I have a Lumia 950 XL since 2016 and though at the beginning experience some troubles at the beginning, with the different updates, the Windows Mobile experience since Windows 10 has being incredible, the sync with my Surface Book 2 is perfect.
Now having heard about Microsoft discontinuing the support for Windows Mobile I plan to have it working until WhatsApp does not work any more and so far the most suitable replace I found in my country is the Nokia 7.1 because I know for a fact that I do not like iPhone and with the options out there the best is a phone that runs Android One.
I being doing research and thanks to the different articles posted in Windows Central I have read and learnt about the benefits of the Microsoft Apps in the Play Store I may even have the option of a Microsoft Launcher to make it look similar to a Windows Phone alike.
So there you have my choice Nokia 7.1
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