Lumia 920 reviews

I've been using my Lumia 920 for almost three weeks now and let me say that I absolutely love it :D Greatest design ever (what a thing of sheer beauty!) and performance is leaps and bounds over my old Focus. Plus, it has a gorgeous screen and a really powerful camera. I'm so happy I chose it, my red Lumia 920 is definitely the best phone I've ever had and will keep it for a long while.
Re: impressions over the first 24 hrs

new update, NOKIA MUSIC SUCKS, songs wont play it is more like a store than a streaming music service like it was advertised, once in awhile it will play a song and then sit there, what a joke i really didn't need another puzzle.
hey man you should try audiotica its great !
Nokia 920 rant / first impressions

Ok, after doing over a week of research on the 920 and Windows Phone 8 OS
I'd say I'm quite familiar with the hardware and software issues without ever having used the phone.

So I decided to check it out in-person at a Microsoft store here in Canada.

1.) 1 sales rep said his 920 locked up a number of times requiring soft/hard resets. I asked if customers were having issues with their devices. He stated some reported rebooting issues.
2.) Looked at two 920's. One owned and one demo. The demo had dust particles stuck in the FFC. I pointed this out to a sales rep. She looked so embarassed. The other 920 was employee owned, and the polycarbonate body was mangled at the top. I could press it IN deeply as if to say there was an imaginary button there. This was not caused by a drop. Both issues were reported on this forum and the Nokia forums. Heck, the employee was trying to hide the construction issue and only mentioned it when I brought it up.

So those were my first impressions within the first 10 minutes of being at the store. What the **** is everyone going on about saying that Nokia = build quality?
Yah, the phone looks aesthetically pleasing as does the OS. It's fluid and I enjoy using it, but the hardware construction is ****. And while I didn't find any issues with the OS (I didn't use it for long enough.) I'd bet issues are there.

Still - even experiencing all these issues I really want this phone and OS, or am I simply masochistic? I want something new and fresh...

I guess I could always buy and return it if I notice hardware/software issues... There's a 14 day return policy.
However with my luck something will screw up after the return policy ends.

What should I do?

I'm not particularly a fan of Android. I have owned a Samsung S3, a Motorola Razr HD LTE, and a Sony Xperia Acro S, and a friend has the Sony Xperia Z (That screen is too big for me.) I'm always taking my phone in and out of my pocket for work and I need to use it one-handed often, so a phone that big just doesn't suit me. I also don't like Android keyboards. (I've used plenty of 3rd party keyboards) I just don't like it. And to me the OS just seems laggy (On every Anrdoid device I've used.)

I've had an iPhone 3GS. I hate the limitations, but for me the size and keyboard are the best. The OS is just boring and outdated at this point and it's behind Android in terms of functionality.
But I feel the OS is more polished / fluid, so It's a trade-off.

I realize there is no perfect phone out there, but after the experience with the Nokia 920 I am not even sure which direction to go anymore.

Re: Nokia 920 rant / first impressions

Every type of phone will have issues of some sort. Demos have problems all the time because tons of people play with them. I have had zero issues with mine (got it day one). Also, I only have one slight blemish on the bottom even though it has been dropped on concrete multiple times. It is a well made phone but no phone is perfect. 920 has less than most if you ask me.
Re: Nokia 920 rant / first impressions

I completely understand how you feel. I love my Lumia 920 but was severely dissapointed in the build quality. Me and my wife have gone through 6 units between us. Proximity sensor messed up and creaking and clicking bodies. Replacements were all hassle free but our current units still creak and clicking. I have just accepted it now.

I often wonder what people are smoking when they gush about Nokia build quality. Certainly not manufacturing quality and I can't say durability either. I dropped my phone from hip height once. It landed on the corner and mangled it. Wouldn't be so bad but due to the body design the top piece became loose and made a loud clicking noise. Dropped my iPhone 4 all the time. It scratched but was solid as a rock. All the YouTube drop tests just see if it turns on and if it cracked.

From my experience I love the industrial design and the OS is stellar. However, I think it might be worth waiting for the 928 or next release at this point.
Re: Nokia 920 rant / first impressions

seems like a lot of the canada unit is having the creaking problem.
Re: Nokia 920 rant / first impressions

As for trying demo units, they are almost always terrible and not indicative of the phone or the OS.

As for using one of the employee's phones, no telling what he did to it. I'm guessing if he bought it and it was like that then he most certainly would have exchanged it. More than likely he messed it up in some way and no telling how he or she did it.

As for overall quality of the 920, I've had two of them. The first was bricked after an attempted hard reset after a few months of use. When it comes to how well the phone was built, I've had no complaints and I didn't baby that phone. As a matter of fact, I dropped it more than a few times. The same goes for the second unit. Which still looks new after a few weeks of use.

It's important to remember that:

1) The easiest person to fool is yourself. Just because something happens to you doesn't mean that its significant or usual.
2) People don't come to message boards to exalt the amazingness of any device. On the contrary they usually come for help or to vent and both situations share the same characteristic, i.e. something is wrong with the device.

