Lumia 920 reviews

A great OS on a lost trail.
Writing a review is always hard. You want to be as fair as possible and still not give in to your fanboism. But here I go.

Riddled with wierd buggs and inconsistencies the Lumia 920 is the best WP device to date, and that is all there really is to it.
Nokia have poured every resource there allowed by big daddy Microsoft, and the hardware is really wonderful but with a operating system that leaves you frustrated or confused, its hard to keep the initial loving feelings.
Windows Phone as a operating system have always looked stellar, and with Windows Phone 8 things is definitely looking better. But where WP7 lacked it had always one thing going for it and that was rock solid. I almost forgot how to restart my last HTC Titan phone, and that's a good thing.
Nokia Lumia 920 with Windows Phone 8 (WP8) is eye candy in everyway, but at the tradeoff of stability. In fact, L920 might just restart by it self , maybe just to despise me?

And there the journey to the center of the earth starts, to bad its not as entertaining as a movie. Now believe me, good or bad, you have never the less bought a ticket for a ride you might not have wanted in the beginning. And you might like it, you might hate it, but its a trip never the less so lets get on a time period train of one Lumia 920 owner. And yes I have used WP7 devices since the start
In the beginning there was only darkness. Then I turned on the phone and there was light... on the display. No, nothing bad actually happens in the startup of the phone, so far so good.
One week into using the device I felt good, it was snappy, the 4G connection blazing fast, we finally got Zune Music..ahem, Xbox music, and hey, that new smell is hard to beat. The only problem so far seemed to be a GPS issue, maybe in conflict with the 4G network is what i belived. Hey its a new OS so you should expect issues right?"- just you wait, well get there".
The new smell had some small stench to it also, and that was the apps. No, I know, apps don't smell, but they can get old. So a lot of games and apps looked pretty dated on a wonderful Lumia 920 screen. Of cause there weren't many WP8 apps in beginning and they been coming slow. "- just you wait, well get there".
Now, after a week have passed it seems like the love relationship with me and my L920 was about to go on a long hill the center of the earth?
After one week I could account for...
• GPS location issues
• Device getting really hot
• Apps are not all there.

Well well, just give it time. So time I gave it and stumbled on new issue's as time grew older. I will spare you the long story, but here is the issues I have with my phone, something that in my eyes should not be there, or basically is a flat out bug. (Bzzzzzz?)

• GPS location problem fixed it self...yay, and turned out to introduce the horrible inaccurate WP GPS experience. If you really dig in to what its actually counting and displaying you see it gets downhill fast. Every competing device will give you more correct data if your out exercising for instance, which stings since my friends are all iPhone and Android. My pride got hit hard.

• Well, the device just gets warmer. On the day Asphalt 7 came out, I believe there was a false report of a reactor melt down in my neighborhood.

• Network issues. Yes, i might be surfing the web, cruising in a game or hanging out in WP centrals forum. Poff, and there the internet troll stands, handing me the sign "-network error" and jumping exited. *Sigh* It's really annoying having internet trolling on the phone it self. Now, like if this was not annoying enough, the speeds on internet is now slow and not feeling very 4G?sh at all. I would say there more like 2G ?sch ...and sometimes, 0G s.
Hmm, no nor space to write in the WPCentral forum app...will go on computer to se if I can continue... cant see what im typing, lol ...=P

• Music player crashes.... really really annoying. You hit the Music "app" and go in to "Music/Artists" and notice that suddenly the OS studders a bit. If you do see this, you will start a shanting in your head sounding something like ...."-no you dont, you do not dare, you..." AAAAND in a 98% likelyhood the phone (and god?) will ignore you and force close the player. So the stuttering in the Music app is really a spiritual experience i belive. And i dont belive in god =-(

• Notifications on Tiles. Lets try to be realistic about the notification system. Its not that i am shanting for a notification hub.... its more something like...THEY DO NOT WORK. Pardon, my caps just auto stuck and couldn?t get it out. Well to be fair, they do work ... when they feel like it. And i feel that they should work, like, always, simple as that.

• Batteri is super grea, no, not really. Here is what i done. I turned off Facebook chatt, Bluetooth, WiFi, NFC, Sync only on WiFi. I have uninstalled all Nokia Apps (yes all) Skype, Weather apps etc. What i have left to do now is turn of position and data to make the last jump. And i now am getting 9-10 hours of battery Life. If feels like that the only battery saver feat i have left is to turn on Airplane Mode....and that dear folks would leave me with a meager mp3 player.

