Recent content by mms-pc

  1. mms-pc

    What's The Longest Time You've Gone Without Upgrading Your PC?

    Speaking of Surface 2, I myself own a Surface RT, recently I discover that Microsoft had ended the support of Marketplace for Windows 8.1 RT system, not only we can't install any x86-based software, and now we can't download any app from Marketplace, either, So this Surface RT/2 is legally...
  2. mms-pc

    What's The Longest Time You've Gone Without Upgrading Your PC?

    The longest period? I assembled my previous PC back in December 2007, and my most recent PC was assembled last October, so it's nearly 9 years. Back in the college days I upgraded my PC almost every year, the only power that drove me for upgrade was 3D gaming, I needed more powerful CPU and 3D...
  3. mms-pc

    Yikes... MS cutting Mobile phone jobs again...

    Well, according to the internal memo post in this article, the 2nd part of the strategy catches my eyes: >>We always take care of our customers, Windows phones are no exception. We will continue to update and support our current Lumia and OEM partner phones, and develop great new devices...
  4. mms-pc

    HP Elite availability

    Yesterday we had a good news: HP Elite x3 will be available in Taiwan this September: ?????Phablet????????? | ???? | 20160407 | ???? (Sorry, this news was written in Traditional Chinese) I think I may give Microsoft Lumia 950 couple months, if months later Lumia 950 series are still not...
  5. mms-pc

    W10M release dates? Answers inside...

    Good news, there's always a tomorrow......
  6. mms-pc

    Does the Surface 3 have a slow charging problem?

    I have another charging issue with Surface 3, every time I plug in my Surface 3, I notice the batter icon in the taskbar section would change, but the flyover indicates that my machine is plugged in, but not charging, I must un-plug and re-plug it, or wait for some certain moment of time, then...
  7. mms-pc

    Out of warranty screen replacement cost is too much!

    Well, it still makes sense, I remember back in 2012 as I accidentally broke the glass of my brand-new New iPad, which I just bought for only 2 weeks, and I brought it back to the store for help, I could only got a refurbished one, and I still had to pay about $300 for replace fee.........
  8. mms-pc

    Only 2 problems I see [HP Elite x3]

    For Windows Phones with no physical camera button, how do we wake up the camera app from standby mode?
  9. mms-pc

    My city thinks WP is dead and don't support it

    I can't blame them, either, but I will respond this to them: Okay, are you going to buy me an Android/iOS device, so I could use your app service?
  10. mms-pc

    Joe Belfiore uses an iPhone

    Oh, I did pretty much similar thing before. During my two years of employment in Microsoft, I got a task that required using a Mac machine, my superior did get me a Mac computer, and that was my first time using Mac OSX.
  11. mms-pc

    Lumia 930 screen protector

    I think I may need a screen proctor for my 930 as well, just recently discovered a bit obvious scratch mark on the glass, I thought I had been very carful.......
  12. mms-pc

    W10M release dates? Answers inside...

    This news quotes from French carrier, will carriers from other countries follow the same?
  13. mms-pc

    Why Does Surface 3 Shut Off Completely After Sleeping for 1 Hour

    It seems that it was changed perhaps by some patch I recently installed from windows update, in the beginning as I press the power key or cover it up with keypad cover, it would go to sleep mode, that way it wakes up faster, but uses up quite proportion of battery. Now it appears to be going to...
  14. mms-pc

    Windows 10 ready for Surface 3? (Wifi-version)

    Just being curious, where did you buy it? Is your Surface 3 a brand new machine, or pre-owned one? A month ago when I bought mine from MS retailer, it was still installed with Win8.1, I had to install win10 myself, although the employee from MS retailer provided me with original win10...
  15. mms-pc

    Visual C++ 2013 runtime package issue in Windows Store app

    I have a pretty strange problem in Windows Store app for my Surface 3, everyday I would go to Download and Updates to check if there's any update for my app, but there's always "Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Runtime Package" showing up in the update list, and re-install itself. Is there any way to...