Microsoft Band 2 vs. Fitbit

James Falconer

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Nov 1, 2012
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Before I get started, don't hate on me folks! Am seriously considering picking up a Band 2, but am a longtime Fitbit user and want to know the strengths and weaknesses of each.

I have a few questions for anyone out there that has used both!

What is the app experience like on your phone? Similar to the Fitbit app? What can I track and do with it?

How is the social component? Can I compete and train with friends?

In your opinion how is the Band 2 superior to the Fitbit devices offered today? (Blaze, Alta, Charge HR, etc.)

Sound off, I want to hear your opinions!


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Sep 30, 2012
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Hi James, my girlfriend and her sister have Fitbits and they enjoy setting challenges to each other and seeing who is winning each time etc. They seem like great devices and have great battery life. The one my girlfriend has is the Charge HR, and its battery lasts like a week on a single charge. But she only uses it for step counting mainly. The Fitbit app on Windows and Windows Phone is great and really full-featured - I imagine it would be the same if not even better on other platforms. the only problem she has had with her Fitbit is getting it to sync reliably on different devices. She had to have her Charge HR replaced, so it could be just a faulty device though.

I, on the other hand, have a MS Band 2 and I've had it since Christmas. I've been using it for checking emails, text messages, Cortana reminders and appointment reminders etc as well as keeping track of the quality of my sleep and daily steps etc. I even go for runs with it and it's been really great to see the device keep track of pace and GPS etc. You can even take steps like telling it to track the GPS less often if you are going for a longer session, in order to maintain battery life. I also use it to control music on my phone daily, and it's been amazingly handy for that. I get regular device feature and stability updates, and I'm really enjoying using the smart alarm feature, which wakes you up within a 30 minute window of the time you set when you're the most alert. I've really noticed the diference there.

I don't use the MS Band 2 for any social competition or anything as I don't know anyone else that has one near me, and I can't compete against my girlfriend (because she has a fitbit) - but I'd love to see some inter-device social networking there although I'm not sure that's ever going to happen. I get 2 days use out of my Band 2, and really it's just a case of making sure to charge it for 30-40 mins in the morning to make sure you're going to get through that day -- then you never have to specifically set aside another time to charge it. It's been quite comfortable for me to wear daily, and it's features really work well (love using Cortana through it!)

If you are going to track any exercise or a run, though, make sure you charge it the next morning in order to get you all the way through the next day.

Let me know if you have any more specific queries and I'll get back to you.


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Nov 20, 2015
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This is my personal opinion, as I have used both fitbit and B2 (current B2 user/previous fitbit hr )

B2 mobile as well as Web applications are exceptionally primitive.

It has been one of my on going disbelief that B2 has more sensors than the international space station however the data coming from them are not been analytically represented in the accompanying health app, in particular the mobile app. Even the bits that are on the health App in my opinion has rather childish feel to it.

B2 as a device, far better than fitbit hr, exceptionally good.

Fitbit app is much colourful, and has more sleek professional look and feel to it.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Nate Silver

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Dec 14, 2014
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If you're using a windows phone, I think it makes sense to go with Band 2. I've had lots of problems on WM10 with FitBit devices. On Android or IOS, it's a much tougher call. Personally, I've always been underwhelmed with FitBit's offerings (I've owned the Surge and Blaze, and ended up returning them both). I really like the Band, but there is an issue with strap construction, and HR monitoring during an activity can be troublesome. Sometimes it works really well, other times not so much. If you're not a serious athlete, I think the Band works fine...provided it holds up. If you're more serious, I'd look at a more serious and dedicated device, like one of the Garmin or Suunto watches.


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Fitbit makes it easier for social competition. With Band, you are limited to tweets for example or third party solutions and you know most don't bother with third party apps. For more lone wolf types, that's not a problem, that's a positive, right? ;)

The Band has promise but Microsoft doesn't have as a long track record that Fitbit or Garmin have so they have a learning curve to move up and might be prone to not-invented-here missteps. Build quality is still a problem judging from the messages in the forums or as some messages have implied, it might be that many consumers who buy the Band/Band 2 have extremely bad luck. Take your pick. No smiley face.


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Has MS said they are going to do anything about the tearing yet? That's the reason I have held off on getting a B2.

I think tearing is not a very common problem. Most probably down to the individuals use of B2.

I have been using it since last November, day and at night, it's on my wrist all the time, well almost all the time, and up to now.. going really well.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Nate Silver

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Dec 14, 2014
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Has MS said they are going to do anything about the tearing yet? That's the reason I have held off on getting a B2.

I don't think there is anything they can do, short of bringing out a redesigned Band 3. Some people don't seem to have a problem with it, but there have been more reported than can be explained away by mis-use.

James Falconer

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@All - really appreciate the feedback here. Am thinking if I want to give the Band 2 a try I'll need to update the Windows Phone I have handy. Have a 550 kicking around my office - pretty sure that's not going to cut it!


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Sep 30, 2012
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Personally I'd recommend the 650 but it really depends on your needs - what do you want in a Windows Phone?


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Dec 31, 2012
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I have an iPhone bloo take this was a grain of salt or even less. Based in reading around here, any Denim operated Lumia will work the best w the Band 2. However, I just discovered the Lumia 950 and that looks like an amazing Windows phone.


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I don't use the MS Band 2 for any social competition or anything as I don't know anyone else that has one near me, and I can't compete against my girlfriend (because she has a fitbit) - but I'd love to see some inter-device social networking there although I'm not sure that's ever going to happen.

The next update to the Microsoft Health App will supposedly introduce social challenges and leader boards, per WC: Microsoft introduces Social Challenges and Leaderboards for the Band | Windows Central.

There are third party options as well, like Bandsider (Band/Band 2 only) or InKin ( - Garmin, Band/Band 2, Fitbit etc. InKin lets users of different fitness wearables compete and compare info by syncing info from each service. Of course, a first party solution is always preferable. Lastly, you can achieve some form of comparison if you link your Microsoft Health app/account to a third party service like Strava that your friends or family use with their other fitness gear.


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I'm was excited to see MS making a social aspect for the band but why does it have to be integrated w Facebook? I hope they offer an alternative to sharing fitness challenges in a more independent manner like Fitbit.


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Jan 18, 2016
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I had my band replaced because the band tore less than 3 months ago and noticed yesterday that my new band has torn as well I don't do anything crazy just wear it while exercise and other stuff


Jun 22, 2012
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I'm also a FitBit and Band 2 user. However, I cant go 100% Band because of the health incentives I have with my insurance. Virgin Pulse is partnered up with FitBit, which allows me to transfer my steps from FitBit to VP, which then allows me to earn money into my health fund.

Since Band 2 is not partnered up with VirginPulse, there,s no way for me to transfer the steps from the Band to VP. I have tried using a medium like Runkeeper, but it only transfers Activities, not the individual daily steps.

Every now and then, I'll have both bands on at the same time, but now I only use FitBit.

I wish MS and VirginPulse would partner up.

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