I can't wait for humanity's reliance on AI and robots, to make us more uneducated and lazier, to stiffen our critical thinking and troubleshooting skills. Great idea.
Deep fakes should be banned, and maybe they will, but they'll still be made. It will be too good of a tool not to be used by those who want to keep people divisive and confused.
The videos of Trump and Kamala making out are my favorite. ❤️
I no longer support AI or the development for it. As development continues, the focus is slowly becoming more of human replacement and extinction by the ultra rich people at the top at the expense of everyone else on the planet. Nobody will have critical thinking or trouble-shooting skills...
"Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella expressed in a recent interview that one of his biggest regrets is killing Windows Phone. That fact must sting ever harder in the AI world, given that Microsoft no longer has any control over the direction of mobile computing."
On behalf of so many of us who have...
You can sue anybody for anything. It doesn't mean it's going to go anywhere. I'm sure he's been advized that it's an exersize in futility, but it gives the situation free news coverage and people talking, which we are.
There is also a goal to help keep AI factual and not contribute to...
Call it whatever you want. Patterns don't lie. Nobody is going to buy an Xbox when they can play Xbox AND PlayStation games on a PlayStation. Sony will increase exclusives to drive the wedge deeper. Xbox will turn to a service and then sold off, leaving one major console and a toy console...
This was an opinion piece. With that said, I too agree with Jez. I've been an avid fan of MS since 1996. I've had all the products, giving them umteen chances to make good on their promises. From Zune to Band 1/2 to Project Spark to Visual J++ to Courier to Kin to WM/WP to Kinect to Groove...
I really wonder how a giant company like Microsoft comes up with these rediculous and confusing naming conventions for their consoles. I can only hope the next console is named XBox Series S One X 360 to keep the idiocy alive.