Re: impressions over the first 24 hrs
Why hello there, how are you? Its been a while, I know Internet. I have been away, living life, enjoying a new phone. In fact, it is that very phone who inspired me to speak out. Just like itself - a phone who speaks it's mind and tells a tale about me - I must speak out and tell the world about it. It's beautiful, wonderful -- and somehow these words cheapen the device. Make it seem like the next iPhone, or Galaxy S device, or just another fad that will pass as surely as a politician will lie. No, this phone is something unique. I'm not sure there has been another phone like it. Forget it's predecessors -- they are just mock ups, awaiting the real deal. That is right Internet -- I am talking about the Nokia Lumia 920.
With that intro out of the way, let's continue the review. The Lumia 920 is a phone of many colours. And I mean that literally. White, Yellow, Cyan, Red and Black. Define yourself, in this phone. It begs you to. Just read some of the reviews that have come before me, in this thread. One spoke about how the phone spoke to her. And it truly does. I rock the Yellow Lumia 920, because it makes a statement about me. I am loud, annoying and outgoing. Not afraid to stir up trouble. And just like me, the Lumia 920 makes people comment about it. A co-worker literally asked me if that case comes with the phone. I looked at her and said yes, because that is the phone. Another co-worker came up to me and said, "Nice phone." I could go on, I truly could, but you are beginning to see the picture. This phone isn't about what's inside. Who care's. It is about what it says about you, and my friend, it can say a lot about you. Are you shy, not want to be outgoing? Go for that Black one (not dissing you who choose that one -- I have seen it, and it's quite the beast). Do you feel dangerous with that Red Lumia? How unique is that Cyan? White must mean you are a clean freak - surely you are going to be cleaning it forever and a day. But hey, that is who you are. Just like a Jedi chooses his/her lightsabre, you must choose the Lumia that speaks about you.
Enough about the looks. It's important part of why I choose the device, but not the soul reason. No, there is something much more than cosmetic goodness going on here. Yes, the phone has a lot to say -- but it can back up it's words. With one of the most impressive camera's I have seen on a smartphone -- and I think everyone can agree with that. I mean, look at this picture of my car.
That was taken in a pretty dark place, but you can't tell can you? And the camera continues to impress, day in and day out. I love it. I can now take a picture of all the moments with my kids growing up, and auto save them safely and privately to my skydrive. Yes, sure, Android can do that with Google+. But that is something people can see. This no one can unless I allow them to.
The speed and reliability of the OS is pretty outstanding. Yes, yes -- people have had a headache with the phone. A friend of mine his Lumia had trouble after trouble. Go to this forum and read the horror stories. But with a new OS, a new kernel and a new phone you expect some problems to happen. Windows Phone 8 probably wasn't ready last year. But by now, it is starting to get a good footing. I asked the ATT guy -- who knew I was set on the Lumia, so I doubt he was lying to me -- if they have had a lot of trouble with the phone. He said other then the software glitches, he hasn't seen many people come in to return their device. Which was good, and shows you just how wide spread -- or not -- the problems really are. Yes, manufactures have problems. Everyone does. But just because some unhappy customer had a bad Lumia, doesn't mean you do. I mean, there are people who love Comcast, yet I myself have a horrible time with them. DirectTV? I had a girlfriend who swore by them. Yep, they screwed me over too. Does that make her experience invalid? No. It means I was an unlucky customer, and I don't think either company is horrible. Well, I worked for Comcast, so yes they are evil. :winktongue:
I think it should be noted, I am listening to music that I downloaded from Xbox Music while I write this. Another plus. It's a wonderful music device. I have hated the two Androids I have owned -- both the Galaxy S and Galaxy SII -- because their music apps were left lacking. Yes, I am sure there was an app I would and could fall in love with. With a busy life, however, working full time, raising two kids and going to school full time -- where will I find time to go through them all and find the right one? And downloading music is expensive. I have to buy each song? Why can't I just pay a subscription fee -- which I fully plan on doing this, I can't imagine not now -- so I can download every song I want. I mean, I keep tagging songs with Shazam and downloading them when I get home over my WiFi (3GB of data will be the death of me!). This is so awesome. Yes, I consider this a feature of Windows Phone, and thus my Nokia. With the iPhone, do I have perfect integration with iTunes? Maybe, but with no subscription I can't afford the hundreds of dollars I would spend in one week. Let alone a month or year. Yes, sure, I am sure there are apps with subscription services. Is Shazam integrated with those services like it is with Xbox Music? If not, I can't use it. I'm too lazy. I have the perfect set up, and I am not giving it up.
Finally, wireless charging. The saving grace of any device in my opinion. It's so easy to charge this phone. Wait, on that shiny new Galaxy SIV you have to plug it in? Dude, that is so old school. Check this out **puts my phone on the charge, without effort**. I personally hate plugging in that little micro usb. Now I hardly have to. Wait, your phone doesn't last all day, you say? My phone does, and has. It's still chugging and the day is over. Yes, I used battery saver. Yes, GPS, WiFi and Tap+Send was turned off. No, LTE wasn't off and I have a great signal at my work. Got off early, and you know, it still is alive. It's amazing. I guess I don't need that wireless charger, huh?
Yes, I skipped over some faults. But those you have heard before, and they are software features that don't really bother me and **could** be fixed. As long as the phone works and does not lag, I am happy. This phone does that and more, so you should buy it.