Recent content by NuttyProf

  1. NuttyProf

    Can't play Halo 5 with my boys! No local Co-op is VERY Disappointing!!!

    But there is coop, yes only online but there is coop Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
  2. NuttyProf

    Xbox one first time

    No u don't need Internet, it should work fine, just not have updates obviously. Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
  3. NuttyProf

    Xbox One is downloading 1.1GB update

    All preview members were warned that unless they leave the preview programme then their console will update to NXOE automatically. You need to manually leave programme in order to delay update, but bear in mind in less than 2 weeks everyone will get it, unless they unplug from the Internet...
  4. NuttyProf

    Xbox one first time

    The console will work without Internet but will not have all features/updates. But a brand new console WILL work fine. Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
  5. NuttyProf

    NXOE Requests/Invites

    For those asking for invites to the NXOE preview, Microsoft said a while a go that they have stopped accepting invites has they have reached capacity. Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
  6. NuttyProf

    Invite for xbone preview program

    Invite system as been closed for a while. Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
  7. NuttyProf

    Can I get an invite for xbox one windows 10 perview

    Invite system as been closed for a while. Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
  8. NuttyProf

    Ask the Windows Central team your New Xbox One Experience questions!

    Your console will force an update, if you decline you will have to stay offline. Bear in mind, Xbox Live is needed for most apps to work as well as games. No update, NO XBOX LIVE, NO GAME UPDATES, NO MULTIPLAYER, NO NETFLIX, YOUTUBE ETC ETC. All you will have is a offline games machine Posted...