• Screen brighness is perfectly flawed. On a posetive note, it sure saves battery power.

So there we have it. One frosty cake for the icing is also the so called durabillity of these phones. I treat my phones like royalty and have a reptutation to keep phones in mint condition (sold my 1 year old Titan looking like it was brand new, so proud), and still this have managed to get a dent belove the volym rocker in ...what, a month! And im not working in contruction! "-Well, use a case like everybody else!" you might say. I bought 2 original Nokia (cyagen and red) cases that is protecting the darn thing. Maybe its just that the phone is melting from the heat, who knows, and who cares in the end? This phone is a catastrophy and i wish i could get another phone everyday now. I also curse my self for beliving that WP8 would finally be the thing, not another 2 years of waiting. I pushed my self for 2 years with various Wp7 devices. That should have ended when i orderd "the thing" ....but did god intervene on my behalf? Nooooo.
There is of cause good things about a L920 and WP8. Its only that slowly this phones faults eats your soul away (again with the spiritual thing) so you forget these in the end, over shadow if you will. Yes the screen is lovly, YES the camera is great, Unibody design is great. But in the end, it will not matter if the phone can?t at least function properly, or be of good manufacturing quality. This phone is actully the worst phone i owned! .. and i owned a Motorola A920!
I have been a fan, i have been a prophet (blindly cheering for Microsoft and Nokia like a iPhone user) for the platform and im ready to leave. If i, a loyalist, a supporter around my parts (Im known as Mr Microsoft where i live, i kid you not) are looking for a way out, what does that say, does that matter? How is the regular non techy folks looking at this phone? While im certanly not the center of the World, im not alone with these problems and it is tearing a small ugly rift in the WP community where people are shouting troll to each other, old loyal Windows users are colliding with new. It is sure fluxating times and i wish it was on a posetive note, because wiere still the 3% and should be traveling forward, not standing still..... ahaa im rambing here...
Where is instagram, where is updates to apps and games, where is missing games i bought on WP7, why is apps inferior to iPhone and Android. There are so many questions, and all they can be answerd with is more time. And that might be okay for some, it certanly have been for me...for 2+ years. But no more. Im stuck with this phone for 2 years and i will hate every mile of it ... or at least the 7 months to "Blue" arrives. I survive it...or it will survive me. Im in for a long hard ride anyway. If a Nokia representive would like to take pity and understand that these words are not taken lightly for me and give me back money so i can buy something else, i sure would appreciate it. I want of these horrible experience.

Best Regards from "- just you wait, well get there".

Excuse my English, Im Scandinavian.
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Well I will add in my review.

Had the phone since 5th March, we got it in to evaluate it for our business so have ditched my 4S and volunteered to test it out lol, well my collegeue got to test drive the ipad mini so this was my toy.

So far enjoying the OS, yes it has some quirks as detailed below if there is a way to fix these things then great.

  • Emails no displaying of the year either on the mailbox or when you open the email
  • Music does not respect CD number tags eg if CD1, 2, 3 it will display Track1, Track1, Track1, Track2, Track2, Track2 etc
  • If setting up a new email account, and the phone goes to the lock screen or you press the windows button, the process resets and you have to start the process again.
  • Live tile shows X amount of unread emails, if you click the tile to go to the mailbox will show the unread emails, if you exit back out to the main screen via the windows button it no longer shows X amount of unread emails ala iPhone, Android

Bad side of things I have had the phone lock up 3 or 4 times now just from using it requiring Vol down + Power to get the phone working, issues when turning WiFi off the data doesn't turn on so the phone has to be rebooted.

While someone in tech role can deal with these issue and to a certain extent Windows Phone 8 is a new OS, yes I know 7 was before but the kernel has changed, but the work Nokia and MS seem to be putting into it should hopefully bare fruits.

I am also hoping we will get traditional PPTP/IPSEC VPN access soon as Cisco do not seem to have a SSL VPN app out yet.

So far for a techie person yes I like the phone, but with the above issues at the moment I can not recommend the 920 or Windows Phone OS as an alternative to the iPhones we currently use.

Well I will add in my review.

Had the phone since 5th March, we got it in to evaluate it for our business so have ditched my 4S and volunteered to test it out lol, well my collegeue got to test drive the ipad mini so this was my toy.