Don't let either situation deter you, if you really want the phone get it. If the phone turns out to be terrible in build quality exchange it as it will likely come with a warranty. If you're apprehensive then look at a few more units and talk to random owners on the street if you're feeling talkative and ask them. Either way, I wish you all the luck in your search!
Re: Nokia 920 rant / first impressions

So you made a decision based on demo units essentially? Yes you should buy an iPhone.
Re: impressions over the first 24 hrs

Why hello there, how are you? Its been a while, I know Internet. I have been away, living life, enjoying a new phone. In fact, it is that very phone who inspired me to speak out. Just like itself - a phone who speaks it's mind and tells a tale about me - I must speak out and tell the world about it. It's beautiful, wonderful -- and somehow these words cheapen the device. Make it seem like the next iPhone, or Galaxy S device, or just another fad that will pass as surely as a politician will lie. No, this phone is something unique. I'm not sure there has been another phone like it. Forget it's predecessors -- they are just mock ups, awaiting the real deal. That is right Internet -- I am talking about the Nokia Lumia 920.

With that intro out of the way, let's continue the review. The Lumia 920 is a phone of many colours. And I mean that literally. White, Yellow, Cyan, Red and Black. Define yourself, in this phone. It begs you to. Just read some of the reviews that have come before me, in this thread. One spoke about how the phone spoke to her. And it truly does. I rock the Yellow Lumia 920, because it makes a statement about me. I am loud, annoying and outgoing. Not afraid to stir up trouble. And just like me, the Lumia 920 makes people comment about it. A co-worker literally asked me if that case comes with the phone. I looked at her and said yes, because that is the phone. Another co-worker came up to me and said, "Nice phone." I could go on, I truly could, but you are beginning to see the picture. This phone isn't about what's inside. Who care's. It is about what it says about you, and my friend, it can say a lot about you. Are you shy, not want to be outgoing? Go for that Black one (not dissing you who choose that one -- I have seen it, and it's quite the beast). Do you feel dangerous with that Red Lumia? How unique is that Cyan? White must mean you are a clean freak - surely you are going to be cleaning it forever and a day. But hey, that is who you are. Just like a Jedi chooses his/her lightsabre, you must choose the Lumia that speaks about you.

Enough about the looks. It's important part of why I choose the device, but not the soul reason. No, there is something much more than cosmetic goodness going on here. Yes, the phone has a lot to say -- but it can back up it's words. With one of the most impressive camera's I have seen on a smartphone -- and I think everyone can agree with that. I mean, look at this picture of my car.


That was taken in a pretty dark place, but you can't tell can you? And the camera continues to impress, day in and day out. I love it. I can now take a picture of all the moments with my kids growing up, and auto save them safely and privately to my skydrive. Yes, sure, Android can do that with Google+. But that is something people can see. This no one can unless I allow them to.

The speed and reliability of the OS is pretty outstanding. Yes, yes -- people have had a headache with the phone. A friend of mine his Lumia had trouble after trouble. Go to this forum and read the horror stories. But with a new OS, a new kernel and a new phone you expect some problems to happen. Windows Phone 8 probably wasn't ready last year. But by now, it is starting to get a good footing. I asked the ATT guy -- who knew I was set on the Lumia, so I doubt he was lying to me -- if they have had a lot of trouble with the phone. He said other then the software glitches, he hasn't seen many people come in to return their device. Which was good, and shows you just how wide spread -- or not -- the problems really are. Yes, manufactures have problems. Everyone does. But just because some unhappy customer had a bad Lumia, doesn't mean you do. I mean, there are people who love Comcast, yet I myself have a horrible time with them. DirectTV? I had a girlfriend who swore by them. Yep, they screwed me over too. Does that make her experience invalid? No. It means I was an unlucky customer, and I don't think either company is horrible. Well, I worked for Comcast, so yes they are evil. :winktongue:

I think it should be noted, I am listening to music that I downloaded from Xbox Music while I write this. Another plus. It's a wonderful music device. I have hated the two Androids I have owned -- both the Galaxy S and Galaxy SII -- because their music apps were left lacking. Yes, I am sure there was an app I would and could fall in love with. With a busy life, however, working full time, raising two kids and going to school full time -- where will I find time to go through them all and find the right one? And downloading music is expensive. I have to buy each song? Why can't I just pay a subscription fee -- which I fully plan on doing this, I can't imagine not now -- so I can download every song I want. I mean, I keep tagging songs with Shazam and downloading them when I get home over my WiFi (3GB of data will be the death of me!). This is so awesome. Yes, I consider this a feature of Windows Phone, and thus my Nokia. With the iPhone, do I have perfect integration with iTunes? Maybe, but with no subscription I can't afford the hundreds of dollars I would spend in one week. Let alone a month or year. Yes, sure, I am sure there are apps with subscription services. Is Shazam integrated with those services like it is with Xbox Music? If not, I can't use it. I'm too lazy. I have the perfect set up, and I am not giving it up.

