Recent content by ssapre

  1. S

    WTB: Lumia 1020

    I have one, sending PM.
  2. S

    Recommendations where to buy Lumia 1020 battery

    Just saying again, I have a 1020 screen broken. So if you want to buy battery, I can try to remove it... Just in case.
  3. S

    Recommendations where to buy Lumia 1020 battery

    You still looking for one? I have one if you want to buy.
  4. S

    Verizon - MS Lumia 735

    And soon goes out of stock !!
  5. S

    Verizon - MS Lumia 735

    MS Store online has it on sell again -...
  6. S

    Why should I wait for Surface Phone? Then wait for Surface Phone 2?

    Before I jump to the question, I am well loving my Windows Phone as well as using it as daily driver. So nothing like being anti-Windows or anti-non-windows stuff :-) Looking into the way Mobile world progressing with MS and non-MS companies, I would like to ask Dan - why should I wait for...
  7. S

    Not enough memeory on mobile

    414 'GB' is well more than enough to update most of the things :-) I think you meant 414 MB, in that case you need to move stuff off the phone memory / remove some apps to make space before you want to update it.
  8. S

    SP4 including Black type cover and Pen at $699 at Sam's

    MS has similar deal, doesnt include Type cover. Sam's is online only including type cover and pen -...
  9. S

    MS Lumia 640 at $9.99 at Cricketwireless with new activations

    Lumia 640 at $9.99 for new activations. Might be applicable to upgrades as well for existing customers, though am not sure. They also have Lumia 635 at $19.99 !
  10. S

    MS store

    that is the real problem. As you said, success depends on proper execution, but if they come up with a so called ground breaking phone giving you same experience in 2018 what some of their competitors giving today, that would add to just another failure. BTW, MS Store near me doesnt even have a...
  11. S

    XAP files probleme (Lumia 930 Windows 10)

    if you are trying that on Windows 10 with the SDK application for Windows 8.1, that might not work. You might have to install Windows 10 SDK application and then install xap.
  12. S

    how do you change the name on the startup screen win 10? between your picture and your password.

    If you logged in using a microsoft ID, that would be as your first, last name in the microsoft settings. Else you can try and see in Settings > Search for 'Your info' and go to first search result.
  13. S

    Lumia 650 with extras

    Payment done. Pls check :-)
  14. S

    XAP files probleme (Lumia 930 Windows 10)

    Are you running Win 10 on it or 8.1?
  15. S

    Lumia 650 with extras

    Tried to send you a PM. Let me know if you got it.