Recent content by SlightlyDum

  1. SlightlyDum

    Cases/Covers + Accessories for your Lumia 950XL

    Its actually the original back case. I just had it warp with a sticker.
  2. SlightlyDum

    Crashing/Battery Issues I've brought 2 batteries from them and my phone hasn't restarted once (Going on three months). I've recommended to a few others on here and on reddit and everyone who has purchase from them, has been 100% satisfied. They've have always mention that shipping has been...
  3. SlightlyDum

    Battery Discharge when plugin charger on multi-plug has no power

    My phone will discharge quickly and get really hot when I connect the charger to my phone and don't connect the charger to the outlet. Been happen since day one. Which sucks because it also happen when my power goes out.
  4. SlightlyDum

    Lumia 950xl without battery!!

    Rounded are original. I got two from them. It's been two month and not a single reset.
  5. SlightlyDum

    Downloading movies to the 950XL

    There is an app called Voodvid. Try that.
  6. SlightlyDum

    Pictures + Videos Taken With My Lumia 950 XL

    Its actually the original back cover. Here in asia (Cambodia to be more specific), they warp it with a sticker... They do it so well that you can't believe its even a sticker. Many colors to choose from too... and it only cost $2usd and it only take them like 5 minutes.
  7. SlightlyDum

    Pictures + Videos Taken With My Lumia 950 XL

    Picture of a 950xl taken with a 950xl.
  8. SlightlyDum

    Recommendations where to buy Lumia 1020 battery has original batteries. I've ordered with them before.
  9. SlightlyDum

    New battery

    After a week of testing the battery is amazing. Not one reset the entire week and the battery life is insane. I was getting around 20% at the end of the day. Now I'm getting 60%. Charges very fast too. has two batteries as of now for sell.
  10. SlightlyDum

    Cannot add specific ringtones to specific contact.

    When I go into the People app, click on a contact and try to add a ringtone to that contact. It quickly open and closes out automatically. Tried soft reset but no luck. 950xl DS with the latest fast ring.
  11. SlightlyDum

    New battery

    A 24hrs update on 950xl batteries from I'm running the latest fast ring (15063). With the original battery my phone would begin to act up once it drop below 70% with the green screen flash, rebooting whenever unlocking or using the camera, sometimes a loud buzzing sound until a soft...
  12. SlightlyDum

    New battery

    The one on the left is the original and the one on the right is the one from I have the other one from rounded in my phone.
  13. SlightlyDum

    New battery

    I just received my two batteries from and I believe they are originals. I'll keep you guys updated and the next couple of days for testing.