Recent content by joeinbh

  1. J

    950XL features leaked

    Re: 940XL features leaked If you're happy with your 1520, I agree - it's not a compelling upgrade. My 1520 has been having call quality issues lately and the rotation lock/accelerometer has been buggy, so I'm going back and forth between buying another 1520 and waiting for the 940 XL to come...
  2. J

    What's the best deal I can get on a Lumia 1520?

    I got mine from "Deal Fisher" on eBay. Advertised as refurbished, but I bought mine in "excellent" condition - and paid about a $20 premium over those advertised as "very good" condition - and it was flawless. Wrapped in the factory plastic, smelled new, etc. But for the lack of all the...
  3. J

    Locked into ATT, Considering upgrading from L920 to L1520...but which one?

    I just bought a 1520 within the last 2 weeks myself. I personally bought a seller refurbished unit on eBay from a seller known as deal.fisher. I paid $320 for a white 1520 and now they're only $300. They come in all colors except green. Make sure to buy one in "excellent" condition. That's...
  4. J

    Help my phone is stuck on narrator?

    A million thanks. Just got me out of narrator mode.
  5. J

    1520 and Zune not working.

    Upgrading from a Lumia 900, I tried to use Zune with my new 1520 last night and had no success. Glad I can finally dump that annoying-as-all-heck program!
  6. J

    Upgrading my phone need opinions.

    Congrats on the Icon! I'm only using my 900 for another day or two until my 1520 comes in. It's been a great device, but seems to be getting more and more buggy as time goes on. Not sure if it's the hardware, software, or just my expectations, but it's finally time to move on. I think I...
  7. J

    Thanks L830 for Making My Choice Easy

    I wasn't expecting the 830 to have the same specs (plural) as the 930. However, based on Microsoft's own deliberate reference to the 830 as an "affordable flagship," many people expected it would match the 930 in some specs. Sorry if the main point of my post wasn't clear, but my point was that...
  8. J

    Nokia Denim features... which is more exciting for you?

    The faster shot-to-shot time is very important, but I voted for the moments capture. Having 3 small kids, I've handed our high-quality Canon camcorder to hundreds of strangers and asked them to point it at us, since the only way I could get decent family photos with 3 small kids was to pull 2...
  9. J

    Thanks L830 for Making My Choice Easy

    My beloved Lumia 900 was really starting to show its age and I've been looking for a suitable Windows Phone upgrade on AT&T for awhile. I was about the pull the trigger on a 1520 a couple months ago but had some reservations about the size, so I decided to hold out and see what the 830 had to...
  10. J

    What do you think about the 4K video filming for L1520?

    Microsoft's implementation here is PERFECT!!! I have 3 small kids and learned long ago that the only way to get photographs where everyone looks okay (or at least where no one looks horrible) is to pull them off of video. I can't tell you how many times I handed a camcorder to a stranger and...
  11. J

    Rumor claims Lumia 830 could have a 10 megapixel PureView rear camera

    Re: Where's the "high end" in the "affordable high end?" 20MP? 13MP? 10MP? I've been saying I'll buy the 830 if it has a great camera, but I also don't define a great camera as only one having a high megapixel count. I speculated awhile back that we're looking at an entirely new camera here...
  12. J

    Who is buying the Lumia 830 when it comes out?

    If it has a quality camera, I'm there!
  13. J

    Lumia 830 specs leaked, Sept 4 announcement?

    I also like the charging port on top, solely because it makes it easier to plug in while in the car (I'd usually have my phone sitting in a cup-holder). That said, I'm a city guy who has never owned a car and usually drives one only 2-3 times per month, so my opinion shouldn't count for much...
  14. J

    Lumia 830 specs leaked, Sept 4 announcement?

    I'll be getting a new phone on AT&T within the next month or so (I originally switched from VZW for the Lumia 900 and now I'm stuck there as my wife has nearly a dozen active devices for her business and won't switch). My Lumia 900 is really showing its age, so no more waiting - it'll either be...
  15. J

    Lumia 900 to 920 poll

    Other: Pay the ETF on the Lumia 900 and get a 920 (or other hero WP8 phone) with carrier subsidy.