What phone are you using these days?

No way that I'm spending £1,000 on a flagship phone just to get a decent camera, combined with an OS that I hate (iOS or google).
Who would do that to themselves.

I had a good blast with Sailfish OS for a while but there were a few niggles and the Xperia 10 III camera was not taking as good a picture in a lot of circumstances as the Lumia 950, so I just went back to the Lumia for now and I'm not regretting it, despite the many online services that have been pulled from it.
Still using my iPhone 15 Pro Titanium model which has performed perfectly, I have been on the fence about buying the new 16 Pro model, but I am semi-retired and live on a fixed income and any new purchase items have to be value added. I am not into AI and I know if I go into the Apple store and pick up the 16 Pro and start playing with it, I will end up buying one, so I will continue to use my 15 Pro and avoid the Apple store for now.
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