So far enjoying the OS, yes it has some quirks as detailed below if there is a way to fix these things then great.

  • Emails no displaying of the year either on the mailbox or when you open the email
  • Music does not respect CD number tags eg if CD1, 2, 3 it will display Track1, Track1, Track1, Track2, Track2, Track2 etc
  • If setting up a new email account, and the phone goes to the lock screen or you press the windows button, the process resets and you have to start the process again.
  • Live tile shows X amount of unread emails, if you click the tile to go to the mailbox will show the unread emails, if you exit back out to the main screen via the windows button it no longer shows X amount of unread emails ala iPhone, Android

Bad side of things I have had the phone lock up 3 or 4 times now just from using it requiring Vol down + Power to get the phone working, issues when turning WiFi off the data doesn't turn on so the phone has to be rebooted.

While someone in tech role can deal with these issue and to a certain extent Windows Phone 8 is a new OS, yes I know 7 was before but the kernel has changed, but the work Nokia and MS seem to be putting into it should hopefully bare fruits.

I am also hoping we will get traditional PPTP/IPSEC VPN access soon as Cisco do not seem to have a SSL VPN app out yet.

So far for a techie person yes I like the phone, but with the above issues at the moment I can not recommend the 920 or Windows Phone OS as an alternative to the iPhones we currently use.

congrats to you...I personally like that I don't have to view the emails right away to stop the live tile action or for it to not show emails that I know are in there.
Thanks for the reviews everyone...
But Man, such a mixed bag of reviews for the phone.
Im currently debating keeping my Nexus 4 or switching it for a Lumia 920......
Lumia 920, frustrated and lost,

Frustrated, is what i am. Ive waited years for my contract to end and to get a new,top of the line,amazing phone.however,that is not what i received when i went ahead and upgraded to a red lumia 920 on a 3 year term, it is all but amazing. Bug ridden and unreliable, im left with uncertainty and having to carry around a second cell phone, as well as setting up a real alarm clock in my room.

To start of;

My first lumia 920, acquired 7/2/2013, would constantly turn off and not turn back on unless i soft reset the phone by hold both volume keys and the power button.It would also lock up and freeze, leaving me with a non working phone and unable to receive calls or be contacted for i was unaware, seeing as the phone was in my pocket or on my nightstand. This led to me missing some work shifts and appointments, for the phone does not reset when it locks up, it just sits there, locked up and draining the battery.
Now then, i tried uninstalling key apps, facebook,nokia,skype, and even a factory restore without backup restore and no apps, yet the issues continued. So seeing as i was within my 15 days exchange period, i went to my local rogers store and exchanged it...

The second lumia 920,red, would not crash or freeze, but it would restart and go into airplane mode, the setting could not be removed for when sliding it off, it would just slide back, the network would remain in a search for networks and although i had wifi turned on and connected, it would tell me not connected. On the phone with nokia and rogers tech support, resetting the phone to factory was a fail. No combination of keys would reset the phone, when trying to turn it off, it would just sit in the goodbye screen ,for hours, and trying to access any apps or setting,messages etc, would go to a black screen and be sent back to the start screen. When the phone came back to life 8 hours later, i did a factory reset without apps settings etc but the next day, it did it again for 12 hours. I brought it back and exchanged it for another lumia 920.

Onto the third, red lumia 920, right off the bat, i noticed battery issues with this phone. I would unplug it in the morning at 100%, 30m later and it would drop down to 84% . No backround apps running, wifi off,nfc off, bluetooth off, no heavy usage, just email checking. At 74% percent, i soft reset the phone, and after it came to, It was at 94%... To test, i installed the battery sense app and the same readings happen to that app. Now, a few days later and it still continues to fluctuate, however, resetting the phone does not give me back the lost battery life, it is fully used in meer hours. Sadly, the battery wasnt the only issue, from day one, the phone would freeze and a reset would be required. I went to my rogers store after trying the factory rest , test, etc. The store told me that although i am within my 15 days exchange period, they will not be exchanging the phone due to the amount ive already had, 3, ive made all the calls and have all the required support tickets to have the phone exchanged but am refused.

The store owner informed me that she will contact a nokia rep about this and see what to do for she does not want to replace it.

