Recent content by cymumtaz

  1. cymumtaz

    Contacts missing from People app

    Mine still isn't working! Do you have the latest updates of Outlook Mail and Calendar? After I get Focused Inbox my contacts don't sync properly in the People app.
  2. cymumtaz

    Contacts missing from People app

    I noticed my problems started after Outlook became "Outlook Mail and Calendar." Lots of sync issues, and my people app works fine up until the latest update where I get Focused Inbox and category sync in the Calendar.
  3. cymumtaz

    When Microsoft To-Do be out?

    Microsoft To-Do ("Project Cheshire") looks like it has the potential to sync tasks between Outlook Desktop, the Web, and my mobile device. When that happens, I can finally have the PIM devices of yore that wirelessly sync to Outlook desktop. Productivity and integration! Do you have an inside...
  4. cymumtaz

    Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

    Hope this works!
  5. cymumtaz

    Tasks App for windows 8 and Windows phone 8

    where? Are you talking about OneNote? How do you add to-do deadlines?