Recent content by Vectraat

  1. V

    WP8 / Lumia 920 Questions

    So how do > People > "Rooms" and "Groups" work exactly? Can I invite someone from iOS or Android to them? Is the sound for alerts like someone calling / notifications - louder than the keyboard typing clicks? Seems like when I turn the volume up so I can hear the keyboard clicks the alerts are...
  2. V

    WP8 / Lumia 920 Questions

    When you're texting / using the keyboard - is there any way to hide the buttons at the bottom? Like the attachment/switch/send or other buttons? It's such an odd placement as they bump up the keyboard another inch up the screen.
  3. V

    WP8 / Lumia 920 Questions

    Ya, it just says "Connecting to the network is taking longer than usual" "This computer has limited connectivity to NOKIA Lumia 920" Is the network security key in Windows 7 just the password from internet sharing on WP8?
  4. V

    WP8 / Lumia 920 Questions

    Any idea how to get tethering via USB to work? I assume - >Connect 920 via USB cable > Settings > Internet Sharing > On > Shows "Broadcast Name" "Password" etc Yet when I look at internet access bottom right of my computer task bar it says "This computer has limited connectivity to NOKIA...
  5. V

    WP8 / Lumia 920 Questions

    Is there any way to remove Facebook account from "people" without deleting Facebook from "email and account settings"? I don't want "people" being populated by those that I know on FB.
  6. V

    WP8 / Lumia 920 Questions

    Thanks for the responses. 1.) All the battery apps really only update once every 30 minutes? Wow....Kinda useless then. 2.) When you link the inboxes are all the emails just thrown into one inbox? It's not confusing? 3.) The photos in my camera roll are displaying via live tile. So I don't...
  7. V

    WP8 / Lumia 920 Questions

    Just got a L920. Played around with it for about 15 minutes so far and I have some questions... (New to WP8 OS) 1.) Is there no way to add someone from texts to your contacts list? I.E. link a name? I access the contacts via "people" "all" That's the only way to add people and phone numbers...
  8. V

    Quick question - Production Models

    Is there a way to tell by looking at a box or phone (920) whether It's an early production model or a newer one?
  9. V

    Lumia 920 reviews

    Re: Nokia 920 rant / first impressions The features of the Nokia 920 are appealing to me. Would rather get it than the 8x. Does the 8x have issues? Is there a way to verify if a 920 is an early production unit from looking at the box?
  10. V

    Lumia 920 reviews

    Re: Nokia 920 rant / first impressions It's not like the demo unit is being moved in and out of a pocket collecting lint or dust. It's reasonably stationary (locked down) in a clean environment. So I wouldn't have expected to see such a dirty FFC. I spoke with said employee for about 30...
  11. V

    Lumia 920 reviews

    Nokia 920 rant / first impressions Ok, after doing over a week of research on the 920 and Windows Phone 8 OS I'd say I'm quite familiar with the hardware and software issues without ever having used the phone. So I decided to check it out in-person at a Microsoft store here in Canada. 1.) 1...
  12. V

    Need help verifying WP8 issues

    So is it fair to say that newer 920's won't have issues or at least there's a much higher chance that they won't?
  13. V

    Need help verifying WP8 issues

    Ok, thanks for the great feedback so far guys... But I need to narrow this down a bit more so I don't feel like buying this phone is hit or miss due to random chance....because that doesn't make much sense? It seems that a lot of these issues are due to the first production units......? SO would...