Out of warranty screen replacement cost is too much!

M R7

New member
Feb 19, 2016
Hi, I have a Microsoft SP3 in my possession, I love this tablet and exclusively use it for taking notes in class.

A few weeks back, I chipped the corner of the screen while it was in my backpack, at that time it wasn't a great concern because everything else was fine and the pen worked on the screen. But overtime, the cracked slowly grew across the screen in the shape of a thin line. Now, I can't use the pen anymore, the touch screen won't respond and its pretty much a laptop.

I figured I can try to get it exchanged under the out of warranty replacement program offered by Microsoft but to my surprise it costs $ 549 CAD to send you a replacement. Which is quite high, considering I can pick up a used one in good working condition from kijiji for around the similar price!

I am not sure whether its only me thats getting this quote, because I read in numerous places online that it was $300.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks so much.
Well, it still makes sense, I remember back in 2012 as I accidentally broke the glass of my brand-new New iPad, which I just bought for only 2 weeks, and I brought it back to the store for help, I could only got a refurbished one, and I still had to pay about $300 for replace fee.........

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