Upgrading my phone need opinions.


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Jan 10, 2012
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So the Cyan 900 is coming to the end of its life a a cellphone. I've been having problems with it never connecting to the network after it spends some time with no service. I'll keep it around as a gaming device and remote for my desktop. In addition to that my new wife and I are moving off of our parents plans onto a joint plan. Problem is that she is on Red and I'm on At&t. We agreed last night that the best option is to buy previous generation phones and avoid the contract. She is getting a iPhone but I need Windows.

So I'm looking for options on a new phone. This is most likely going to be a phone to hold me over until that phone that I just have to have day 1. I'm mainly looking for a WP8 phone that will not feel like a downgrade from the 900. I was just looking for opinions from people that have the same phone as me. So if you were in my shoes, what would you do?


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Nov 12, 2012
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Oh I had a friend with a cyan 900, man that thing took a beating in its lifetime. then I showed her my cyan 920. heh.

I would say the most logical step up would be the Lumia 920. It's larger and probably heavier, but it isn't wasted weight. It's still a solid option (despite being 2012's flagship), and can sometimes be found for cheap.

The 820 is another, I would hold it to be on-par kinda. The 720 isn't readily available in the US, and the 620, I guess its potentially an option, but nah.

Laura Knotek

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Mar 31, 2012
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Oh I had a friend with a cyan 900, man that thing took a beating in its lifetime. then I showed her my cyan 920. heh.

I would say the most logical step up would be the Lumia 920. It's larger and probably heavier, but it isn't wasted weight. It's still a solid option (despite being 2012's flagship), and can sometimes be found for cheap.

The 820 is another, I would hold it to be on-par kinda. The 720 isn't readily available in the US, and the 620, I guess its potentially an option, but nah.

I also went from a cyan 900 to a 920, but I got a pre-owned red 920.


May 12, 2014
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920 is a bit outdated for today's standard, however because of the level of optimization Microsoft has provided for Windows Phone it works pretty fast.

Though I would recommend buying a recent device, such as the 930 or 1520 if your not into a lot of mobile gaming and want a decent package, Lumia 920 or 925 should be good enough.
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Jan 10, 2012
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Thank you all for your opinions. I'm really kicking myself for not grabbing that $80 refurb 925 that was up a while ago. I think a 920 may be in my future if we go AT&T, but things seem to be leaning to the big red. How does the 928 compare to the 900, or would it be better to just go for an icon?

Or just thinking out loud, is there a phone that cold be unlocked to work on either/both


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Nov 12, 2012
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Thank you all for your opinions. I'm really kicking myself for not grabbing that $80 refurb 925 that was up a while ago. I think a 920 may be in my future if we go AT&T, but things seem to be leaning to the big red. How does the 928 compare to the 900, or would it be better to just go for an icon?

Or just thinking out loud, is there a phone that cold be unlocked to work on either/both

You know how the 920 stacks up with the 900, right?

The 928 is a solid device, its essentially the 920, except with a different display (same tech as 900, the 920 is an odd one in the high end with its LCD alongside the 1520), only black or white, more boxy design, and with a xenon flash (bit better colors, better at "freezing" stuff for the camera)
It's for VZW, but is a world phone and has GSM radios which come unlocked by default.

The Icon is also a fine option.


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Jan 10, 2012
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You know how the 920 stacks up with the 900, right?
yeah, I followed that phone for a while. I do like the ios on the camera but if I'm not mistaken all"pure view" cameras have that now.

This is definitely helping. More opinions are welcome. I think I convinced the wife to keep he current iPhone so grabbing an icon might just work, I just really wanted the orange 930 in the US.


May 12, 2014
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The Windows Phone OS does not need very powerful specifications to keep itself running smoothly, however with that said Lumia 928 uses almost two year old hardware that is not compliant with the latest graphics standards.

A move from 928 to 930 is only 2 numbers, but don't let the names confuse you. Lumia 930 beats 928 by a huge margin and I would definitely recommend going for 930 instead.

Don't get last generation devices.
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Jan 10, 2012
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Thank you all for your help. Fortuneatly my decision has been made for me as my wife's work gives a discount through Verizon and is willing to pay $40/month . That basically makes it half as much as AT&T and I can get an Icon :). I'll be going to the MS store as I already had a bad experience with a very "thick" rep at the Verizon store.


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Oct 8, 2012
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Congrats on the Icon! I'm only using my 900 for another day or two until my 1520 comes in. It's been a great device, but seems to be getting more and more buggy as time goes on. Not sure if it's the hardware, software, or just my expectations, but it's finally time to move on. I think I would have preferred the Icon, but my wife has at least a half dozen devices on AT&T, so we're not moving anytime soon.

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