Tasks App for windows 8 and Windows phone 8

Tasks by AppaMundi syncs Tasks with Exchange and O365. Besides livetile, it can display info on detailed status place at lock screen. This is the best tasks app in the store ATM for exchange type of use. Clean, fast, simple and works good.

I have been trying all of them. Before the latest updates the one mentioned above, I was using 2day Tasks. It has a lot of function, but its little cluttered and I seemed to experience random things were tasks deleted in the app didnt delete from O365 server, so small problems with the sync. It has a lot of function though.
Hmm I have missed Iconical, I need to check this out.

EDIT: It cant sync To-do's with the server, or did I miss something?
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So what we conclude is that the $600 phone in our pockets in 2014 (which has the power of a PC of only a few years ago) cannot do what a WindowsMobile6 phone could do - allow us to manage our lives. Does anybody know or want to guess why MS have hogtied this feature (Tasks) for developers and users alike? It is so simple for a pro coder (a task list is no more complex than email or a database). So it MUST be MS policy (since they have had ample opportunity to address this wish list item since WP7 launched). The reason behind this baffles me. Its not as though they gain by selling a separate device like a satnav or camera... so why can't we have simple reliable task syncing from PC to phone? Why why why?
1) Not many people use tasks.
2) There's nothing to stop app developers from creating a fully featured task app that syncs with Exchange.

Seems reasonable to me that Microsoft would omit a little used feature and let others implement it if they wanted to.
What? Did I miss something or what... There are many TASKS apps at store that sync with exchange/o365 or even with outlook.com tasks. Live tiles and all, I dint get something now.
I use the TO-DO list when I swipe left in my calendar. It is functional but would love it to sync with a Windows 8 app for my Surface. Sure, I can go to the website but it would be nice if this worked in the calendar app.
What about Outlook? Tasks in Outlook show up as a "to do" list in the WP8 calendar.

Doesn't Iconical have an integrated to-do list, even with livetile ? I remember something like that in a calendar app...

I use Outlook tasks and I have been trying the WP app "Iconical" with Outlook (connected to exchange in Office 365 Pro 1). It has the great feature of a large tile, on the WP start screen, that flips with your upcoming tasks on one side and upcoming calendar items on the other. This makes Outlook tasks more convenient/ noticeable.

Does Iconical sync tasks and calendar in the background? Or you have to start the app to do it?

Iconical syncs the calendar every 30 minutes typically by running in the background.

Unfortunately, I think I jumped to the conclusion that it was syncing Tasks too, but it isn't? It has "Tasks" and they display on the flip tile but I can't see how to get them to sync? Darn.

I emailed Iconical and they say that the Windows Phone operating system doesn't currently allow access to Outlook Tasks by Apps. They say if this changes, they likely will add it to their App.

From the store description :
Iconical Plus | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)


To-do tasks can be maintained and displayed on the same live tile with your calendar events.
Tasks by AppaMundi syncs Tasks with Exchange and O365. Besides livetile, it can display info on detailed status place at lock screen. This is the best tasks app in the store ATM for exchange type of use. Clean, fast, simple and works good.


Can it sync with exchange or outlook 365 in the background? I don't want to have to open the app to sync.

I want something with that functionality like the to do list in the default calendar app. That is why I ditched 2day, and it's a pity because I loved it.
For me Effectual still seems to work best, both WP8 and Win8 versions are quite well executed, and developer seems to be keeping up with the updates
How does this work? In the past they said to use Outlook connector and it just didn't work for me.

What version of Outlook do you have?

I'm running Outlook 2013. I created this task in Outlook 2013, and it shows up on my phone.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Tapatalk
I still use outlook 2013 to manage my outlook.com tasks. It syncs my tasks on outlook 2013, to my Lumia 920 and android LG G2

Sent from my LG-D801 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
Looking for a good simple app to sync Gtask aka Google Tasks with WP8,
anyone? currently only found an app MyToDo, is there any better alternatives or is there any that can sync to built in calendar?

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