Pictures + Videos Taken With My Lumia 950 XL

A simple still life ..

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Zoom in and count the rings; see how old this tree was...
(the top had been broken off in a wind storm, so the rest was cut down....up on the BC coast)
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I show my pics to my co-workers, and even though i'm the only one using a Windows phone, i get such positive feedback on how great the pics look on my phone. The camera/screen combo on this phone is the best!
Where did you get the cherry red back for your 950 XL ? Love it !

Its actually the original back cover. Here in asia (Cambodia to be more specific), they warp it with a sticker... They do it so well that you can't believe its even a sticker. Many colors to choose from too... and it only cost $2usd and it only take them like 5 minutes.
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We've had a long cold winter, and a dreary cold rainy spring; it's finally starting to warm up, and my flowers are happier....
Let's see some pictures from the new big bad camera that sits in your pants pocket.

The rear camera is a 20MP, Backside-illuminated PureView sensor with Optical Image Stabilization, Auto focus with two-stage capture key, Fast Focus and high resolution zoom. It has a triple LED natural flash and a true 16:9 sensor size of 1/2.4". And it records at 4k resolution. Not to mention the new and constantly improving Windows Camera software.

Post pictures and videos below. I'm going to go get some popcorn.

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  • The moderators of this forum reserve the right to edit or remove your posts as necessary so they comply with our Community Rules.
  • The forum will automatically resize your picture thumbnails so the forum structure isn't broken.

Feel free to look over the Community Rules & Guidelines before you post.

If you want some great advice on how to fine tune your photography skills, check out Muessig's excellent guide: So you want to take better pictures?

And for more photography info and chatter, check out the photography forums: The Photography Lounge - Windows Central Forums

Unfortunately I have no pics to share as I used my 950XL for four days and after an insider update the camera never worked again, it's been dead por six months! Phone works fine, I tried every tutorial and still nothing.
Unfortunately I have no pics to share as I used my 950XL for four days and after an insider update the camera never worked again, it's been dead por six months! Phone works fine, I tried every tutorial and still nothing.
We feel for you!!
Something similar killed the main camera on my 830, some time back.
I was fortunate to have a 1520 to fall back on. The camera on 950XL is superb..

No edits, just cropped to 4:3. Low light with a fussy cat.

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The top pic is using my Samsung Galaxy S5; the second is using my 950 XL. These phones are about the same age; i'm very happy with my 950 XL camera!
It's Monday, and it was pouring down.
Manual, 1/2500s

Edited for weekend footie results, and gradient HDR effects with Fantasia Painter


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