Finally, wireless charging. The saving grace of any device in my opinion. It's so easy to charge this phone. Wait, on that shiny new Galaxy SIV you have to plug it in? Dude, that is so old school. Check this out **puts my phone on the charge, without effort**. I personally hate plugging in that little micro usb. Now I hardly have to. Wait, your phone doesn't last all day, you say? My phone does, and has. It's still chugging and the day is over. Yes, I used battery saver. Yes, GPS, WiFi and Tap+Send was turned off. No, LTE wasn't off and I have a great signal at my work. Got off early, and you know, it still is alive. It's amazing. I guess I don't need that wireless charger, huh?

Yes, I skipped over some faults. But those you have heard before, and they are software features that don't really bother me and **could** be fixed. As long as the phone works and does not lag, I am happy. This phone does that and more, so you should buy it.


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Re: impressions over the first 24 hrs

hopin someone can help me..cant figure out how to use my music as there an easy way that im missin?
Re: Nokia 920 rant / first impressions

Lol.... Mine is built like a rock, no issues, no freezes, nothing....... Idk what you're talking about really.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express
Re: Nokia 920 rant / first impressions

As for trying demo units, they are almost always terrible and not indicative of the phone or the OS.

As for using one of the employee's phones, no telling what he did to it. I'm guessing if he bought it and it was like that then he most certainly would have exchanged it. More than likely he messed it up in some way and no telling how he or she did it.

It's not like the demo unit is being moved in and out of a pocket collecting lint or dust. It's reasonably stationary (locked down) in a clean environment. So I wouldn't have expected to see such a dirty FFC.

I spoke with said employee for about 30 minutes. He only uses the phone at work. But you're right - anything could have happened. For all I know he dropped it at work. However I saw no other visible damage - not even a single scratch on the phone and I didn't think he was lying to me. It's not in his best interest to lie to me as his sole purpose is to sell these phones.

I've seen too many posts on these forums and on the Nokia forums to ignore the evidence that I've now seen with my own eyes. Defective units my ass.
More like poor quality control / craftsmanship.
Re: impressions over the first 24 hrs

Hey download ringtone maker from the store it lets you set your favorite song as ringtone.
downfall is your can set the ringtone limit to max 30 secs,
Re: Nokia 920 rant / first impressions

It's not like the demo unit is being moved in and out of a pocket collecting lint or dust. It's reasonably stationary (locked down) in a clean environment. So I wouldn't have expected to see such a dirty FFC.

I spoke with said employee for about 30 minutes. He only uses the phone at work. But you're right - anything could have happened. For all I know he dropped it at work. However I saw no other visible damage - not even a single scratch on the phone and I didn't think he was lying to me. It's not in his best interest to lie to me as his sole purpose is to sell these phones.

I've seen too many posts on these forums and on the Nokia forums to ignore the evidence that I've now seen with my own eyes. Defective units my ass.
More like poor quality control / craftsmanship.
I have handle a creaking phone, certainly not perfect but the owner can live with it which is why he has not return the phone, same goes to the SR in the store.
Re: Nokia 920 rant / first impressions

The demo had dust particles stuck in the FFC. I pointed this out to a sales rep. She looked so embarassed.
Why? Did the sales rep work for Nokia?

Thoughts? Don't get a 920. Get the HTC 8X. Or get the next Nokia. Or get a 920 that isn't from an early production run.

Or, there's always Blackberry.
Thanks for the reviews everyone...
But Man, such a mixed bag of reviews for the phone.

mixed bag? this is a reality for quite a few of us and what is most frustrating about the lumia 920. I made the leap in December 2012 and have endured the erratic gps performance (something allegedly linked to the att network), the random device shutdown and the mildly disappointing app performance (onebusaway and noka transit, for example). on the up side, the phone is attractive and the battery life impressive but my confidence in this device and my willingness to stick with it has been rocked! i'm on my 2nd replacement (which has been largely issue free) and am sure to leave nokia/wp8 with the next bit of trouble...if not sooner!
Re: Nokia 920 rant / first impressions

Why? Did the sales rep work for Nokia?

Thoughts? Don't get a 920. Get the HTC 8X. Or get the next Nokia. Or get a 920 that isn't from an early production run.

Or, there's always Blackberry.

The features of the Nokia 920 are appealing to me. Would rather get it than the 8x.
Does the 8x have issues?
Is there a way to verify if a 920 is an early production unit from looking at the box?
Ive purchased a mint used htc 8x, and sofar, no issues whats so ever, battery life is the only downside. But for those of you who still want to get a lumia 920, and live in Canada and are with rogers.Here is the best deal as of yet.

so uh yeah... that used htc 8x I bought, its been great, no freezes or any problems... but um, it turns out that its involved in a police criminal investigation.. Police had to seize the phone...

why me ;(

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