Pictures + Videos Taken With My Lumia 950 XL

Shot RAW with the 950XL and edited in Lightroom. California's Newport Beach (HDR) and Getty Center
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Dammit, everytime I am thinking of getting rid of my 950xl due to lack of apps, I see all these gorgeous photos knowing that latest android camera phones won't match the quality of 950xl!

Dammit, everytime I am thinking of getting rid of my 950xl due to lack of apps, I see all these gorgeous photos knowing that latest android camera phones won't match the quality of 950xl!


Exactly the reason that every time I get another Android or iPhone, I end up back at the 950xl after a short while
I always go ISO50, raw mode and crank the manual focus all the way down and fiddle with the .dng in Rawer - so worth it!

I installed Rawer last week and paid for all the features after seeing the pics you posted above. I never really bothered much with Raw files til I realised you can actually do some decent editing to them on the phone itself and not have to go to the pc every time. I'll have a little play with those settings you mentioned. Still learning lol

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