So here i am now, still waiting for this rep to reply to her, 4 days away from my 15 days exchange period and still with a defective phone. I asked for a full refund and contract cancelation but was refused and told i could not. I refuse to send out the phone to go through the rogers 60 day repair process that is meerly reinstalling the os and saying no problems found. Ive been through it for years with my other rogers phones...

So this question goes out to anyone out there who can help, what am i to do now?

Update 9/3/2013 1:03pm. I called the store manager to check in and she informed me that the nokia rep said he would accept a swap but nothing else, knowing that it would probably be just a refurbished unit, she ignored him and emailed a higher up asking for a full contract upgrade cancelation and is waiting on a response. Hopefully it works and i will be able to return the lumia 920 and go back to my samsung focus until nokia/Microsoft, gets their act together...
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Re: Lumia 920, frustrated and lost,

I wonder if Roger is recycling return stocks.
All three of your item seems like bad OS installation rather than defective hardware.
Usually happens when tech personnel tries to "refurbish" flash the phone.
Move somewhere away from Rogers. I've noticed a lot of people on Rogers have problems. I am on ATT in 'murica and no problems other than overuse without a shutdown. I'm almost positive it is the Rogers aspect. Unlock/unbrand it if that is an option.
Kick and scream and get out of the contract and move to a real carrier. Rogers is so terrible, I am clueless to how they are still in business.. I would rather be phoneless than give that scam of a company a single $1.
Re: Lumia 920, frustrated and lost,

Cant back out without having to pay the phone in full. :( .
Re: Lumia 920, frustrated and lost,

Elvis: I know u r very upset, u r paying good money, and u get a device that doesn't work by-the-book. Now, all of these matters u have described appear to be OS related, not hardware related as some1 earlier mentioned, and also leads to a conclusion the units r being sold as new, but r infact just refurbished (that was also mentioned). Now I do not know if u r willing to try to do something, and resolve this in a DIY variant, but I do not see any other choice u have ATM.
What I would advise is to flash ur phone, and after the process is done DO NOT return any backups or anything!!! Do everything manually, it is boring as ****, but that might be the only way to see if the issues u addressed r OS or phone related.
The Flashing process is explained in the Forum, look for it, and try to do it. After all, u got nothing to loose :D
Re: Lumia 920, frustrated and lost,

Update 9/3/2013 1:03pm. I called the store manager to check in and she informed me that the nokia rep said he would accept a swap but nothing else, knowing that it would probably be just a refurbished unit, she ignored him and emailed a higher up asking for a full contract upgrade cancelation and is waiting on a response. Hopefully it works and i will be able to return the lumia 920 and go back to my samsung focus until nokia/Microsoft, gets their act together...
Well, i received a reply from Mr.Elop concerning all these issues...

Hello there,

I am sorry that you have encountered these problems. I will ask my team to assist.


soon after, i received an email from nokia support..


Thank you for contacting us with your concern.
We have logged your concern and are currently looking into it. Your service request number is 1-****. Please allow us to handle the details of your case, and our local Nokia customer care team will get back to you shortly. Answers to many of your questions may be located online. Please visit www. for your Nokia product support needs.

Kind Regards,
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Re: Lumia 920, frustrated and lost,

Wow...can't believe the issues you are having...
I have an unlocked Nokia 920 from like a charm. Only "issue" is some small light bleeding around the lower edge which seems to have been a known issue on early units...Nokia offered to replace it but I'm not that bothered and don't want to be without the phone...

Again, can't believe the problems you are having...I could understand it happening on one phone but I've not seen people having your problems with multiple phones.

Good luck to you!
Re: Lumia 920, frustrated and lost,

Weather they be hardware or software bugs, the point of the matter is that i cannot have these bugs happening. My job requires me to be available 24/7 and if i cannot be reached, i lose my positions,pay,work, etc. Ive come to love the l920 but cannot live with its obvious flaws. Hopefully the gdr2 update will determine if these are hardware or software bugs. Until then, i will have to be contempt with a samsung focus.
Re: Lumia 920, frustrated and lost,

Hopefully it works and i will be able to return the lumia 920 and go back to my samsung focus until nokia/Microsoft, gets their act together...

Looks like you have a course of action.
Just received a call from the manager, they've given the go ahead for the return. She said that i can return it and get a different phone, like the ativ s or htc but i said no, having waited soo long for a lumia 920, and all of its hardware, i dont want anything else, that and its a pretty red.
i had forgotten my focus was broken, but ive already arranged to buy a used focus today so ill be returning the 920 after work

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